The Unforgiving Abyss Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The Unforgiving Abyss

Deep beneath the earth, so deep as to even lie beneath the Reshal Sea and even portions of Qi'Reshalia lies the area known only as the unforgiving (or, sometimes, un-ending) abyss.

Rumors abound of all manner of creatures making this nightmarish realm home; and, in truth, a number of expeditions have travelled here, many of which never to return.


Typical of all Underdark geography, the abyss features miles and miles of twisting passageways amidst the deep rock of the earth; however, the abyss leads to nowhere.  It is a singularly maddening maze of tunnels and dead-ends that constantly loop back and forth upon each other.  Even such great and lauded groups as the Royal Society for the Exploration of the Natural and Physical World have struggled, and failed, to map and understand this place.
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