Haluan Empire Organization in Haluan Seas | World Anvil
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Haluan Empire

Centered on Holokai Island, the Haluan Empire dominates the Haluan Seas. Its influence stretches from the Kula Kula Sea in the east to the Tides of Alais in the west. From the Frozen Reaches of the north to the Deadly Expanse of the south, and everywhere in between.   The Haluan Empire is the predominant political and military force in the Haluan Seas. It is an collection of many different countries all headed under one leader. From as far back as any written history remembers, the Haluan Empire has reigned in these seas. Since its genesis, its borders have increased greatly, constantly bringing other countries into its fold.   The current leader, Emperor Tyrael Halua, has ruled for the last 263 years. His reign came to a rather abrupt beginning while he was still a young elf when his uncle, the previous emperor, was murdered. Under Tyrael's rule, the Haluan Navy has gained more power and influence across the empire, with ships sailing well past the border and marines forcefully entering countries and gaining the country's allegience to the empire. Some of these new countries and kingdoms are not grateful to have been taken over against their will.


Emperor - Leads the empire, makes decisions for the whole of the empire, leads the Council of Elders.   Council of Elders - A step below the Emperor, handles issues below the Emperor, made up of five members hand selected by the Emperor.   Royal Conclave  - A board of kings and queens of their respective kingdoms, all are from civilizations under the Haluan Empire flag, but each rules their own kingdom.


The Haluan Empire has had a fairly peaceful history, at least from the public's point of view. Upon its founding, the empire began to expand its borders. Talathriel Halua was a fair and benevolent emperor. He expanded the empire, but did so peacefully, offering peace, wealth, and power in return for these countries joining the empire. These initial countries and their monarchs became so trusted that Talathriel appointed them as the Council of Elders.   The empire thrived under the rule of Talathriel Halua. His reign lasted 376 years. During this time, the empire grew to a modest size, and the Haluan Navy was formed. When Talathriel died, he was succeeded by his son, Theoden Halua.   Theoden was largely unpopular with the people due to his aggressive attempts to expand the empire. He attempted to take over countries by war and tyranny. Not long into Theoden's reign was he assassinated. The incident was widely public, and the empire thrown into turmoil for several years because Theoden did not have an heir. His sister, Thallia Halua, however, did have a young son.   Tyrael Halua became emperor at the age of 16. The first years of his reign were difficult, but the Council of Elders guided him and helped him make the decisions that were best for the empire. As he grew into his own, he took the empire back into his own hands, changed the policies of his uncle, and led his empire back into an era of growth and fortune. It was only recently that he began his more aggressive expansion, and since it was gradual, many of his people didn't notice the aggression.

Demography and Population

The population of the Haluan Empire is largely mixed. Due to the nature of the empire, many different peoples are welcomed to be Haluans. Of course, there are always going to be disagreements between the kings and queens of different kingdoms that fall into the empire, but largely among the commonfolk, the Haluans do not discriminate against each other.   Of the immediate population, the common races (human, elf, dwarf, halfling, etc.) are present, as well as some of the more traditionally barbaric races (lizardfolk, aaracokra, goblin, bugbear, etc.) and some more exotic races (firbolg, genasi, aasimar, etc.). As long as they are able to get along with each other and coexist, the Haluan Empire welcomes them.   While most of the islands have differing population make ups, all races can come together and live peacefully on Holokai Island, the central island of the Haluan Empire. Due to these differing peoples all coming together, Holokai Island, and Raja'umi specifically, has a very rich cultural blending.


Founded by Talathriel in the year 86, the Haluan Navy serves as the primary military presence and law enforcement of the empire. The initial purpose of the navy was to explore the sea around them, visit the neighboring islands, and encourage them to join the empire. During Talathriel's reign, they did just that. The navy had a soft touch when it came to absorbing other nations into the empire, and many nations joined because of that.   During Theoden's rule, the navy immediately became more aggressive, pushing further and further out into the seas. The soft-handed approach became more of an iron fist, and the navy began forcefully making nations join the empire. Rebellions started and were subsequently squashed by the navy. This reign of terror ended with the assassination of Theoden.   When Tyrael took the throne, the council recommended reining in the navy. The navy became a peacekeeping force, much like before. As Tyrael grew older, however, he slowly started pushing the navy to be more aggressive, as in Theoden's time. Because the change has been progressive, many citizens haven't really noticed.


There is no official religion of the Haluan Empire. However, due to the nature of many countries coming together, there are many religious beliefs that are fostered in the empire. Despite this, two main gods have a large following in the Empire.   Deep Sashelas - The elf god of the sea. This god has a chaotic good alignment, has the symbol of a dolphin. Despite typically being an elf god, many people have taken up worship of Deep Sashelas in order to garner favor and pray for safety before long journeys on the sea.   Talos - The god of storms. This god has a chaotic evil alignment and has the symbol of three lightning bolts radiating from a single point. Despite being an evil god, or maybe perhaps because of it, many people have taken to making sacrifices to Talos to keep the seas safe from storms in their travels.


  • Haluan Empire Map
    This is a map of all of the territories of the Haluan Empire
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles


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