Raja'umi Settlement in Haluan Seas | World Anvil
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After two days of travel from Fenguer's Respite, we were tired, sticky, and just wanted a warm meal and comfortable bed. That's when we see it. The trees clear, the hill crests, and there in front of us is Raja'umi, the City of Light, the City on the Hill. I almost broke down in tears at the beauty of it.
The capitol of both Holokai Island and the whole of the Haluan Empire, Raja'umi is a large city nestled in the mountainous jungles of Holokai Island. The impressive city is a sight to behold as one walks up the path through the jungle.   Known to visitors as the City of Light and the City on the Hill, Raja'umi sits as a place of pilgrimage for citizens of the Haluan Empire. Many come from all over to see this city and to feel like they truly belong to the empire. As is true of all of the Haluan Empire, the citizens of Raja'umi welcome people of every race and creed to visit and partake in the local customs and celebrations. Because this is the capitol of the empire, every day of celebration from the other countries in the empire are also celebrated here, which makes this a popular travel spot for many in the empire.


Much like the rest of Holokai Island, the population of Raja'umi is incredibly varied. People from all over the empire come here to live and celebrate. While there are many permanent residents to the city, there is also a large population of travellers and adventurers who come here as a sort of pilgrimage. One thing to note about the population, however, is that there is a large number of marines who are stationed here, more than anywhere else in the empire. This is due to the fact that Emperor Tyrael Halua lives here with his family, as do all other Protectors of the Light.


Raja'umi is the home of the Haluan Empire. As such, the government structure here is the structure of the empire. Emperor Tyrael Halua has direct say in the laws that are put into place, but he typically is too busy to worry about local laws. Because of that, the Council of Elders and the Royal Conclave tend to be the ones to run the city and enforce the laws. The Haluan Navy also has a say in law enforcement as many marines are stationed here as well.


Raja'umi is a naturally defensible city. Due to its location in the mountains of Holokai Island, Raja'umi is only approachable either by air or by the Jidaro Jungle from the east. In addition to these natural defenses, the city also has walls around and separating each district.  


Raja'umi is one of, if not the, most technologically advanced city in the Haluan Empire. There are roads, sewers, bridges, etc. all throughout the city, the infrastructure a typical city would have. Something of note, though, in terms of infrastructure is that the higher districts in the city are augmented by magic. Magic is used to make transportation around the upper city easier for the citizens. This includes magic elevators, walk ways, and, in some instances, teleporters.


There are four major districts in this city: the Lower City, the Middle City, the Upper City, and the Castle District.   Lower City: This is the largest part of the city and is the lowest in elevation, hence the name "Lower City." Most of the population of the city lives here. While the average family wealth here is rather low, most residents live decently comfortable lives. Of anywhere in the city, this is where most of the crime occurs. Points of interest here include Lower City Central (a central area to the city where performances occur daily and where many celebrations are held) and the Lower City Black Market (a market where goods that may or may not have been obtained legally or goods themselves that are illegal are sold; marines and town guards are paid to look the other way).   Middle City: The second largest part of the city, and a step up in elevation from Lower City. This part of the city is divided into two major parts: Uptown and Downtown. Uptown is where the residents of Middle City live. These are the wealthier residents that are not necessarily nobles. They've either made their money through trade or adventuring and are living a fairly comfortable life. The marine barracks are also located here. The main draw of Uptown is the cozy and comfortable living and the direct connection to Upper City. Downtown is where most of the commerce in all of Raja'umi happens. Shops and businesses are scattered throughout Downtown, and just about anything one could expect from shopping could be found here. The main draw of Downtown is High Street. This is where most of the magic shops and upscale boutiques are found.   Upper City: Home to the Council of Elders, the Royal Conclave, and the Protectors of the Light. Upper City is separated off from the lower districts. Higher up in elevation than Middle City, people coming up to this district must be let in by the city guards. Upper City is also home to the Arcane Alliance, and most of the work that they do is focused on improving both Upper City and Castle District.   Castle District: The peak of the city, Castle District is where Emperor Tyrael Halua and his family resides. Any personal guards and family friends stay in the castle as well. This is the smallest district of the whole city, but is still the most influential and most recognizable. Once a year, on the Coronation Day, the gates are open to allow any visitors to come and celebrate with the Emperor.

Guilds and Factions

Arcane Alliance: A group of mages whose primary function is to use magic to improve the lives of the citizens of Raja'umi.   Artisan's Guild: A group of artisans and business owners from around the city whose primary function is to make sure prices stay fair and trade goods make it into the city.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of Light, City on the Hill
Large city
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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