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The city of Stolgard dominated the inlet on its northern banks, built centuries ago by the Fhrunlai when they invaded the region, to control trade in and out of the region.   Stolgard is an old city, though much of it was burned during the war when the Norskjarg joined hands with the Korval League and subsequently rebuild creating a clear divide in its architecture of the old longhouses along the coast, and the rebuilt city made by southern architects, of square buildings of brick and stone, carved flourishes and illustrious windows.  

Locations of Interest


Hrakal's Longship

Renowned brewer in the region, Hrakal was known as Hrakal Scourgebringer, a most fearsome Ulhoir raider, until he and his clan was hired by the previous king to partake in the increasingly bloody war against the Noraks. Since then Hrakal has stayed behind, now brewing the most renowned Beer and Mead in the region with the aid of his rather infamous sweet tooth. The Tavern was built from the remains of his old ship which gave it the name, and run by his many warkin.  

The Bruised Elk

An inn of some renown in the region serving generally higher class clientele, travelling merchants and the like, but quite a few come here for the food, as Astrid cooking is quite famous in the region for it's taste and spices which they can afford but also as a strong hearty meal for the dockworkers after a busy day, often hired as a location to celebrate auspicious occasions for the fine food and drinks supplied. Gorm the founder and builder of the establishment is a well-known pillar of the local community and well-liked by many.

Varian's Delights

A luxury import shop run by Varian, whose main clientele would be southern or nobles who long for finer wares from the south, though he mainly facilitates the necessary trade caravans needed to supply the nobility he also operates this shop which sells finer goods and more importantly sweets, though quite expensive it has become a favorite treat for many to celebrate the passing of a week to buy a few sweets for the family.  

The Knud Hospital

Run by the Kastiar Institute the hospital has some ill repute for the fact that it's hounding many of the local healers who don't have a license of true practitioners, it is well regarded within the city for its affordable aid to the ill and quick treatment of work incidents. Founded by King Knud the second, shortly after his coronation.  

Redstone Manor

The ruling seat of the Stolbrand family when the city was rebuilt after the war of independence, Korval engineers and architects were graciously sent to help assist in building the foundation of their new power, though somewhat antiquated by modern standards the Redstone Manor is still a magnificent structure to behold, close to the waterfront it has long been the center of the region.    

Bloodwork Docks

So named for the great butcheries and live fish at the display, it is the greatest harbor in the northern seas, the bloodwork docks are always a busy sight, it has to be for it is the very lifeblood of the Ostfjorn region. The great docks are a magnificent sight to behold, as much for its industry but also for great gatherings.  

Jerlling Gathering

The great communal ground, a place of festivity and theater, music and brewing competitions, the Jerling Gathering hosts daily performances by travelling bards and local artists and weekly plays hosted by the gatherings own group and monthly festivals to celebrate the survival of a moon and ignite the souls of the people to stay warm for another month. Owned by king's wife.

Liberator's Church

Build after the great liberation and thus named for the occasion, soon after Korval's men passed the region, the Stolbrands ordered the construction of the church to cement the joining of the League and their conversion to the Creed of Raziel. The great church though humble by southern standards this mighty wooden structure was made like the great Jarl halls of old to show reverence to one true king of Heaven. Great arches hold a tired roof, in which it's great mid, host as much a mass as it hosts feasts to show the generosity and capacity of Raziel.


Alternative Name(s)
Kairan's Wagt
Location under
Owning Organization


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