M'jørf The War of the Na'zon Delta
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The War of the Na'zon Delta

Military action


The following states the intention of the Righteous Principality of Molair to enter war with the member states of the Treaty of the Na'zon Delta. The Principality of Molair cites the following as the casus belli for this war.

  1. The resources currently held by the member-states of the treaty of the Na’zon Delta.
  2. World domination.
The Righteous Principality of Molair calls in its allies in the Venasahn Defense League for this war.             By this statement the nation of Molair forsakes all diplomacy with member-states of the treaty of the Na’zon Delta, the Duchy of Im'ani and the Knights of Irach for the term of one season.   Signed,     Sophie I Mol
As sovereign of
The Righteous Principality of Molair   Signed on the 4th of Osamb of the 1st Year

4th Osamb 1 KA- The Righteous Principality of Molair declared war upon the Treaty of the Na'zon Delta.   12th Osamb 1 KA- Shmebulocq joins Molair in the War of the Na'zon Delta.   29th Osamb 1 KA- Nouilles joins Molair in the War of the Na'zon Delta.   1st Devet 1 KA- Verh'el refuses the Molairi call to arms. Ißenaa also refuses the Molairi call to arms.   3rd Devet 1 KA- South-Northpole refuses the Molairi call to arms, yet Wa'jar steps in to aid the Irachi in the war.   17th Devet 1 KA- An army of a thousand Molairi rode into the province of Cerianda and met no resistance there. The troops of Irach crossed the Na'zon into Molair at several points. In Starport Lord Commander Kylian Buijs suffered a few casualties but won the battle and the crossing. So too for the Wet Coast and Ihcx. At Kratenboom, however, the Irachi suffered a costly defeat and were driven back across the river. Meanwhile the Duchy of Im'ani sent troops across the Na'zon from the other side and met with Molairi garrisons there. The Molairi troops battled hard but eventually lost Tranicxsio, Shield Guard, Irrimorst and Uros. Whilst all this occured the Wa'jari only advanced some counties, slowly drawing up on the frontline.   15th Novobar 1 KA- In the past month of the War of the Na'zon Delta there have been several full-scale assaults across the several streams in the Na'zon Delta. Im'ias forces crossed over the Na'zon into Victos and Taykash and fought hard with the Molairi defences. Eventually they won but they lost a hefty 3,500 soldiers. The Im'ias allies, Irach and Wa'jar, felt the brunt of a Molairi counter-attack. In both Th'asas and Th'asas & Boron Irach beat off the Molairi attacks with heavy losses. Over the Wa'jar-Molair border Molair captured Adin and Iman'undrash after great battles. Other counties swapped hands without any notable fighting. The Knights of Irach marched into Applemost, Ors and Starport-West. The Duchy of Im'ani took over Cropsen, Tran and Ystrannah. The Principality of Molair reclaimed the county of Irrimorst.   14th Aralik 1 KA- Again a number of battles have been fought in the War of the Na'zon Delta. In Iman'undrash the Empire of Wa'jar recaptured some of it's core territory after fights with Molairi troops, in Cerianda they also regained control of core territory. In Adin, however, Wa'jar failed at recovering the territory. The forces of Irach met with Molairi forces whilst trying to secure Baldir's Chin, Molair beat them back with heavy losses. The Im'ias forces had a run in with a Molairi army too. They were defeated on the fields of Sunrhyse. Outside these battles the Im'ani armies captured the Molari capital of Lucius and the county of Rhaen. Irachi armies captured Kratenboom City, Lustara, Egson Plains, Fuw, Whetlands and Windhelm and moved troops to defend their shorelines. Finally the allied troops of the Duchy of Nouilles arrived after a long journey by ship. They landed in and captured the counties of Tranicxsio, Victos, Eldras Mon, West Perrin, Whitepettle Bay, Solagh-Myrys, Normyn, Aw Jedah and Lau Awaït.   17th Aralik 1 KA- Verh'el joins the Molairi call to arms despite earlier refusal.   26th Janvier 2 KA- Numerous battles have raged across the Na'zon, and though the Molairi are on the brink of losing all their troops the war is far from decided. Shmebulocq troops have landed in the north; in the counties of Hardhome, Benöndorf, Istar and Hemmara, and in the south; in support of the failed attack on Adin, which the Molairi army had lost only days before. After some other battles in Sunrhyse, Baldir's Chin and Uros the coalition of Im'ani, Irach and Wa'jar took control of the counties of Barda, Gyrholm, Tyana, Sunrhyse, Tranicxsio, Uros and Victos. And whilst the Im'ias troops were off in the east, the Duchy of Nouilles captured even more counties, namely Herradonyard, Transicxsio, Vyrys, Iyardhen, Normynfields, Iarwen and Men Dahat.   10th Otsalia 2 KA- Finna joins Im'ani in the War of the Na'zon Delta.