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Emperor or Empress

The ruler of the Lanarian Empire is the most powerful person on the planet. They oversee more than two-thirds of Kavrillia, and have the ultimate say in how the imperial military is used, veto power over any legislation the Council proposes, and enormous influence over the politics and culture of their people.


The founder and first emperor of the Lanarian Empire, Melsar the Conqueror, set down the guidelines in the Book of High Law for how his successors would be chosen.   The current monarch can choose anyone they wish to succeed them. Shared blood is not a requirement, but most of the time a child or grandchild of the monarch becomes their heir. An unbroken line of rulers from the same family is referred to a dynasty. The empire is currently ruled by the eleventh dynasty in its history.   Note that there is no restriction in the Book of High Law about the race of the monarch. This is simply because it was written thousands of years before Lanarians knew Vincarans existed. Although the book has not been amended, prejudice makes it sadly unlikely a Vincaran monarch would be accepted anytime soon.


Once the monarch has chosen the person they wish to succeed them, the potential heir presents themself to The Council immediately, or, if they are not yet of age, upon turning eighteen years old. The Council then votes to approve or disapprove the selection. If at least 151 of the 300 members accept the candidate, the future monarch is then invested as the official heir in a ceremony held at Rilbrok Cathedral.  

Contingency plans

  The emperor or empress is required by the Book of High Law to maintain a sealed file containing their wishes and directions in case of their premature death. The ruler must review the contents of this file at the beginning of each year, when they will be away from the capital overnight, or before undergoing a serious medical procedure, including childbirth. The contents are for their eyes only, unless they unexpectedly pass away, in which case the Council will unseal and read it.   Among other instructions, this document contains the name of someone they wish to succeed them. The monarch may or may not wish to share this knowledge with their hypothetical successor--who has no title or perks, and rarely ends up with the throne. For instance, a new emperor might list a sibling or other relative as his emergency sucessor until he has children of his own and selects one to become crown prince or princess. Once an heir is officially installed, the original back-up is no longer needed.


If an emperor or empress dies, the empire observes one month of mourning before crowning a new ruler. If they abdicate or are removed from power by The Council, this waiting period is not needed.   A grand procession brings the new emperor or empress to Rilbrok Cathedral, where the coronation ceremony is held. Among other rituals, the Senior Supreme Commander places a sword in the new ruler's hands to symbolize their power over the military. The monarch lays their hands on the Book of High Law and recites the coronation oath (see below). In the climax of the ceremony, the Senior Council Member has the honor of placing the crown on the emperor or empress' head.   After the coronation ceremony, the new emperor or empress usually addresses the people from a balcony overlooking the Great Square.  

The coronation oath of the Lanarian Empire

"I, (monarch's formal name), (son/granddaughter/other relation) of Emperor/Empress (name,)(if applicable) do hereby pledge upon the Book of High Law to be forever and completely loyal to the Lanarian Empire only. I promise to hold the good of the Empire above all else, and to always do what is best for the Empire. I hereby devote my life to defending, improving and serving my country. I promise to obey, respect and uphold the Book of High Law and to make fair and honest judgments. All this I promise to do to the best of my ability for as long as I shall reign."


The emperor or empress is the executive branch of the empire's government. The Council drafts legislation, and the monarch must approve it. While not a frequent occurrence, the monarch may also submit proposals for legislation to The Council and hope 250 of them approve. More often they express their wishes in an address to the Council, who then take the hint and create laws accordingly.   The monarch also has the ultimate say in how the imperial military is used, although most trust Supreme Command to make decisions, and rarely overrule them. Only the monarch may declare war or sign a peace treaty.   Other duties of the emperor or empress include:
  • Coordinating relations, services, and resources between the states
  • Advocating for causes they feel strongly about, such as anti-poverty measures, education, employment, etc.
  • Keeping the Council up-to-date on the state of the empire
  • Directing government resources where they are needed
  • Monitoring and approving the imperial budget
  • Using diplomacy to smooth over disagreements between states, government agencies, Council members, etc.
  • Providing a sense of continuity and stability through the empire's long history
  • Being a figurehead for the people to look to for strength in a crisis, or rally around in times of prosperity


The imperial palace, crowns, jewels, limousines, estates, and other luxuries automatically come along with the crown. All the monarch's health care and food are also provided by the empire.   Most, though not all, of the dynasties throughout history have been independently wealthy families. As such, they are able to have extravagant wardrobes and purchase additional niceties such as purebred skiraks, high quality watches, cosmetics, personal watercraft, artwork, etc. Some particularly generous rulers have even tapped into their family's personal coffers to fund improvements to the empire, such as rebuilding a landmark destroyed by a natural disaster, or giving a boost to a program to help those in need.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The cumbersome "true" crown is only worn for historic occasions such as the coronation ceremony, and spends most of the time in a secure vault in the palace catacombs. Smaller but still impressive crowns and tiaras are worn to formal events such as galas, balls, ceremonies, and weddings. In modern times, monarchs go bare-headed to less important functions such as ribbon cuttings, Council meetings, musical performances, shopping trips, and dining out.   Rulers have a selection of military-style uniforms with decorated sashes they may wear to such events. Empresses usually wear an elegant gown.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

There are three ways to cease being the emperor or empress. In descending order of frequency, they are:
  1. Death
  2. Abdication (usually due to age or health problems)
  3. At least 250 of the 300 members of The Council vote to remove the monarch from power
  (Option three has only been used once in the history of the empire, to end the reign of Rozandax the Terrible.)   Deceased monarchs are usually buried in a mausoleum below the grounds of Rilbrok Cathedral.


The Lanarian Empire has had eleven dynasties in its long history. They are:   First Dynasty -- 0 to 873 (874 years) -- Melsar the Conqueror founded the Lanarian Empire and was its first emperor.   Second Dynasty -- 873 to 1494 (621 years) -- During this period, Emperor Nizgel the Tall had the shortest reign of any ruler in the empire's history. He ascended to the throne after his father, the previous emperor, was slain in the Battle of Ristazi Pass, then succumbed to his own wounds less than two days later. His daughter then became Empress Raxona.   Third Dynasty -- 1494 to 1920 (426 years) -- This dynasty began when the previous ruler, an aging empress with no children, named her favorite chef as her successor.   Fourth Dynasty -- 1920 to 2032 (112 years)   Fifth Dynasty -- 2032 to 2223 (191 years) -- The Epic of Orzon was written in this period.   Sixth Dynasty -- 2223 to 2286 (63 years) -- This was the shortest dynasty in the empire's history.   Seventh Dynasty -- 2286 to 2844 (558 years) -- Emperor Xeres' wife, Vizada, is descended from this dynasty.   Eighth Dynasty -- 2844 to 3162 (318 years) -- The Zyrac Regency hotel in Shalanera is built in this era's style. The Eighth Dynasty ended when The Council removed Emperor Rozandax the Terrible from power. He had been increasingly paranoid, volatile, and violent during his four years on the throne.   Ninth Dynasty -- 3162 to 3671 (509 years) -- This era is known as a golden age for classical music and opera, and works created then are among Prince Xeebec's favorites.   Tenth Dynasty -- 3671 to 4074 (403 years) -- The first monarch in this dynasty was Emperor Talziro. His descendant, Rinzaro, was on the throne in 3933 when first contact occurred between Lanarians and Vincarans.   Eleventh Dynasty -- 4074 to present (157+ years) -- The first monarch of this dynasty was Empress Variza. Her grandson, Emperor Xeebon, was assassinated early in the Great Civil War. He was succeeded by his son, Xeres, who eventually signed a treaty creating the Vincaran Federation. Xeres was succeeded by his daughter, the current monarch, Empress Vazali.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Your Imperial Majesty or Your Excellency
Length of Term
Until death or abdication
First Holder
Current Holders
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