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Luth Galahd

Built deep beneath the Land of Giants, Luth Galahd is the only Drow city within The Underdark to have a surface entrance, known as the Great Sea Gate.


Luth Galahd, like all Drow cities, is an independent city-state owing fealty to no other nation; it is a city, and a nation, unto itself, who's only tie to the other Drow is their kinship.  Unlike the majority of Drow culture, Luth Galahd developed much more similarly to traditional Elven society, though, like other Drow, they remain historically matriarchal. 

Luth Galahd governs itself as a constitutional monarchy; Fadive Chiulva holds sway over the great houses, but each house presents a singular member to the parliament to make, and often enforce, laws.


With the Great Sea Gate connecting Luth Galahd to the outside world, they have spent centuries building and reinforcing their naval defenses; underwater barricades, a maze of spikes meant to impale the hull of any vessel who does not know the path, are just one of the myriad of defenses in place. From below, the connecting gates to the underground highway, known as The Underway, remain well defended with round-the-clock patrols by the Galahdi Sea Guard.

Industry & Trade

In addition to mining and salt trade, the 'Gaters' also partake in fishing and waterway trade, utilizing their gateway to the northern sea to trade with the surface dwellers.  This gateway also allows a modicum of immigration and emigration from their nation.  Much of this ceased, however, with the passing of The Elven Exclusion Act, which did not bar Drow specifically, but is often enforced against them due to their Elven ancestry.
The sigil of Luth Galahd, often seen on the sails of their vessels or emblazoned on the shield of their warriors.
Founding Date
Underground / Vault
Approximately 45,000 Drow, with some 10,00 others, mostly human or half-elf
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
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