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Zadie (ZAY-dee)

Junior Supreme Commander Jhea'Zorziani Zadie

The youngest of the three members of Supreme Command, Zadie's a bit of a loose cannon. Impulsive and headstrong, she never shies away from a confrontation, and often butts heads with her superior, Minalla. Fierce loyalty sometimes clouds her judgment, causing her to act first and ask questions later. Her temper becomes a handicap, but she succeeds because of her quick wit and strategic skill. No one would doubt her dedication to the Lanarian Empire or her ability as a commander.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a soldier, Zadie is in peak physical shape. She regularly works out to keep it that way, too. The muscles in her arms and abs are well defined, and she can hike for miles without tiring.

Apparel & Accessories

When not in uniform, Zadie likes casual clothes: cargo pants, tank tops, T-shirts, shorts.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Zadie comfortably identifies with her assigned birth sex (female,) and no one in Lanarian culture would consider her gender expression unusual, but by human standards she isn't particularly feminine. Her idea of styling her hair is to blow it dry and put it in a pony tail. She doesn't wear makeup, only owns a few pieces of jewelry, and rarely wears dresses or skirts. When a formal occasion, such as a ball at the imperial palace, arises she doesn't really mind letting her hair down and dressing up for the night, but once it's over she goes back to her usual wardrobe.


Zadie is heterosexual and would welcome more intimacy with her partner, but Abarok's asexuality isn't a deal breaker for her.


Zadie enrolled in the imperial military right out of high school, and moved to Shalanera for basic training. Once that was complete, she planned to attend the academy there to move up the ladder of command. As tensions with the Vincaran Federation rose, however, she and many other cadets were deployed to the equator. Zadie's exemplary performance in the Waznat Crisis earned her an almost unheard of promotion, and she returned to the capital as a commander. She quickly proved her worthiness of the rank by excelling at the academy and graduating at the top of her class.   When then-Senior Supreme Commander Trinzat retired shortly after Empress Vazali's coronation, Zadie was chosen as the new Junior Supreme Commander while the remaining officers, Rimzor and Minalla, moved up a rank. Thus she reached the pinnacle of her career in record time. It remains to be seen how a soldier best known for her quick thinking and reflexes on the battlefield will settle into what is essentially a desk job.  
by Katie Sullivan

Personality Characteristics


Zadie has a thirst for adventure and danger. She values loyalty above all else.

Vices & Personality flaws

She looks at rules as simply suggestions, and doesn't hesitate to go her own way if she feels it's necessary.


She's not a fan of fancy scented toiletries or cosmetics. She just wants to get clean and be done with it.


Contacts & Relations

Abarok was a toddler living next door when she was born, and the two have been joined at the hip ever since. Her sense of humor is in sync with his, even if no one else gets the joke.   Despite being the younger of the two, Zadie was the one who defended Abarok against bullies in school. She didn't start fights, but if anyone messed with her best friend she didn't hold back.  
by Katie Sullivan
Above: Zadie and Abarok -- The Early Years   They're an unlikely pair at first glance, as she is athletic and hot-headed and he is more sedentary and patient, but they share an unbreakable bond and balance each other's flaws. She drags him along on adventures he would never be brave enough to try alone, while he's the voice of reason who can (usually) keep her from making rash decisions. (They've been on some epic road trips.)   After she graduated high school they moved from Bernelenn to Shalanera so she could attend the military academy and he could study at Shalanera University. Being asexual and mostly aromantic, Abarok had no interest in dating. Although Zadie went out a few times, her prospective partners always compared unfavorably to Abarok. She respected his boundaries about physical intimacy, but they grew closer in every other way until by graduation everyone assumed they were a couple.   Years later, that's still the situation. They share his apartment, attend events as each other's "plus one", and do basically everything together except sex. Zadie does wish there was an easy way to define their relationship, but it works for them, and she loves Abarok deeply.

Family Ties

Zadie's mother, Zorzi, had a number of chronic health conditions. She and Zadie had a good relationship, but were never very close. Zorzi was unable to keep up with her daughter's high energy and spent more time resting than playing with her. She passed away when Zadie was eight. While Zadie mourned, she also felt a sense of relief that her mother's suffering was over. Her father never remarried, and was a dedicated single parent.   Zadie's uncle served in the Lanarian Empire's military during the Great Civil War, and growing up listening to his stories was a big part of why she decided to make her career in the armed forces.

Religious Views

Zadie believes in the Creator but doesn't think about religion much until a crisis happens, when she gives a sheepish prayer along the lines of, "Uh, hey, long time no pray. Please don't let this bad thing happen. Thanks."

Social Aptitude

Zadie is friendly and open-minded, and she puts people at ease quickly. Her irreverent attitude doesn't always go over well in formal situations, but in a more laid-back setting she's the life of the party.


Profanity is often a part of Zadie's vocabulary, especially when Abarok isn't around.



Soul mate (Vital)

Towards Zadie




Soul mate (Vital)

Towards Abarok




Zadie and Abarok have been inseparable their entire lives. They are so in sync they can practically read each other's minds, and they have the same goofy sense of humor.   Zadie is very protective of Abarok. Despite being younger, she defended him from bullies all through school.   Their relationship isn't easy to label, partly because of Abarok's asexuality. Zadie has tried calling them best friends, roommates, boyfriend/girlfriend, partners, each other's favorite person, and more. Whatever terminology they use, the fact is that they're connected on a very deep level.

Nicknames & Petnames

Zadie sometimes calls him "Rocky."


Co-worker (Important)

Towards Rimzor




Co-worker (Important)

Towards Zadie




Rimzor took a liking to Zadie almost immediately, and although her temper and rebellious streak cause him some headaches, he still looks at her like a little sister.


Co-worker (Important)

Towards Minalla




Co-worker (Important)

Towards Zadie




From the beginning, Minalla was wary of Zadie's history of insubordination, but the younger soldier's high qualifications convinced her to approve Zadie's addition to Supreme Command. Consequently, Minalla is always on the lookout for signs of misbehavior that would prove her reservations correct.   She is definitely a proponent of "tough love," so it can be hard for Zadie to tell what's well-intentioned guidance and what is vitriol. Their patience for each other is thin at best.   Zadie's mother was sickly and passed away when Zadie was eight. Thus Zadie grew up being the most assertive female in the family, and subconsciously balks at Minalla's authority.


Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Zadie




Enemy (Important)

Towards Nartok




Like many traditionally-minded Vincarans, Nartok is sexist, and a battle-ready spitfire like Zadie would be his worst nightmare even if she wasn't trying to thwart his plans.

Wealth & Financial state

Zadie came from a middle class family: not wealthy, but comfortable.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Junior Supreme Commander
Year of Birth
4202 29 Years old
Current Residence
Brown. Bushy, frizzy, almost always up in a pony tail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark turquoise
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Lanarish language, some conversational Vancor language

Character Portrait image: by Katie Sullivan


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