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Materia 42: "Fire and Blood"

General Summary

In the Dark One's infernal court in Nessus, the Lord of the Nine gifts a powerful staff and magical stone to Feyrith, and instructs his Apostles to do his will all throughout the world; in Teikyou, a Fujiwara traitor destroys Aiwin's last remaining clone as penance for his refusal to cooperate with the Dark One.   In Erenthas, the party plans their coup, agreeing to a plan proposed by Tyni to have the party fake being arrested and brought before the Solite court. The plan goes off without a hitch, and the party cuts Aiwin down, securing his cardinal sinner's soul of Pride. As Viseri Thedan and his men sweep into the palace, the party confronts Heather Zinyra, who warns Mari of the price of her revenge and grief. Seeking support, Mari spends time with Jun while the rest of the party heads to a celebratory dinner.   After a tender and comforting moment, Jun presents Mari with a coded message. Mari unscrables it, and to her horror finds that it implicates Tyni in multiple attempted assassinations of Viseri, and hints at a collaborator in the west. Rushing to help the rest of the party, Mari returns to dinner only to find Tyni betraying the party by stabbing Myriell while announcing his cooperation with Subaru Akimoto.


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