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Eyblin {Eydan}

"To Keep Peace in your community is to keep peace in yourself"   Eydan is one of the most southern countries in the east. Being the closest to the magic border the people of Eydan are afraid of magic. Due to this fear they pray to the gods to hope for protection. Making Eydan the most religious Korobin country. Eydan has a low population of humans, most who want to move to Eydan are not allowed in. unless they are a follower of a god. Eydan loves human clerics and oracles, trusting them much more then any kind of human. Humblins are more welcomed then humans, as it's believed that humblins understand the magic the wild animals and plants cast. Making them seen as a safe person to be round. Creatures of the sea are also welcomed, as trading technology and food is impornet to Eydan.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

like most cultures Koroblin names are unisex. Most popular names are words that have meanings that you as a person would want to embrace. Koroblins often change there name.

Family names

Most koroblins dont have family names, if you ask who there family is they would say there mothers name and where they are from.


Major language groups and dialects

Eydan Koroblin, Spoken much like normal Koroblin but written much more different.

Shared customary codes and values

Unlike most koroblin countries people in Eydan are very religious, most people follow all the gods together, But by far Koro-Koro is there most beloved God. It's common to see the streets covered in chalk drawings of elder symbols.   Hissy Fish are there holy animal as they symbolize the Wrath the Gods can have.

Common Etiquette rules

standing on your tiptoes and saying hello is the proper greeting.

Common Dress code

Bright colors and decorative items are the most common.  "Dress like the gods are watching you"  is a common saying.

Art & Architecture

Carvings of animals and big stone buildings are common. Making buildings and temples that look 'Dreamlike' are very common.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Mav OwO (the five Prayers)  
  1. AhAw: A prayer done at dawn, Those awake Pray to the god Cuerso, by Praying at the family Ancestral shrine and asking for there safety in the after life.
  2. FuOw: Morning Prayer, A group prayer in the morning, in witch people face the rising sun and take a deep bow, Praying to The Elder God For safety threw out the day. Those who really in need for safety they draw Closed eye symbols on them selfs or the ground during this time.
  3. NaSha: Noon prayer, To pray to the The True Judge people eat lunch, This lunch must be "Lawful" as in The animals/plants must be proved from farms that look well care of there heard and workings. beacuse of this mostly organic and free range food is eaten. seen as a very healthy meal.
  4. PhaRin: Meaning Start of the night, Pharin is a nightly group prayer. in witch people go to the river side and send a candle down the river, To ask Koro-Koro to give everyone good dreams. When people are really in need for hope and knowledge they also burn a paper that has a question on it. hoping that in there dreams they'll get a answer. In there are no rivers people hang and light candles on trees, if no trees people put candles in high places.
  5. PhaNa: Midnight, Those awake pray to Hemmblin by using a FeRo (a ceremonial knife) to give blood to a sacred monument witch is stone craved into a skull shape. While thanking Hemmblin for giving them life and black blood.

Coming of Age Rites

ChoWuRo: (First time in 2nd form) When a child is 8 years old there parents use a FeRo (a ceremonial knife) to have there child go into 2nd form for the first time. not doing this is seen as unhealthy for the child.   PhaHe: (Teenage Night) When someone turns 13 and if a officially a teenager they must go on a quest, depending on what they wish to be when they become a adult. the outcome of this quest tells there future, and if they can become what they want to be. a sample of a quest can be, if they want to become a leader for the whole day they must get a group of people younger then them, and manage them threw a building project. or such quest can be something more daring like going on a hunt alone if they wish to join the army or become a hunter. Not doing on is seen as bad luck.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerals are public to make sure everyone knows 'The truth of life' Eydan is the only modern Korobin country that still eats there dead. The only time they dont is if the person died of sickness. in those cases they burn the body in public with a open flame, then put there ashes into the sea/river.

Common Taboos

Not following the gods is seen as you backstabbing the gods, your family, your country, and yourself.   Eydan is very serious about keep the natives and tribal people Safe, having many laws to keep Current Tech and people away from them. Many people dont even know about them, not even what they look like or anything. And most people are fine with that.


Gender Ideals

As the normal in eastern koroblin cultures, Women are see as the strong "masculine" Ones. and Men are the more feminine.   Van= The female Gender Kin= The male Gender Yem= Gender that is outside of Female or Male.   In Eydan it's rare to see men even having a job, unless it's seen as homely. cooking, cleaning, Making clothes. are some of the only jobs men have. If a man is lucky enough to get a better job they often get called a women or a FaLu. ( the korobin word for not acting like your gender) It wasnt until 1995 that men where allowed to go to collage.

Courtship Ideals

Marriage is normally  arrange, manly not to waste women's time. as they need to work they dont have time to seek a partner. Men do dream about being able to get a love filled marriage is a dream many share, but one that many know wont come true.

Main Map
the most normal of koroblin wolrd maps

Related Organizations
Languages spoken


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