Tide's Watch Settlement in Haluan Seas | World Anvil
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Tide's Watch

As the first sign of refuge that most visitors to Holokai Island see, Tide's Watch is often a welcome sight. The bustling streets, the many ports, and the overall atmosphere of this city shows visitors just how open and welcoming this city is. In many ways, this is a fantastic introduction to the whole idea of the Haluan Empire , showing everyone that they belong in the empire.


The population of Tide's Watch is rather varied. Many different types of people travel to this island to be a part of the empire. Due to the long trek to get to Raja'umi, many of those people settle here in Tide's Watch. While this city acts as a melting pot for many different cultures, a lot of different sections in the city have popped up based on country of origin. Any visitors here could find subsections of the country they came from and be welcomed by the inhabitants.

Points of interest

The first thing people notice about Tide's Watch is the large lighthouse that sits on the point south of the city. While not technically a part of the city, the denizens of Tide's Watch claim it as their own and have built the city up and out to it.   The ports in this city are always full as this is the only public port on the whole of Holokai Island. Due to this, this port is rich in merchants and people seeking to trade their goods. Any trade coming into or going out of the island comes through these ports. It is also full of people looking to charter a ship to another island.    There are various districts in the city that formed around the culture of a country that has joined the Haluan Empire. Anybody looking for a particular cultural group would not have a hard time finding it, they just have to ask directions from one of the many helpful citizens in the city.


Tide's Watch sits on the coast of Holokai Island. It is the only public port town on the island because it sits at a point where the Talathriel Barrier Reef has a natural split in it, allowing ships to come through. This makes this a very defensible position while also allowing it to be a very wealthy city.
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization


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