Holokai Island Geographic Location in Haluan Seas | World Anvil
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Holokai Island

The abundance of natural resources on Holokai Island make it the perfect place for the capital of the Haluan Empire. Lush, tropical jungles; mountains rich with ore and gems; and a large barrier reef all play into a perfect, natural setting for an empire to prosper.


Holokai Island is situated on the eastern side of the The Tides of Alais. On this side of the island, the ocean meets the island at a tall cliff face. The entire western side of Holokai is cliff faces. There is no shore line, no natural ports, no easy way to reach the sea. Atop these cliffs is lush jungle.    The eastern side of Holokai is a completely different story. This side of the island is full of natural ports, beautiful beaches, and is protected from intense weather by a natural barrier reef that spans most of the shoreline. All of these factors contribute to a rich fishing business that keeps Holokai self-sufficient in terms of food and industry.   Throughout the island are lush jungles and jagged, rising mountains. From east to west, the elevation increases, peaking near the west side of the island at ~700 ft above sea level. While the elevation does decline past that point, the cliffs along the western side of the island still range from 500-600ft above sea level. The jungles also span most of the island, providing home for much flora and fauna, and allowing a rich ecosystem to thrive.

Localized Phenomena

Many people flock to live on Holokai Island. One reason is because it is the center of the empire, it is where everything important to the governing of their lives happens. The other reason is because of the beautiful weather of this island. While there are still the occasional rainstorms, the more severe weather that plagues most of the other islands in the area is noticeably lacking here. This is due to two reasons. The first is the sheer rock face on the western side of the island. This prevents the strong easterly winds from the The Tides of Alais from bringing storms to the more populated side of the island. The second reason is because of the Talathriel Barrier Reef. This reef prevents strong tides and other weather phenomena from approaching from the west, allowing calm weather and beautiful skies to reside on Holokai Island.

Fauna & Flora

Many animals and plants find their home on Holokai Island. Some of the more prevalent ones will be listed below:   Flora:
  • Catmint: This large, leafy green plant grows all over the island. It tends to attract felines of all sizes, but particularly the large tiger population. Due to its stimulating effects, the tigers are largely playful and rarely attack travelers on the island.
  • Spotty Dragonfire: A wildflower with red, yellow, and orange petals that grows to about one foot in height. The flower of this plant only blooms at night. Many of the residents of Holokai Island gather these every few weeks to make into Dragonbrew. This concoction makes the drinker feel more hearty.
  • Tigers: Many tigers live on Holokai Island. Despite their typical demeanor, most of the wild tigers on this island will not attack unless provoked. Researchers believe that this is due to the prevalence of catmint that can be found on the island.
  • Parrots: There is a large parrot population on Holokai. These birds tend to flock to civilization, and, due to their bright colors and penchant for mimicking speech patterns, people tend to welcome and take care of them.

Cities and Towns


Points of Interest


  • Holokai Island
    Detail map of Holokai Island
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