Entaglements 1479.06

New party member as Dawn is gone. Teller. Halfling Chronicler - War Correspondant. Middle aged. Dali-esque moustache. Straggler from the Ashanguliti massacre?
  • Level 5. CON 14
  • Alin Xerarch appears to move some blocks and then disappears.   Party heading towards Terminand Zand, avoiding patrols.   Party of nobles and warriors ride by.   Three Alin appear. Party look up and see something in the air. Think War of the Worlds war machines.   Essen and Ophion hear two hominds within 10 feet of party. Ophion casts Faeire Fire. Hightlights one Teyrin Elves Warrior. Gimblenock notices three more. Ophion dismisses Farie Fire. A female steps forward. Old. Isilanor of the Teyrin - Hunt leader. Ophion reveals knowledge of the Teyrin and Solstice Ashdragon.   Essen acts as ambassador. Isilanor assigns two Teyrin to accompany party. Teyrin party departs, carrying two dead Aberrations with them.   Essen and Dwayne wake up in the heart of a rainforest. Zed and Zero (Teyrin escorts) are there. "Are you ready for what you need to do?" one asks. "I am." Essen responds. "No fuck ups." Mention of how to behave at a meeting.   As party is setting up camp, they notice monkeypod a tree that was not there before. Tree is full of monkeys and a giant constrictor. Monkeys eyes shine in the dark.   Smell of cigar smoke wafts through the air. A fire with six spaces appears under the tree. Half a tribal mask appears, carved with 'WARLORD'.   As soon as Teller sits, a voice whispers "Welcome to the Convocation." Ophion leans against the tree and his elbow keeps sinking into it.   Dwayne puts on the mask. All bar Ophion and Gundark fall asleep. Their bodies appear to be phasing out of existence.   Gundark and Ophion see L'Gao. "Bakenzenzi." Not recognised.   The others are in the Otherwhere. Thirteen menhirs. Dwayne stands in front of one, looking magnificant. Tall dark-skinned woman in the centre. "I welcom this convocation as called by the Mirror Host." Woman is replaced by Chorbi(?) of the Mirror Host. Makes a esture and menhir is replaced by machinery. Cogs, gears, etc. Machine crosses dimensions.   They see a titan at the edges of various places.   Return to the menhirs. "Witness."   • Drana’s Hammer
    “I am Zubelee, Arch Metronome of Drana's Hammer and I witness.
    This brings war to the north, and with it, total war to the south.
    We welcome it.”

    • Wererats
    “I am Neeki, First Engineer of Eshen Clan and speaker for the Hungry Underclans
    We witness.
    We serve the Horned God.
    This world will be made ash.”

    • Gnome Living Ancestors
    “We are Troina.
    And we witness without joy.
    This machine is not of our making.
    Our extinction is your extinction.
    You are all ruined by this.”

    • Cloud Giants
    “I am Camon Aldar of Annam’s Brood
    We witness and stand ready to trade the secrets of ancient Ordning for access to the Entanglement.”

    • Hidden Order
    “I am Casewins Steldane of the Indigo Faction of the Order of the Hidden.
    The White and Blue Faction now serve us
    I witness.
    We will trade the cosmic treasures of our Nightmare God to gain access.”

    • Wraith Assembly
    “I am Phraates of the Wraith Accord, first among those who serve Sim Arclight, first Witch of the Age of Undefining
    We witness. The twisting corridors of the Eye reveal all we need
    Recognise our borders and we will not interfere.”

    • Solar Storm
    “I am Andjav Teasliph, Primarch of the Solar Storm.
    We witness, and we do not cower.
    You come for us, however your allies will devour you whole before you will reach our borders.”

    • Shadow Watchers
    “We are Wardens, of the collective of the Hentriacontagon Fold
    Holocene has many such machines sleeping deep within
    We walk the Holocene dreaming and see them waking everywhere.”

    • Faceless Masters
    “I am Saxis Isodoros of the Faceless Masters
    We witness this beautiful monstrosity and welcome the chaos it will bring.
    The End isn't nigh, the end is now.”

    • “We are Perissodactyla of the Chalico Night.
    We witness.
    You people. Killing tens of millions each year.
    You can’t do anything without making something suffer. It’s impressive
    We welcome your end.”

    • Eldar
    “I am Heian of Liodan, speaker for the fallen Eldar.
    I witness and despair.
    It is not the Alin you welcome, but the Titans and Great Old Ones who serve the Horned God.
    The 12th Atlantis was ruined by 7 Great Old Ones.
    Holocene’s obliteration will require only the one.
    The Mirror Host are fucktuplets.
    The rest of you, slavishly stupid.”

    • Starless Communion
    “I am Dwayne of House Dorneal, Warlord of the Starless Communion
    We witness the Amphitheatre.
    Mama Tet says, we come in peace.
    Oppose us and we can bury you deep or bury you shallow.”

    - Eschen made Ophion's armour
      Scene fades out. Monkeypod tree is gone, as is the warlord mask.   Machine is not only for linking the Alin worlds to Holocene.   Multiple pulses of light shoot into the air.   Dwayne recognises L'Gao as the personal bodyguard of Mama Tet.   Party enters the city limits (30 kms out). The more sensitive can feel and hear the ghosts of the cities slain.   Gimblenock gives Teller his necrotic marbles.   Ophion hears a whisper through his armour "Brother, are you coming for me?" Sisters can track him through the armour. Vulerai is the Helegu Steppes.   Party advances 10 kms without incident.   Six arms appear. Fingers clad in rings. Black dress. Witch Queen of the Aphotic. Communes with Gundark. Makes an offer.   Party found by crab-like abberations. Xivvian (AC17), Fegu and D'males(?). Invisible except to Gimblenock, who can see their shadows. Casts Chain Lightning.   Dwayne attacks next.   Ophion kills it with Witch Bolt. Six Srasorok (AC 14) come through the hole it left and attack Dwayne. Dwayne passes WIS save caused by Srasorok's Howl.   D'Male attacks Dwayne.   Essen casts Lightning Bolt on three Srasoroks. 92 damage. Kills three. Party see Essen resemble a slim tree, leaves cascading to the ground. Essen feels connected to every living thing.   Party takes 23 lightning damage from exploding methane.   Gundark enters combat, attacks Srasoroks.   Gimblenock attacks Srasorok with a rapier. 40 damage.   Dwayne attacks. Kills a Srasorok. Last D'Male flees, killed by Dwayne.   Time freezes. Entariath appears again to tempt Gundark. Offers a legendary Dwarven axe, or a 9th level spell.   Sili makes an offer to Teller. 2 skill points in exchange for sincerely hearing her propostion at the end of the next lunar cycle. To reveal the real threat, not the titans or the Entanglemnt. Makes reference to THREE other Witch Queens. Accepted.

    Camon Aldar


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