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Crypsis Clade

The Crypsis Clade, led by the Sapientis, is tasked with managing intelligence and counterintelligence within Cnidaria and trade networks. It develops advanced methods for collecting data, whether through magical scrying, espionage, or diplomatic channels. This includes training specialised operatives skilled in infiltration and information extraction. Researchers delve into encryption and decryption, studying cryptographic systems and magical encryption spells to protect sensitive communications and data from interception or tampering. Conversely, if required, they are tasked with breaking enemy codes and deciphering hidden messages. Alongside with this, the Crypsis Clade tests and creates countermeasures to evade and/or neutralise enemy surveillance efforts, whether magical or mundane. This includes creating illusions to conceal sensitive locations, devising magical wards to detect scrying attempts, or training operatives in counter-surveillance tactics. Another area of interest is network analysis and intelligence fusion. Researchers within the clade study the patterns and connections within information networks to identify key actors, predict enemy movements, and uncover hidden agendas. This involves the use of magical divination or advanced data analytics techniques.

The Crypsis Clade has opened a project collaboration with Cnidaria’s most skilled Enchanter who doubles as an aristocrat and the leader of the Hull Clade to collaborate on new psychological manipulation techniques and how they might affect Vedalkens. This research explores the intricacies of persuasion, manipulation, and social engineering to influence the thoughts and actions of individuals or groups within Vedalken Society. This involves research into hypnotic suggestion, propaganda techniques, psychological profiling, and the effects of enchantment magic. Volunteers are required for this project, often being moved from the Guardian Clade Volunteer Program to assist.

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