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Breland is the human country on The Hidden Peninsula , and had been for 1200 year with the claiming of Sharn, The City of Towers. Breland is a democratizing feudal kingdom and has 27 Fiefdoms under its domain. A bicameral legislature, one of elected officials and one of royal officials, make laws. The King enforces the laws as the head executive of the government. The court system judges the laws and hands out verdicts on legal cases at all levels of litigation based on The Code of Justice . Fiefs pay taxes and supply troops in times of war in exchange for the lands the feudal lords have been gifted and their participation in the legislature.   Breland occupies the grass and lowlands of The Hidden Peninsula, the Jurdan Plains , and is the bread basket for the neighboring countries. The capital Sharn is a massive trading hub and metropolis that imports and exports all sorts of good, bringing additional commerce to the country.   About 2/3 of the population lives in the countryside and the other third lives in the few larger cities darted across the landscape.   The Hidden Peninsula is rather separated from the mainland, because to the west the The Greywall Mountains and The Great Wastes separate it from the mainland. To all other sides of the peninsula is Ocean, including the Smoldering Gulf , meaning ocean trade, mostly from Sharn, is extremely important to this relatively cut off part of the world.   Southern Breland can get quite hot in the summer time and the mostly swampy Fiefs in the Southeast can get extremely humid as well. Northern Breland borders the formerly divided Elf country of Eldaria in The World Tree Forest and the Dwarf Kingdom, The Mror Holds, in the Ironfoot Mountains . The Northern Lands are also home to Eldeen Lake and its associated rivers that essentially separate the three countries from each other.   Roads are well built here to facilitate trade and the influence of money, and overwhelming magical powers present in Sharn have lead to the construction of an electric lightning train system that connects the main urban centers of Breland as well as the capitals of the Dwarf and Elvish lands.

Demography and Population

Breland has a population of roughly 1.5 million spread over the 27 fiefdoms. By the best guesses, 64% of the population is human, 8% gnomes, 8% half-elves, 8% dwarves, 7% elves, and 5% other. Approximately, 500,000 inhabitants live in the cities (ex Four Winds, Varna , Altdor , ect ), with Sharn, The City of Towers making up ~ 300,000 of that with most of the non-human races living there as well.   Human citizens of Breland can expect a 60-70 year life span, and those with access to better medicine and magic, living up to 100 years of age.

Agriculture & Industry

Breland is a heavily agricultural country and supplies most of Eldaria and The Mror Holds with the food they cannot make for themselves. At the end of The Last War, with the invasion of the Orcs, Eldaria and the Mror Holds became very motivated to end the conflict as large swaths of fertile Northern Breland's were not able to be tended and started cutting into their food supplies

Rising High

Founding Date
2/2/66 SeA
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Gold coins
Major Exports
Breland exports agricultural goods along with cheap weapons. They culturally export Sharn culture as the city is the face of the region to the world.
Judicial Body
The High Courts and provincial courts use The Code of Justice as their guiding light for legal matters.
Neighboring Nations

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Breland Prehistory

0 2221

  • 1466


    The Founding of Sharn (Mak'Rok)

    The goblins of The Hilt started construction on their capital city, Mak'Rok. Their oppressive architecture unknowingly set the perfect foundation for the towers of Sharn, the Breland capital that would reside on the same land after the Brelish take over the area.

    Additional timelines
  • 2157

    2 /2

    2 /2

    Journey of the Brelish
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Brelish, expelled from their home after the devistation brought by The Turning of The Age, set sail on the open ocean to find new fertile land to live in.

    More reading
    Additional timelines

The History of Breland

2222 and beyond


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