Jidaro Jungle Geographic Location in Haluan Seas | World Anvil
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Jidaro Jungle

The flies are incessant. The heat is deadly. I can barely breathe in the humidity of this damned jungle. But the beauty makes it all worth it.
-Al'Leran Fenguer
  Nestled between the mountains to the west and the ocean to the east, Jidaro Jungle takes up most of the landmass of Holokai Island. The thick trees and brush of this jungle are cut through by many rivers and streams. The rich ecosystem of this jungle helps the island thrive.


The thick jungle on Holokai Island is full of strong, old trees that have been around since before the Haluan Empire was established. The freshwater rivers and streams that flow through it originate high up in the mountains where rain water collects. The heavy rains of the jungle feed the rich life that resides here.

Fauna & Flora

In addition to the flora and fauna found on Holokai Island, there have been rumors about another herb growing in the jungle that may not grow anywhere else in the Haluan Seas. This herb is rumored to have silver-gray petals that can be brewed into a potion allowing the imbiber to breathe elements like a dragon. While there is no confirmation this flower exists, many rumors have been spreading about it.

Natural Resources

Many trees grow here, and the surrounding towns and settlements use those trees to build their houses and boats and other things that they need to survive. One particular tree is the Pondstone tree. Found near water, this willow produces wood that is light and buoyant and ideal for making boats and canoes.    Other than the trees and flora, the fauna of the jungle allows hunters to make a decent living from just tracking and hunting wild animals. The fauna is plentiful, and many hunters refrain from overhunting, so the ecosystem of the jungle is maintained.
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