Barbranid, Southern

Southern Barbranid is directly governed by a Helegu Viceroy who is supported by a permanent force of 2 Tumen and auxillory forces. The Viceroy is responsible for managing the taxation of the province and expenditure by the military.   Originally a subject state of the Helegu Khaganate, the former Barbranid homeland was split into a northern and southern provence, with Southern Barbranid falling under Silver Host control since the break up of the Khaganate.   The immediate effect of the wars leading to the Helegu conquest was a decrease in the population in the province by at least a half. After the conquest a further 500,000 Barbranid were enslaved and deported, a portion of which were transported to back to the Pasishta. Following the depopulation, the Helegu carried out a program of official colonisation, with many chiefs and sub-chiefs of the Helegu vassal states being granted portions of land.   The Viceroy rules from the fallen capital of Qad Teo. The local Sormean population now exists only in the serf class, with all positions of authority falling only to non-Brabranid people.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Province
Predecessor Organization
Neighboring Nations


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