Aaluni Aasimar

petzoyon zokh (/peʦoˈjon zoχ/ , just spirit)   The Aaluni, also known as the Petzoyon Zokh, are a group of aasimar. An aasimar is considered intrinsically a Petzoyon Zokh when they first reincarnate based on their skin being silvery white with dark gray-blue markings, reminiscent of Aalun.   The Petzoyon Zokh aasimar tend to hold similar cultural ideas related to Aalun's principles. It is not unheard of for a different sentient to follow the Petzoyon Zokh style of life and culture. If they show enough piety and devotion to the way of life, the aasimar will hesitantly welcome them.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Aaluni aasimar have a peosh tzosher name of Ev.


Major language groups and dialects

Petzoyon Zokh speak Modern Celestial in formal settings, religious rites, and when evoking cultural structures (food ceremonies, pleas, etc.). In more casual environments, most Petzoyon Zokh speak Common.

Shared customary codes and values

Petzoyon Zokh are devoted to the teachings of Aalun, the divine moon of justice, law, order, and nature, and they reflect the Aalun demiurges with their decisions.   The divine duty of the Petzoyon Zokh is to pursue balance in the natural order, spread conscientious living, and the aspects represented by the Aalun demiurges. They are fiercely loyal to Aalun and most will dedicate their life to a single aspect of its philosophy.

Common Etiquette rules

Petzoyon Zokh stand firmly in ritualized interactions. Virtually every part of their life is enriched with detailed practices, ranging from rigorous tea ceremonies, humbling requests for aid (known as proposing a plea), deep respect towards experience and wisdom, and hospitality rituals.   It is considered uncouth for a Petzoyon Zokh to strongly emote. They hold poise, emotional detachment, and grace as shining virtues in their etiquette. Petzoyon Zokh values indirect communication, such as subtle gestures, tonal variations, and the slightest facial expressions. This can be difficult for outsiders to acclimate to since it can be easy to offend a Petzoyon Zokh.   The Petzoyon Zokh is a high-context culture, roughly a value of 10 according to On the Nature of Culture.

Common Dress code

Petzoyon Zokh wear androgynous silver and white silk robes with ornate, silver headdresses. Delicate silverwork bracelets, amulets, necklaces, and ornamentation is frequently accompanies high quality ceremonial garb. The formal clothing will feature lotus motifs, including having the bottom part of the robe resemble large petals.   In casual settings, Petzoyon Zokh will wear loose white cotton with little to no silver embroidery and many layers.   It is considered uncouth for a Petzoyon Zokh to show much of their body in mixed company. In the wilds of the world, however, nudity is encouraged to help connect to the natural order.


Beauty Ideals

Petzoyon Zokh have silvery skin that sparkles like dull steel. Bold, simple geometric patterns (lines, arcs, etc.) of dark gray-blue are symmetrically distributed across the skin from head to toe. Like most aasimar, Petzoyon Zokh have no hair on their body.   Petzoyon Zokh favor white silken robes with delicate geometric embroidery of silver thread. The fashion is reminiscent of traditional Indian or Khmer clothing in design with strong lotus themes.

Gender Ideals

Because aasimar do not need to form breeding couples to propagate, Petzoyon Zokh have little in structured gender ideals. Both male and female assigned at birth aasimar are fully capable of fulfilling any role. However, maturity does have ideals.   A freshly reincarnated aasimar has enough knowledge to function in the world, but little in actual experience. They are like children to the Petzoyon Zokh and are given room to explore nature and experience the wonders of the world. After about five years of exploration and adventure, the Petzoyon Zokh are expected to settle into a role in the world to fulfill Aalun's will.

Courtship Ideals

Petzoyon Zokh rarely court another being. Love, intimate relationships, and propagation is not at all important to these aasimar.   It is rare for a Petzoyon Zokh to fall for another sentient and wish to form a bonded relationship. In order to do so, the Petzoyon Zokh will announce its intention to the prospective partner and proceed to debate them on key spiritual and philosophical topics to judge if they are strong of conviction.

Relationship Ideals

Petzoyon Zokh rarely form a romantic relationship. To them, sexuality and romance is a distraction to their duty in this life. Those who do pursue romance are often looked upon as strange or even aberrant.
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