Barbranid, Northern

Northern Barbranid has been a province of the Helegu since the final capitulation of the Barbranid Empire in 1240. Since the division of the Helegu Khaganate, Northern Barbranid has been under the sway of the Blue Host.   Since its integration into the Khaganate, Northern Barbranid has seen constant administrative oversight. Unlike the population of Southern Barbranid, there was not a mass diaspora of local inhabitants to other areas of the Khaganate. This has resulted in Northern Barbranid becoming the cultural hub for the Sormean people.   Rich in minerals and metals, new mines have been opened and ore extraction intensified, while art, agriculture, stock breeding, and commerce have been alloweed to flourish. Northern Barbranid is of great importance to the Blue Host due its economic power and access to highly prized horses, and has been the summer residence of the Blue Host Khan for more than 100 years. The current Mughal Badak has built a huge permanent estate with direct access to the city of Moluk.   Large scale resistance to the Helegu occupiers ceased with the treaty of of Thimo in 1410. Since then:
  • 10 cities were allowed to refortify following the destruction of all fortifications at the fall of empire
  • a higher degree of autonomy was allowed, with representatives from each city overseeing administration from the Star Chamber in Moluk
  • more moderate annual tribute was agreed
  • each of the 10 cities were required to permanently supply men at arms for service under the Blue Host
  • each of the 10 cities must submit hostages from the families of the each of the Star Chamber representatives
Northern Barbranid is currently one of the many fronts of the Silver-Blue Host War.

The Lorelei Dam
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
Fractured Northern Barbranid
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Legislative Body
Star Chamber
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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