Tizsani Principalities

Tizsani is a loose federation of peoples in north-central Hadean.   At its greatest extent, in 1050, it stretched from southern Pasishta, west into southern Pasishta, across the coast of south Zygo Sea, to the borders of the Barbranid Empire, and south of Ursae Mons, uniting the majority of Illuskans west of the Saturn Mountains.

The first ruler to start uniting what would become known as Tizsani was Prince Lander Stone (879–912). He extended his control from the city Eisenstar south along the Doppler river valley to protect trade from steppe raider incursions from Pasishta, and moved his capital to the more strategic Tanas. Princess Mara (951 - 980) achieved the first major expansion of Tizsani territorial control, fighting a war of conquest against the Vevesi and Huvec steppe nomads.

Tizsani reached its greatest extent under Gerat the Unruly (1041–1054).   Tizsani declined after Gerat's death, disintegrating into various rival regional powers. It was further weakened by economic factors, such as the collapse of commercial ties to the Talinessee due to the decline of Barbranid control over trade routes eastwards, pressure in the west from steppe tribes and the accompanying diminution of trade.

Tizsani finally fell to the Helegu, after successive invasions in the 1161, 1165, 1166 and 1170.   From an estimated population of 11,500,000 in 1161, the Tizsani were reduced to fewer than 5,000,000 by 1170. This reduction takes into account, the huge number killed by the Helegu, sold into slavery, forcibly relocated or those who simpy fled. The great cities and lands of Ashim, Kazim, Lanton and Vanov were so thoroughly destoyed, that more than 300 years later a population numbering a mere tenth of the pre-invasion numbers resides in those lands.

Current population of the Tizsani Principalities is estimated at approximately 7,000,000 by Blue Host Court officials.

Fortress on the Doppler River

Tizsani warrior
Geopolitical, Principality
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Parent Organization


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