Session 086 - Consequences of Intrigue Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 086 - Consequences of Intrigue

General Summary

22nd of Peonu to 5th of Kelen (Second and Third months of Spring) 722TR

The story so far

Avon, a Lieutenant in the Thardic Republic's Red Guard has been prematurely aged by a Ghost. He seeks magical healing from the Churches in the City of Tashal. Sounds simple.

Continuation of Session 84 - Rats, Ghosts and a Basilisk Egg.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - Divine Restoration.

Janor, art by Artbreeder
Avon enters Tashal's Temple of Peoni (The Church of the Eternal Harvest) and is met by the Deputy High Priest Janor Torelin. The pious, kindly old man is sympathetic to Avon's plight and very willing to use the holy magic of his Goddess to restore his stolen youth. He only asks that's Avon make a donation and devote 20 days in service to the poor. The elderly Priest says such menial labor will purify Avon's soul. Avon is too proud to commit and grudgingly thanks the holy man for his time and explores other options.

Highpriest Deni, art by Artbreeder
At the Temple of Larani (Basilica of Aidrik IV), he approaches the Highpriest Deni Trochi. This stern man is aware of the Hero's efforts to cleanse the evil from under the Royal Amphitheatre will happily restore the damage done by the Ghost. However, he will only do this for a devoted worshiper of Larani and proceeds to test him on holy doctrine. Luckily Avon remembered fragments of the Church's dogma, learned from observing the actions of his friend Acheron. Being a skilled liar, he bluffed his way through. The Priest was completely deceived and magically restored Avon's vitality for a donation.

Part 2 - Arrival of the Diplomats.

A few days later, Avon is surprised to see arriving into the City an Official Delegation from the Thardic Republic. Four Red Guard knights are protecting two of the Republics' Senators, Ryburn Elernin and Zanek Musbern.

He quickly makes himself known to Lieutenant Bardolf, the senior guardsman of the group. Bardolf is a straight talker and pleased to see Avon. He tells him that the Senators have been bickering for days and hate each other. Senator Ryburn's father Marshal Kronas has won several victories against the Tulwyn Barbarians who were blocking trade route between the Kingdom of Kaldor and the Thardic Republic. Both men are envoys sent by the Senate but appear to have somewhat different agendas.

Senator Ryburn Elernin, art by Artbreeder
Avon meets and offers assistance to each of the Senators. Senator Ryburn Elernin is a vain, entitled man who supports both the Senate's Expansionist and Imperialist Fractions. He is planning to negotiate the establishment of a Legionary base at Trobridge Inn, so that's the Salt Route can be jointly defended by both states.

He asks Avon to spy on Senator Musbern and to hand-deliver a letter to Lady Cheselyne Hosat, the niece of King Miganath Elendsa of Kaldor. Avon takes note and, before delivery, asks Acheron to open it.

The letter is addressed to Lady Cheselyne Hosath, wishing her and her uncle the King well. Senator Ryburn wants to continue their discussions regarding the possibility of a marriage between himself and one of her daughters.

Lady Cheselyne Hosath, art by Artbreeder
Acheron carefully replaces the seal on the letter. However, his efforts are mediocre and would likely pass only a casual inspection. As a distraction, Avon decides to make it look like he has been in a fight, claiming someone tried to intercept the message. He charms Lady Cheselyne, and she is so impressed with his bravery that she fails to pay any attention to the state of the seal. After reading the message, she organizes a reception for Senator Ryburn, scheduled in three days, and asks Lieutenant Avon to attend.

Senator Zanek Mustbern, art by Artbreeder
Senator Zanek Musbern is an older man whose somewhat reserved and worried appearance hides a talented orator. He has led his family from obscurity to prominence over the last 30 years. He is a member of the Republic's consolidation fraction and is happy to acknowledge Kaldor's claim to Trobridge. However, he wants to station more Legionary outposts within its borders along the trade route.

He asks Avon to spy on Senator Ryburn, and being well aware of Avon's unconventional talents, also asks him to find him an Assassin discreetly!

Part 3 - Back in the Underworld.

Avon and friends decide to enter the cities underworld and sewers, using the entrance under the Temple of Ilvir (Church of the Yellow Hand), to attempt to make contact with the Assassin Priests of Naveh. Acheron uses him to alter ego Ricon for this meeting seeking to gather intelligence on this evil organization.

Acheron quickly gets doused by a gallon of stale urine from a fiendishly set trap. Later a large form shambles forward. This Otyugh, attracted by the pungent Acheron, entraps him and Sabretooth with its long tentacles and then smashes them together. Its large diseased maw tears into the heroes, but it is eventually hacked to pieces.

The Heroes started to lose patience, so Avon starts shouting, calling the Assassins, and an hour later, three dangerous-looking cloaked men emerge from the shadows. Avon arranges a meeting with Senator Musbern at midnight in a dark alleyway across the City.

Part 4 - Secret Meeting.

The Party escorts Senator Mustern to the meeting, but en route, they are ambushed. Two Priest of Sarajin strike, both were wearing the holy symbols of Clan Maael. This Clerical Clan wants Trobridge Inn to remain independent and free from the influence of either the Thardic Republic and the Kingdom of Kaldor. One of the Clerics creates a freezing blast engulfing Avon, Senator Musbern, and Sabertooth's Ivashu Companion Smeg. This cold is so intense it instantly kills Smeg. Sabretooth goes berserk. The other Priest leaps into the air and flies forward in a burst of lighting and axe strikes, almost eliminating Avon after he successfully pickpockets one of the Priests Holy Symbols. Acheron moves the Senator to safety and then attacks the Priests with ranged spells. Sabertooth rips off the first Priest's face and is nearly overwhelmed by the lighting charged battle axes strikes from the second. After he is killed, the still-raging Sabretooth tears his face off as well.

The corpses of the priests are thrown down into the nearby sewer access. The grieving Sabretooth watches as Smeg's body rapidly disintegrates, as is usual for an Ivashu. He see Smeg's misty spirit depart for the God Ilvir Holy Tower of Araka-Kala to be reincarnated into another form at some point in the future.

The Party meets with the Assassins at the appointed time and location. Senator Musbern passes on a note with the victim's name to a sinister-looking man. The Senator also requires that the murder be clean and quick; the victim is not to suffer.

On the way back to the Senators Inn, Avon asks if he has any false information he can supply Senator Ryburn to make it appear he is spying on him as instructed. Senator Musbern gives incorrect details that he is under-reporting the income from one of his Mines to the Republic's Tax office.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Deputy High Priest Janor Torelin of the Church of Peoni.

Highpriest Deni Trochi of the Church of Larani.

Lieutenant Bardolf Harrisone.

Senator Ryburn Elernin.

Senator Zanek Musbern.

Lady Cheselyne Hosath, the King's niece.

Challenges Overcome

Avon managed to get his youth restored.

Intercepted the correspondence of Senator Ryburn Elernin.

Killed - 1 Otyugh.

Located an Assassin for Senator Zanek Musbern.

Killed - 1 Priest of Sarajin and 1 Gray Slayer.

Saved the life of Senator Zanek Musbern.

Created Content

Senator Zanek Musbern.

Related Reports

City of Tashal - Updated.

The Red Guard.

Senator Ryburn Elernin - Updated.

Great Families of the Thardic Republic - updated.

Players Character Status

Acheron - Level 3 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Level 4 Ivashu Lord and Level 2 Monk.

Avon - Level 6 Thief.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
14 Jun 2020
Primary Location

The Red Guard

Red Guard, by Columbia Games

Clan Elernin

Clan Elernin, art by Columbia Games

Clan Musbern

Clan Musbern, Art by Attacus

Clan Maael

This clan specialises in Storm Magic. Members can Summon Lighting and Icy Blasts.

The Maaels are based at Trobridge Inn and have had some success converting the Chelni Barbarians to Sarajin.

Clan Maael, art by Attacus

Church of Naveh

Disciples of the God of Assassins.

Naveh, art by Columbia Games

Smeg Rest in Piece

Smeg the Ivashu was killed by a Clan Maael priest.

Very sad.

Nukaz - the Marrow Feeder.png

Nukaz, by Attacus

Cover image: by Attacus


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