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The Beyond

Though it might seem strange, most of Highstorm's citizens never stray into the wilderness beyond its city limits — even if the majority of the island is unoccupied land that seems picturesque and ripe for exploration and expansion. Should you wander out into “the Beyond,” no one will stop you — but you will go alone. None of the locals will accompany you on your journey.   The woods stretching beyond the valley are dark, gnarled tree branches blocking out the light of the double moons and making the permanent nighttime hour all the more gloomy. Straying so far from Highstorm’s safety doesn’t feel like a good idea… but perhaps you’re brazen.   Or maybe you turn back, eager to find comfort in the moonlight.   It’s for the best.  

In-Game Timeline

  • Late Takiltu (December 2022): Set discovers a shrine in the Beyond, and decides to take up part-time residence there. Upon discussing it with Yima, she showed him a vision of a temple to the north.
  • Late Pelu (April 2023): After soliciting help to further explore the Beyond, Set teams up with Byleth, Cassian, and Mamoru; while Childe, Liem, and Sooyoung form a second team. Both teams encountered dangerous terrain in the Beyond, as well as two other points of interest. The first team encountered a creature with a Shard that had something wrong with it; while the second team discovered the temple Yima earlier showed Set. Cassian later relayed this information to all Shard-Bearers.
  • Early Warqu (July 2023): Quetzalcoatl erects her own massive temple in the Beyond, visible from parts of Highstorm proper, near Set's shrine.
    Meanwhile, Set and Liem explore the temple the latter had previously discovered, where Set discovers it to be that of his sister, Isis.
  • Early Iqnu (September 2023): After some Highstorm denizens begin making pilgrimages out to Set's shrine and Quetzalcoatl's temple, Rudbeckia announces she has been relocating non-hostile monsters from Alenroux to the Beyond for their safety.
    Meanwhile, Set begins plotting with Akua and Liem to build a weapon from Isis' temple.
  • Late Emru (February 2024): The weapon reaches completion, and is fired upon Yima's Manor in retaliation for Cyrus' assassination. As hostiliities between the two factions have ramped up, Rudbeckia begins relocating non-hostile monsters back to Alenroux, where it will likely be safer for them.
Location under


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