The Giant's Spine

The Giant's Spine Mountains, a colossal and rugged mountain range located to the north of Avalor, are among the most imposing geographical features of Saleth. These massive peaks not only serve as a natural boundary, but also as the final resting place for the noble Mayday royal family.   Carved into the heart of the Giant's Spine, the Mayday Royal Cemetery is a sprawling necropolis where generations of Mayday monarchs, queens, and nobles find their eternal rest. It is a place of great reverence and significance for the people of Avalor, and the burial ceremonies conducted here are elaborate and solemn affairs, often accompanied by grand processions and rites. Near the center of this grand cemetary are two large tombs, these house the ancient giant's who helped create the land of saleth, Finn Chull and Halvdan The Black  However, the Giant's Spine Mountains are not only a place of somber reflection but also a realm of peril and intrigue. These towering peaks are home to the formidable frost giants of Saleth. These massive beings, hulking and powerful, dwell in the unforgiving heights of the mountains and the frigid valleys between them. The frost giants, although not native to Avalor, have long been a source of conflict and tension between the northern territories and the kingdom of Avalor.   Over the years, frost giant incursions into Avalor have been a recurring challenge, often leading to skirmishes and territorial disputes. These giants, driven by their territorial instincts and the desire to expand their dominion, occasionally attempt to encroach upon Avalor's borders, leading to clashes with military forces.
Alternative Name(s)
King's Graveyard
Mountain Range
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species