
Stoneheim was the original Dwarven Capital before the attack on the dragons. After the Dwarves laid claim to the land and took it for their own. This city was built into the mouth of a large cave system. The dwarves carved homes and building into the rock walls and used the natural cave system as a way to traverse the depths without making a manmade tunnel. In the deeper parts of this cave, they began building their own strip mines for resources.   During the Fall of Stoneheim: End of Draconis War the collapse of the two epic dragons into Stoneheim collapsed the mountain in on itself. Killing anyone on the mountain or within and sending Stoneheim to rubble. Some of the underground tunnels that once existed connecting Stoneheim to the other cities were caved in along with the city itself. Leaving those behind trapped in the tunnels likely to die.   Stoneheim: Built on a mountain. Outer wall is the first line of defense that houses the untitled, children, and the weak. There is no name given to the people until they are sent on their spiritual journey. Most are referred to by animals until then. Inner wall is those who become titled and gained access to live within the walls until the eventually prove themselves even more. The inner mountain is there the elite live. They are the ones who have proved themselves in battle and earned the title Vengr or Myr. Stoneheim became the capitol due to its centralized location in the north. Dwarven settlements took their trade goods to the capitol to trade among themselves, but it was the closest place to traverse crossing to trade with other civilizations which also aided in its growth. The entrance to the inner mountain consists of three large statues carved into the mountain. One of a Vengr Warrior, One of a Myr Politician, and Zar himself above them. Between them all is the gate to Zarhalla (their interpretation of it) that leads to the inner mountain. The low born understand their place and would never enter Zarhalla, but they know they they will be the ones to lead the Vengr and Myr up the Skali River to the gates of Zarhalla.
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