Draconis Peak

After The Cleaving which split the continents, The mountains of Draconis Peak housed many of Hassien's that sought refuge after the war. Many have been worked to death, after an enslavement by the Draconis whom once lay dormant deep within its cavernous roots. Few escaped, and even fewer still live to this day. After Candurill Aevoridge sided the Elfar with the Draconis, Candurill ensured that no Hassien was left alive. Seeing them as a scourge upon the land he sought to purge.   After the fall of the Draconis Legion many of the remaining Draconis left the lands to find their own place to call home outside of a ruler. While few still remained, the enslaved Dwarvengr and remaining species soon sought the guidance of the monstrous creatures that once resided here. Building shrines and temples to those that remained in return for a share of their very essence. Draconis Peak is the name dubbed by the people that now reside in this settlement, harvesting the mana infused minerals that lay deep within. And uncovering much history and artifacts of the Hassien's, Titan's, and Draconis alike within an area already built for mining and already filled with riches.   The person who leads these individuals is a mysterious human man, who only goes by the name Grand Master. He teaches the ways of the Draconis to those who have come to pay respects, or study the ways of the Draconis. Teaching about Draconis themselves, their language, and fighting styles that he calls the Way of the Draconis Fist.   The Cult of the Dragon is a secretive organization that worships the powerful dragons that once fought in the Old War. Their headquarters are located at the top of Draconis Peak, a towering mountain that rises above the surrounding landscape. The cult members believe that the dragons were once the rulers of the world and that they will one day return to reclaim their throne. They believe that by worshiping the dragons and offering them sacrifices, they will earn their favor and be rewarded with immense power and wealth.   The cult is led by a charismatic figure known only as the High Priest, who claims to have a direct connection to the dragons and their divine power. The High Priest is said to possess immense magical abilities and is rumored to have the ability to commune with the dragons themselves.   The cult is highly secretive and operates in the shadows, away from the prying eyes of the outside world. Its members are sworn to secrecy and will stop at nothing to protect the cult's secrets and their worship of the dragons.   Despite its ominous reputation, the Cult of the Dragon has a significant following, drawing in those who seek power and wealth at any cost. But the true motives of the cult and its leaders remain a mystery, fueling speculation and fear among those who know of its existence.   The peak of Draconis is a place of pilgrimage for the cult's followers, who make the treacherous journey to offer their sacrifices and pay homage to the dragons. But for those who dare to venture too close to the peak, it can be a place of terror and danger, as the cult will stop at nothing to protect its secrets and ensure that its worship of the dragons remains unchallenged.
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Owning Organization