Fenguer's Respite Settlement in Haluan Seas | World Anvil
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Fenguer's Respite

Named after the famous adventurer Al'Leran Fenguer, this small town in the middle of the Jidaro Jungle is a safe place to rest on the trip from Tide's Watch to Coralvein or Raja'umi. Originally just an outpost, a small town grew around this intersection in the road, and it became a bit of a trading post for those trekking through the jungle. This town is now well established on this trade route, and gives travellers a chance to reenergize and restock on materials before their trek through the jungle.


The population of this small town varies. While there are few permanent residents, one can usually find many adventurers, travellers, merchants, and marines using Fenguer's Respite as a recovery spot. Most of the permanent residents are owners of inns and taverns, shopkeeps, and the occasional marine who has been stationed in town.

Points of interest

There are not many points of interest in this small town. The primary two are the inns and taverns that are usually booked solid and the trading post that many travellers visit. The trading post itself is well stocked by shipments that come through Tide's Watch. They will also accept any items that merchants or traders bring through and are willing to part with.


Fenguer's Rest is situated in the middle of Jidaro Jungle. While the elevation up to this point has increased, this small town is still not in the mountainous region yet, though it is not far off. There is also a lake near by which feeds the stream that flows through the small town.
Location under
Owning Organization


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