
Suspended within the tree line is the city of Lunaris, also known as the "Floating City". A young Elfar city filled with the refugee's of Aevoridge whom escaped the tyranny of Candurill Aevoridge during his rule. These people have named themselves the Lunafar, meaning People of Lunaris. Elegant wooden structures hung and carved into the tree form a floating city built above the ground. The city houses many refugees and escapees of Aevoridge during the Draconis War.   Location: The city is located in the south eastern portion of Shularix. Located in the separated portion of land between the Elfar and Hume kingdoms, built around over both sides of the Draylan River that drains from Draylan Lake/Bay.   History:   The city itself is only 20 years old.   Luna Forest - Where the blue Luna moon appears larger and gives a brighter blue effect to the woods. North of the river. Mani Forest - Where the red Luna moon appears larger and gives a brighter red effect to the woods. South of the river.   As the water from Draylan Lake flows through the river, it lands upon a waterfall where the water then drains into Draylan bay. The water that flows between these two woods is influenced by the two magics. The water itself gives off the color of a light purple, a flask of this water is worth a large fortune for its unique appearance and properties.   The city itself is built within the trees above the river. The dense forest is filled with many magical essence and mythical creatures that give plenty of wildlife and crops growing from the trees themselves for them to thrive. While the settlement is small it is rapidly growing from the Elfar whom no longer seek to live under Aevoridge thumb.   One of the more unique events that are occuring here, is the appearance of strange creatures from Draylan Lake. It has been hard to tell if these creatures appear to be friend or foe yet.   Flora and Fauna The moons effect on the creatures within the area give during night time a shining bioluminescent glow to many of the creatures and flora within the area, similar to that of Glitterwoods but more based on a glow of red or blue. Scorpions of a glowing blue or red, large lightning bugs that act as guides, fish swimming through the river, and various flowers and other natural life growing and glowing. There is a single flower that grows on both sides of the river, the flower on the red side is more medicinal and used for healing, the other side is used for poisons.   When the Lunaris Elfar first began to settle in this area, the Pinnacle Elfar that were hunting them noticed them eating a particular flower for food and drink. Upon attempting it themselves they slowly began to poison themselves, and eventually died off. Causing the Elfar to not see an advantage to hunting them down.
Founding Date
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