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Chapter: Mount Sootava Crisis

When Raphael leaves the Holy City of the One, he is tasked with uniting several Kairothian tribes, and receive tokens of their faith. The first place he goes to is the tribe of mount Sootava, a jungle tribe that lives on the slopes of an active volcano, upon a peninsula. To get there, he must venture southeast towards the ocean.   Upon arrival at the tribal village, Raphael finds that swathes of the foliage have been burnt down, along with what appears to be remnants of the village. A lava river flows through the wreckage. He is worried that something bad has happened to them. Just then, a dart hits the back of his neck and he falls limp and passes out. Upon awaking, he finds that he has been tied up, and surrounded by multiple concerned looking Kairothians, these ones with a dark grey fur color, as if they were meant to blend into the volcanic ash. He is in a newly built village not to far from where the old one was. Raphael says to them that he is a Human and was sent to their village to obtain their token of faith. When they learn he is Human, they immediately untie him out of fear of being smited. They apologize profusely, and admit that they've never seen a Human before. Raphael accepts their apology and asks the tribe leader what is going on. Chieftess Kathuna of the Sootava tribe says that the village is in a crisis, due to unexpected activity from Mt. Sootava. She and the villagers are superstitious about the mountain, and believe that these lava flows are caused by the mountain's anger. She tells Raphael that if he finds a way to "appease the mountain" and end the lava flows, she will reward him with a faith token. However, the chieftess warns Raphael that "beings from the sky" have been seen around the summit of the mountain. Raphael correctly assumes that he must be refering to the Celestial Empire, and that the unusual volcanic activity is their doing.   Raphael enters and finds that many of the rooms have been flooded with lava and cannot be traversed normally except by jumping from platform to platform.   Raphael obtains an special power for his staff that allows him to cool lava so it can be walked on (can also be used on water to turn it to ice)   Raphael destroys a dragon-like lava monster, and enters the room after. He learns that the Tseibajeen were trying to use the volcano as a geothermal power source, which caused lava flows to be rerouted elsewhere. He turns the machinery off, and damages it as best as he can. He sees several Tseibajeen soldiers fly in on their jetpacks as he is leaving the dungeon.   When he arrives back at the Sootava village, the lava flow from the mountain has been temporarily stopped, allowing the Kairothians access to the burnt village. The village chieftess is amazed by what Raphael did, and admits that she wasn't sure if Raphael could do it. She recognizes Raphaels prowess in successfully retrieving the faith token from the dungeon despite the dungeon being flooded with lava, and rewards him with a Faith Token .

Plot points/Scenes

  • On the way to Sootava village, Raphael notices that the air is choked with ash. He catches glimpses of Kairothians at the corners of his eyes.
  • Raphael arrives at Sootava village to see that it has been completely decimated and abandoned. A lava flow runs through its center, and only smouldering ruins remain of any buildings. Suddenly, a dart hits his neck. He pulls out the dart, but it's too late. His senses fade and he collapses.
  • Raphael wakes up in a tent, surrounded by ash-grey furred Kairothians. They question him. Upon realizing he is Human, they untie him and beg him for forgiveness.
  • They bring Raphael to the chieftess of the Sootava tribe, and she asks him why he is here. Raphael sees that the a makeshift tent village has been made a fair distance away from the main village.
  • Raphael tells them he was sent by the Listener from the Holy City to obtain a faith token from the three external tribes.
  • The chieftess of Sootava tells Raphael that faith tokens cannot be given lightly. They are only given to those who have proven their worth. She decides to give Raphael a faith token, but only if he saves the village of Sootava.
  • The chieftess tells Raphael of the plight of the village of the Sootava tribe. An altered lava flow from Mt. Sootava has run through the center of the village. Everything is destroyed, and many are trapped on the other side. They've been cut off from their primary source of food, several farms that grow in the volcanic ash. She tells him that something unnatural has caused the lava flows to change, causing destruction in the village.
  • that The chief warns Raphael that strange beings from the sky have been seen entering and exiting the mountain.
  • Gameplay section where Raphael explores the trail caves of Mt Sootava. Many rooms are flooded with lava, and new "rooms" have been built, which match the style of Celestial Empire architecture.
  • Raphael fights a dragon-like lava monster left by Celestial Empire soldiers to guard the control room. After defeating the monster, he locates the Faith Token. He enters the control room, and turns the machine off.
  • Raphael exits the control room, returning outside. Raphael. Already, he can see that lava is no longer flowing from the mountain, and it is already beginning to cool. When he returns to the village, the villagers have reunited with the those who were trapped. The Chieftess rewards Raphael with the Faith Token he was promised.
  • Raphael leaves and returns to the Listener to report his progress.


  • the Chieftess and others in the village seem oddly calm, as if they have faith that The One will send his servant to aid them. Raphael is that servant, sent by the Listener on behalf of The One. Raphael doesn't believe in this, but finds this behavior endearing. It reminds him of the Saiannor tribe near his home.



  • The Chapter: Mount Sootava Crisis tribe has been around for a long time. They have settled near the Mountain to take advantage of the fertile volcanic soil. This active volcano has caused them problems in the past, but nothing this severe.
  • The Chapter: Mount Sootava Crisis tribe didn't originally believe in the Faith of The One, and formerly practiced their own religion, which involved sacrificial offerings to the mountain. The boss chamber of the Mt. Sootava dungeon has long-unused structures that were formerly used to sacrifice individuals to the lava pit, in hopes of appeasing their false god.
  • The reason behind why the mountain has been unusually active and producing lava flows is due to the actions of the Celestial Empire, who are attempting to harness the geothermal energy to supply their machines with power.


  • The protagonist needs to acquire a faith token from the Chieftess of the Sootlava tribe
  • The Sootlava tribe is in shambles. The village has been destroyed by a lava flow, and its denizens are trapped on either side of the river.
  • The young chieftess of the Sootlava tribe needs someone to investigate the cause of the altered lava flow
  • The protagonist knows that the Celestial Empire is probably behind this. They didn't do this out of malice, but rather the altered lava flow is a byproduct of their activity.

Rising Action

  • Protagonist arrives at village to see it is decimated.
  • Protagonist is given task to investigate the cause of the lava flow, and possibly undo it. In exchange, he will receive a Faith Token
  • Protagonist sets off, and explores the dungeon of Mt. Sootlava. He discovers that the Celestial Empire invaders have set up a geothermal energy plant.
  • Protagonist finds that central room is guarded by dragon-like creature.
  • Protagonist fights creature and wins.


  • Protagonist defeats dragon-like creature, and then turns off the geothermal energy plant.

Falling Action

  • Protagonist leaves the disabled geothermal plant, and notices that the altered lava flow has stopped, and the lava is cooling.
  • However, he knows that the Celestial Empire will likely be back to repair the geothermal plant


  • protagonist returns to the Sootlava tribe to see that things are already starting to be pieced back together. people are reuniting with each other, and they have access to their crops once more.
  • the village buildings and infrastructure are still destroyed, but the lava flow is gone.
  • protagonist is rewarded a Faith Token by the cheiftess. protagonist warns chieftess that the cause of the altered lava flow, the Celestial Empire, will likely return. And when they do, they will turn the machines back on, and the lava flow will return.
  • chieftess acknowledges, and says she will prepare to relocate and rebuild where the tents are currently located. crops will be resown in a new location.




  • protagonist is curious of the religion of the Kairothians, known as the Faith of The One. He is sceptical, but somewhat open-minded to it.


Cruel Tricks

  • protagonist arrives at Sootava village, only to find that it has been destroyed by lava.

Red Herrings




  • Cheiftess Kathuna, the young chieftess of the Sootlava tribe. She has only been chieftess for a few months, since the death of her father, the previoius chief. She is overwhelmed by the disaster of the lava flows, and is struggling to look after her people. She sees Raphael as a potential savior of her people. She has never seen a Human in person, but has heard about them through word of mouth.



  • Sootava village: A village that has been completely destroyed by a lava flow from Mt. Sootava.
  • Sootava jungle: A dense jungle that serves as the home of the Sootava tribe. It is currently being ravage by lava flows from Mt. Sootava, leaving many trees in smoldering ruins.
  • Mt. Sootava dungeon: A series of chambers formerly used for trials, worship, and sacrifices to the gods of the Sootava dungeon, prior to their conversion to the Faith of The One. It has been turned into a base of operations by the Celestial Empire for their geothermal energy.
  • Sootava mountainside: A slope covered in ash, with lava flows on either side. The air is choked with volcanic ash


  • Lava flows
  • Hostile reatures that have made their home in the Mt. Sootava dungeon
  • (Possibly) Celestial Empire soldiers: Tseibajeen who guard the halls of the geothermal plant


  • Exploration: protagonist explores Sootava jungle searching for Sootava village
  • Investigation: protagonist discovers Sootava village, and it has been destroyed
  • Meeting: protagonist is put to sleep by tranquilizer dart, and wakes up tied up and surrounded by Sootava villagers
  • Discussion: protagonist clears the air by claiming to have been sent by Listener.
  • Planning: Speaks with Chieftess, who asks protagonist to help them
  • Travel/Exploration: protagonist climbs Mt.Sootava, and explores Dungeon.
  • Combat: protagoninst must fight hostile forces in dungeon.
  • Investigation: protagonist discovers area has been repurposed to as geothermal plant, and their activity is the cause of the new lava flows. He turns the machinery off
  • Discussion: protagonist returns to Sootava village, and is rewarded Faith token for his efforts.

Past Events

  • Sootava dungeon formerly used by Sootava tribe in their worship and reverence for their god, prior to conversion to the Faith of The One.
  • Chieftess Kathuna is a young Kairothian  woman who is doing her best to look after her tribe in light of the circumstances. Her father, the previous chief, died fairly recently and she is still grieving his loss. She is overwhelmed by the
Plot type


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