Finn Chull

The Creator Giant

The Creator Giant

The first born of Jotnar Asterus, Finn was born in a time where the Surface of Maeon was wild and untamed. Massive storms would cover much of the world and the land would still shift to a more permanent position. He would wander the world with his growing brethren, aiding in the formation of the world as we know it today. Once they finished aiding in the formation of the continent of Aelotas, his brother a fire giant by the name of Halvdan challenged Finn to a game. They would take apart two of the barren mountains and toss them into the sea, creating a massive landmass, and the one who had thrown more land would get a claim on this continent. They played this game for years, and soon nature would develop on it, mountains would form from extra chunks tossed onto existing land and after hundreds of years life made itself known. At this point Halvdan and Finn's game had ended, and they would walk upon the new land for the first time. Halvdan claimed that the south should be his, while Finn claimed the north. The many giants of Maeon, found this new landmass as a preferred home moving about it some following Halvdan while others joined Finn.

Kingdom Come

The Storm Giants of Maeon would flock to the northern parts of the grand landmass staking claim to any unoccupied region they found. That is until an odd structure would appear within the center of Finn's territory. Made from brilliant marble, it had all the markings of celestial architecture. Inside the building were lines and lines of books and scrolls. Welcoming the Giant's was an angel by the name Sachiel, he informed the group that they were welcome to peruse this celestial library for whatever they would like. Although he did warn them that this structure would disappear in a couple hours, unsure of where its next location would be. Finn and his giants took this opportunity and eagerly learned celestial as well as advanced architectural knowledge to fashion their cities. They would leave the library before its eventual disappearance and began constructing beautiful cities, some of which comparable to what one would find in the realm of Ionar. Finn spread his influence across the mountains and northern regions of the continent Building three major cities. While Finn began to create a kingdom, several other ancestries would make themselves known on the continent, these being Elves and Yuan-Ti.   War would erupt between these two peoples after several generations leading to the near extinction of the Yuan-Ti. Finn and his brother Halvdan would intervene near the end of the war, rescuing some of the Yuan-Ti people from execution from the elven legions. This interruption would ruin relations between giant kind and elven kind for quite some time. His brother on the other hand would take a liking to a particular member of the rescued serpent folk, marrying a witch by the name of Ahsa Zehsass Some more time would pass, and the Storm Giant's found themselves being less and less prevalent in their own territories. Disappearances were the norm and Finn knew there was something supernatural at fault for this. Starting an expedition to the south of the kingdom of Avalor, he would discover a glowing red land of Sand, he would comment that the desert itself was comparable to the 9 hells and eventually they found a settlement full of Humans and Gnolls. The gnoll's themselves had the humans as slaves and used them as an object of trade, just as anyone else would trade spices or coin. Disgusted at the practice, the Storm Giant's under Finn would take the enslaved humans to the northern lands after a brief conflict with the Hyena folk. Unfortunately, humanity still faced unfair treatment, even under more free circumstances, doing much of the farming and mining for the remaining storm giants of Avalor. Finn himself wished he could provide more fairness to the humans within his lands, although many of the other peers in his lands laughed at the idea. This would all change one day, as when Finn was visiting the Giant's spine mountain range, a frost giant assassin was preparing to end the ancient being’s life. It would have succeeded as well if it were not for the intervention of a human by the name of Nahine. Finn felt indebted to the woman and grated her one request for saving his life. She merely requested that her people be given the same status as the giants of Avalor and bound by honor Finn granted the request. The two would eventually fall for one another and would marry.

The End of a Giant

Much time would pass as a massive demon incursion made its way to Avalor from the southern regions of Saleth severely hurting the populace. A great demon lord named Carach Angren was slaughtering the many people of the world be it human, elf or even Giant. Finn and his generals fought off Carach's minions, meeting the great menace outside of the gates of Avalor. After achieving a great victory they would chase the demon back to the The Lake of Immolation. Even with the lord banished, they still had much to do as demonic minions littered the land. Finn and his brother Halvdan The Black would meet at The Giant's Spine to finish off members of The Burned One's when he found a blade in his back. Finn would turn to find his brother grinning wickedly. Corrupted by Angren his brother aimed to slay Finn here and now. The two Giant's dueled as fire and lightning rained from the sky, but Finn was at a disadvantage, a poison was flowing through his veins, and he was outnumbered. Calling upon divine might he would level part of the mountain range killing all the cultists, but to his shock his brother was still standing. Halvdan then proceeded to nearly beat the life out of his kin reveling in the treachery and bloodshed, only to find a massive ballista bolt in his chest. He looked on the horizon, seeing Nahine with a legion of Avalorian soldiers waiting for him. This moment of shock was enough for Finn to end his brother’s life, severing the fire giant's head. Finn then collapsed his life near its end, using his energy to thank the humans that aided in the battle. His wife approached with tears running down her face informing him that they were having a child. With a grin on his face, he soon passed away, in his final moments giving control of Avalor to his loving wife. Finn's legacy is still going on today with her great grandchildren leading the charge. They use their mothers last name of mayday and are only 1/3 storm giant.


Nahine Chull Mayday

Wife (Vital)

Towards Finn Chull



Finn Chull

Husband (Vital)

Towards Nahine Chull Mayday



Halvdan The Black


Towards Finn Chull


Finn Chull


Towards Halvdan The Black


Lawful Good
Current Status
Halvdan The Black (Brother)
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements