Corsereiit Aasimar

whug zokh (/whug zoχ/ , insightful spirit)
  The Corsereiit, also known as the Whug Zokh, are a group of aasimar. An aasimar is considered intrinsically a Whug Zokh when they first reincarnate based on their skin being a deep blue or indigo with pale blue geometric markings, reminiscent of Corserei.   The Whug Zokh aasimar tend to hold similar cultural ideas related to Corserei's principles. It is not unheard of for a different sentient to follow the Whug Zokh style of life and culture. If they show enough piety and devotion to the way of life, the aasimar will hesitantly welcome them.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Corsereiit aasimar have a peosh tzosher name of Zof.


Major language groups and dialects

Whug Zokh speak Modern Celestial in formal settings, religious rites, and when evoking cultural structures (food ceremonies, pleas, etc.). In more casual environments, most Whug Zokh speak Common.   It is a sign of an accomplished mind for a Whug Zokh to learn many languages.

Shared customary codes and values

Whug Zokh are devoted to the teachings of Corserei, the divine moon of knowledge, learning, wisdom, and magic.   The divine duty of the Whug Zokh is to foster discovery, wonder, curiosity, and learning. There is an inherent danger in this, especially considering Hillit's history with grand magic. Knowledge can be a wonderful force to better the world, but it easily can be corrupted into a weapon that will damage the natural order and destroy lives. A Whug Zokh understands this danger and strives to emphasize wisdom alongside knowledge. It is not only important to have the tool of learning, but the presence of mind to know when to use it. Secrets sometimes should stay secrets, some magic should sometimes not be studied, and some knowledge should be closely guarded.

Common Etiquette rules

Whug Zokh stand firmly in ritualized interactions. Virtually every part of their life is enriched with detailed practices, ranging from respecting elders and teachers,humbling requests for aid (known as proposing a plea), deep respect towards skill, and hospitality rituals.   Whug Zokh favor honestly, clarity, and humility in the pursuit of self-improvement. We are all flawed beings trying to find our best selves and holding onto the illusion of perfection will impede progress. It is considered polite to encourage the overcoming of obstacles, but a Whug Zokh would never dare crassly shed light on the failings of another person.   The Whug Zokh is a high-context culture, roughly a value of 10 according to On the Nature of Culture.

Common Dress code

Whug Zokh wear indigo or azure robes that are elegant, comfortable, and sweeping. Glittering sapphires, silver jewelry, armor, and ornamentation is frequently with ceremonial garb. The formal motif includes morninglory blooms and the crowns often have a moth motif. In casual settings, Whug Zokh wears loose, delicate clothing.

Art & Architecture

The Whug Zokh love calligraphy and poetry. Most are accomplished in some form of written art.


Beauty Ideals

Whug Zokh have navy or indigo skin that glitters like sapphires. Bold, simple geometric patterns (lines, arcs, etc.) of pale blue or periwinkle are symmetrically distributed across the skin from head to toe. Like most aasimar, Whug Zokh have no hair on their body.   Whug Zokh favor indigo, violet, and lavender silken robes embroidered with periwinkle embroidery. The fashion is reminiscent of traditional Indian or Khmer clothing in design with strong morninglory themes.   The physical body is a sacred thing, and thus Whug Zokh prize physical conditioning and stamina.

Gender Ideals

Because aasimar do not need to form breeding couples to propagate, Whug Zokh have little in structured gender ideals. Both male and female assigned at birth aasimar are fully capable of fulfilling any role. However, maturity does have ideals.   A freshly reincarnated aasimar has enough knowledge to function in the world, but little in actual experience. They are like children to the Whug Zokh and are given room to visit libraries, academies, and historical sites. After about five years of directionless discovery, the Whug Zokh are expected to settle into a role in the world to fulfill Corserei's will.

Courtship Ideals

Whug Zokh form close personal relationships with a group driven by a shared goal, such as craft or learning. Many Whug Zokh visit and are associated with academies, libraries, or institutions. Their like-minded cohorts help them achieve discovery and wonder in this lifetime and, if a Whug Zokh feels a particularly close kinship of mind with a cohort, they bestow upon them a hand-crafted circlet to represent this bond. If accepted, the Whug Zokh will have a bond and equal in the world until the end of this life.

Relationship Ideals

Whug Zokh rarely form a sexual relationship. Aasimar, being fairly unsexual beings, don't have the same drive as other sentients. Instead, Whug Zokh focus on relationship built around curiosity, discovery, knowledge, and learning.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
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