Samsari Aasimar

pe'refo zokh (/peˈʁefo zoχ/ , eternal spirit)   The Samsari, also known as the Pe'refo Zokh, are a group of aasimar. An aasimar is considered intrinsically a Pe'refo Zokh when they first reincarnate based on their skin being a dark gray (almost black) with iridescent geometric markings.   The Pe'refo Zokh aasimar tend to hold similar cultural ideas related to the Cyclical pantheon's principles. It is not unheard of for a different sentient to follow the Pe'refo Zokh style of life and culture. Even if they show enough piety and devotion to the way of life, the aasimar will rarely welcome them.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Samsari aasimar have a peosh tzosher name of Esten.


Major language groups and dialects

Pe'refo Zokh speak Modern Celestial in formal settings, religious rites, and when evoking cultural structures (food ceremonies, pleas, etc.). In more casual environments, most Pe'refo Zokh speak Common.

Shared customary codes and values

Pe'refo Zokh are devoted to the teachings of the Cyclical pantheon, the divine representation of life, death, and rebirth.   Duty is everything to a Pe'refo Zokh. They are a somber people who consider themselves the last line of defense against defilement of the cycle of life and death. They hunt the undead, seek out necromancers to destroy, and ensure that communities are properly disposing of their dead. They also aid families in grieving over the death of a loved one, help oversee conspicuous births, and commune with troubled spirits who have, for some reason or another, been unable to complete their spiritual journey through reincarnation.   Pe'refo Zokh are a fairly quiet, secretive, and isolated ethnicity of aasimar. Unlike the other four primary ethnicities, Pe'refo Zokh do not usually consort with outsiders or try to ingrain themselves into the world.

Common Etiquette rules

Pe'refo Zokh are a serious and stoic people. They have a deep connection to their traditions regarding communication, hospitality, vows, and pleas. It is considered a sign of weakness to loose control over emotion and Pe'refo Zokh dislike overt emoting. They care little about how they appear to outsiders, but the opinion of their peers is very precious.   The Pe'refo Zokh is a high-context culture, roughly a value of 10 according to On the Nature of Culture.

Common Dress code

Pe'refo wear simple black robes that have no particular features. They rarely wear any ornamentation, even with ceremonial garb, and their silks are decorated with fine geometric patterns embroidered in silver thread. In casual settings, Pe'refo Zokh wear tighter and more practical black cotton.


Beauty Ideals

Pe'refo Zokh have a dark gray or black skin that glitters like obsidian or hematite. Bold, simple geometric patterns (lines, arcs, etc.) of dark irridescent shades (usually indigo, violet, and emerald) are symmetrically distributed across the skin from head to toe. Like most aasimar, Pe'refo Zokh have no hair on their body.   Pe'refo Zokh favor black silken robes embroidered with silver thread. The fashion is reminiscent of traditional Indian or Khmer clothing in design with delicate geometric patterns.

Gender Ideals

Because aasimar do not need to form breeding couples to propagate, Pe'refo Zokh have little in structured gender ideals. Both male and female assigned at birth aasimar are fully capable of fulfilling any role. However, maturity does have ideals.   A freshly reincarnated aasimar has enough knowledge to function in the world, but little in actual experience. They are like children to the Pe'refo Zokh and are given room to visit nation states, civilizations, and people. After about five years of exploration and adventure, the Pe'refo Zokh are expected to settle into a role in the world to fulfill Cyclical pantheon's will.

Courtship Ideals

Pe'refo Zokh rarely form close personal relationships. They hold their duty above all else and can be fairly severe to outsiders. Unlike most other aasimar, a Pe'refo Zokh is most likely to bond with another aasimar of their ethnicity. There is little ritual tied to this, since relationships are not a priority.

Relationship Ideals

Pe'refo Zokh rarely form a sexual relationship. Aasimar, being fairly unsexual beings, don't have the same drive as other sentients. No relationship should ever distract a Pe'refo Zokh from their duty.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
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