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A Shard-Bearer once allied with Zenith, though according to Cyrus, he was doubting his allegiance. Overcome by Discord, Manon fled to Alenroux, but seemed to have been found by the mysterious Aetós. Manon’s Shard was fused with others, and this monster ran into many Shard-Bearers in Alenroux when they were sent to investigate. His Shard was claimed and delivered into Cyrus’s care.   By investigating Manon's apartment in Kowloon, Amos and Vander found a hidden and encoded journal. This journal explained at least some of the story of what had happened to Manon.   After a long period during which Meridian Shard-Bearers purified his Shard, Manon was revived at the Tree of Life and subsequently interrogated by both Meridian and Zenith. His questioning was interrupted by monsters sent by Aetós, and although he fled into the root caverns beneath the Tree, Manon was caught and taken by Meridian Shard-Bearers back to Heliopolis for protection.  

Manon's Journal

Manon was a Tier 3 Zenite who had been living in Kenos for around ten years, and was a former spy and assassin in his world. As such, he’d been given special missions by Yima throughout his time there and had a role as cleanup duty for anyone who stepped too far out of line or was a Meri who needed to disappear before they got too much influence that could be disadvantageous to Zenith. Sometimes these were given by Kathova, rarely by Yima, and sometimes Manon took personal initiative. Still, these sorts of tasks are only given to those of higher Harmonization, but Manon does note that he knows the same is true of Meri. Despite the dichotomy of light and dark, he’s sure that Meridian gets up to dirty work just as much as Zenith.   One entry starts out vague in questioning “something” that Manon had found while in the manor. It’s later clearer that what Manon discovered is that Zenith was working with Aetós to experiment with Shards, but he never found out what, exactly, they were attempting to do. The discovery shook his faith in Zenith, and eventually, he ended up going to speak with Cyrus just to vaguely talk about what he’d discovered and just try and get another opinion. He’d been with Zenith for a decade, after all, and maybe it was necessary… But after talking through things with Cyrus, he was sure that it was still wrong. Manon de-Harmonized to Tier 2 shortly after.   At this point, his writing grows more paranoid. As someone tasked with cleaning up people that betrayed Zenith, he felt a target was on his back. He continued to talk with Cyrus, trying to find sense in the discovery, and soon after de-Harmonized further as his Discord climbed higher. It was at this point that Manon fled to both hide in Kowloon and to pursue the mysterious figure known as Aetós, since he had discovered that he had a connection to Kowloon. Manon notes that he’s fairly sure it has to do with Draumahol, but it’s just a theory.   His time in Kowloon is spent in increasing paranoia and ill effects from Discord, as he stays away from Highstorm out of fear but also fears returning to the surface to address it. Eventually, he confesses that he killed someone in Kowloon. Maybe multiple someones. It’s not clear.   The last entry in the journal is long, but most of it is personal affairs. Manon writes about his home, about friends he had made in Kenos, about Zenite friends he had killed. It feels like a deeply personal record or confession of some kind, but most of those details won’t mean anything to Vander or Amos. It ends simply by saying that he’s not going to lose control of his Discord and kill innocent people again, so he’ll go to Alenroux and hope what’s there tears him apart. But he also notes that he did finally catch a lead to Aetós, so this might serve another purpose. Apparently, Aetós has a Cornerstone set up in Alenroux. Maybe his presence will draw him out of hiding. Or maybe he’ll just die.   The journal ends on a note that it wasn’t worth it, joining Zenith. He wishes that he’d had more hope a decade ago.


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