The Darkest Day Military Conflict in Ire | World Anvil

The Darkest Day

The Darkest Day was the end of the Ash war. After the elven lands were taken by the Bullks the elves and Nathair who were defending Tir Orail were forced into the Vale. All of the Golden Land was taken and both country's armies were greatly destroyed. They united with King Titus ll king to humans and fought one decisive battle against the great Bullk army outside the city of Xares. They three armies were not alone however, The dwarves blew their mighty horns and road down from the mountains and brought axe and sword down upon the Bullks. This would still not be enough to defeat the savages and the Dragons knew this. Despite all odds the remaining dragons came into battle for Ire, lead by the Great Dragon Valinor.     The Nathair also had a secret weapon. The Serpent Sages had awoken the Devourer to battle. With all sides together battling for the land they called home the Bullk army was destroyed and peace came upon Ire.   "The air was still, not even the slightest breeze passed by. Even the sun felt cold. Titus ll rode back and forth, readying the front line. Glanduil finished painting his face, the purple paint began to glow and his eyes turned to a milky white. Vexus gripped his sheathed dao and beheld. The horizon turned grey, they were here. Titus ll readied his steed and looked to the joined army. He raise his spear into the air, "OURS!" he roared.   "OURS!" the warriors roared.   Titus ll met the other kings in the front and looked upon the grey storm, growing ever closer. He looked to his fellow kings. "Ours."   They both nodded, "Ours."   The Bullks screeched and trampled forward to the city. They huffed and panted with excitement and bliss. They were running over each other just to get closer to their prey. Their Ridgeback elephants followed, the sound of their feet was that of thunder in a canyon. They collided with the joined army and the largest single battle ever began. Peasants and knights fought side by side, elf and nathair, side by side. The Bullk army began engulfing the joined army. They circled around and closed them in.   A symphony of horns boomed across the field. Vexus wiped his head around and smiled. "DWARVES!" he cheered!" It was true. The eight dwarven clans rode down from the Eldre mountains and out of Shiver pass. The thundering of hooves echoed through the pass as the ran in. Miles of dirt were ripped up as the Dwarven cavalry charged into the fray. The mountain men trampled and squashed hordes of the Bullks. For the first time in history all the races on Kerne were one. The four kingdoms fought back to back, killing every grey skin they could. The Dwarves's entranced did not scare the Bullks, only exited them more.   The ground shook and the armored lungers ripped out of the dirt, carrying more Bullks. Their army was replenished and now they had more muscle, but even as the last lunger surfaced the ground still shook. The quaking grew stronger and stronger. The Desert myth, the largest snake in the world, the Devourer blew out of the ground and grabbed a lunger in its mouth. The Devourer had been awoken, and it was hungry. It picked up Ridgebacks and ate them hole, it crushed lungers beneath its behemoth tail.   The Joined army cheered, and cowered slightly. Yet the four armies were not the only ones to cheer. A roar so loud it deafened the sounds of the battlefield swept through the air. The people looked to the sky and stood in reverence. Valinor the Strong-First Born of Ire, Dorthal the Wise-Far seer lead an army of their own into the mix. The single flap of Valinor's crimson red wings threw everyone back. On the ground running in with the dragons was a blue, wingless dragon, and its rider. Five armies against one, the Bullks almost felt fear, almost. Piles of corpses began to grow, The great sea of grey began to drop like flies. They were many but their enemy was one.   Dwarven iron, Elven magic, Nathairian cunning, Human heart, Dragon fire and one very large snake cleansed the field, turning it to green once more. For the first time in Bullk history, they ran. Some made it back to their ships but most were taken, and killed."-Last stand

The Conflict


The flat open plains of King's Hold, a mere mile away from Xares's front gate.


Bullks have been captured and taken as slaves. Extreme prejudice and racism exists towards them to this day.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The United Army drove the invasion back to Ashgaurd where they continue the war.



  • 1.2 billion Bullks, 70,000 Lungers, and 8000 Ridgeback Elephants.
  • 142,750,000 Elves
  • 334,231,567 Dwarves
  • 329.450,118 Humans
  • 144,000,678 Nathair
  • 19 Dragons
  • The Devourer


  • Uncounted
  • Uncounted


Conquer Kerne
Defend Kerne and drive the Bullks back