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Basic Information


In their humanoid forms, Werecrocodiles are biologically indistinguishable from non-lycanthropes. Typically, they are tall and thin Humans, although well-muscled with typically with little body hair and bowed legs. A Werecrocodile's humanoid face is thin, with sharp features, a long nose and chin, a noticeable overbite, and eyes that held a steady stare which could be somewhat unnerving.   In crocodilian form, they have red eyes and large, scaly bodies. While some Werecrocodiles can only assume the forms of either a humanoid or a crocodile, others can assume a hybrid form. In this form, they are hulking, 2.1‑meter tall crocodiles that stood upright on short legs. Young crocodiles only gain the ability to shapeshift once they reach puberty.

Biological Traits

Male Werecrocodiles are generally larger than females and are able to grow facial hair. Female Werecrocodiles are able to produce milk from their breasts and are the ones that give birth. Werecrocodiles are forced to change into their hybrid or shark form when exposed to moonlight, but experienced Werecrocodiles are able to change into crocodile form at will. Werecrocodiles are also able to rapidly heal wounds as long as it wasn't made from using silver.

Genetics and Reproduction

As a rule, Werecrocodiles only mate amongst each other, and birth live young lycanthropes. Alternatively, anyone bitten by a Werecrocodile run the risk of contracting their form of lycanthropy and transforming into a Werecrocodile at the next full moon. The more grievous the bite, the more likely the victim is to contract the condition.

Growth Rate & Stages

Werecrocodiles from infancy take 4 years to reach childhood and from there it takes 14 years to reach adulthood, at the age of 18 a Werecrocodile is considered a young adult. A Werecrocodile who reaches the age of 30 is considered an adult and at the age of 60 they are considered to be elderly.

Ecology and Habitats

Werecrocodiles live near water, and are expert swimmers and highly adept at using the water for cover and stealth. They prefer to live in or near rivers, swamps, or flooded plains. While they generally avoided areas with large humanoid populations, some Werecrocodile families are known to take up residence in the sewers of large cities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like true crocodiles, Werecrocodiles consum anything that they could catch, including mostly fish and mammals who live near their homes. It is estimated that they need to eat approximately 23 kilograms of meat per day, and their two favorite foods are the flesh of Humans and the flesh of Wererats. They have a particular taste for human flesh, and found its allure difficult to resist.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Werecrocodiles age, eventually their bodies will reach a point where they can no longer sustain themselves and will eventually die. However, they live much longer lives than some other races such as Humans.

Additional Information

Social Structure

While they are known in rare cases to gather in large settlements, Werecrocodiles generally live in small family colonies of up to 3 or 4 individuals, or else they live alone. A family is usually led by their mother and sometimes kept several crocodiles as pets. Those Werecrocodiles who live near rivers or swamps make their homes in crude mud huts and had few possessions or treasures, perhaps no more than they can fit into a water-tight bladder to keep them dry. They will spend most of their day hunting in crocodile form, then return home and assume human form to sleep during the night.   Werecrocodiles had no particular enmity for Humans, they simply find their flesh too tasty to resist, and are also very territorial. At the same time, they are aware that humans have the greatest potential to harm them, and they consequently temper their hunting and territoriality with caution. Werecrocodiles avoid conflict with large groups of humans, instead picking off lone individuals or small bands that they feel confident of overpowering. They will often lure their victims into traps or disguise themselves as Humans in states of intense feigned grief in order to get the advantage in their ambush.

Facial characteristics

They have thin faces, sharp features, defined cheekbones and chin.

Average Intelligence

While not exactlyhighly- intelligent, they are cunning and will use their environment to their advantage in combat.    These lycanthropes are very territorial, and they willing to defend them to the deaths.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

By Werecrocodiles the sense of touch is quite well developed because they have a series of small, pigmented domes concentrated that dot their skin all over their body.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Werecrocodiles are known to be carriers of lockjaw, and anuld spread the disease to anyone they bit in their crocodile or hybrid forms. They themselves are immune to it.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Bestial, Human Language, Language of animals


Werecrocodiles may have originated as vengeful humans transformed into lycanthropes during the Time of Troubles. Some believe they originated from the Goddess of Beasts choosing to grant them power, while others believed that Humans that survived crocodile attacks somehow gained the ability to shapechange into one of the creatures.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
The Misty Swamps
215 years
Average Height
1.8 m (human form), 2.1m (hybrid form)
Average Weight
60-70 kg (human form), 365-425kg (hybrid form), 1,043–1,089 kg (crocodile form)
Average Length
6.45 m (crocodile form)
Average Physique
In their human forms, Werecrocodiles resembled tall, thin humans.   Originally, Werecrocodiles can only assume the forms of either Humans or massive crocodiles, but at some point, they gained the ability to assume a hybrid form resembling a humanoid crocodile.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Werecrocodile skin colour ranges from pale to dark brown. Werecrocodiles hair colour ranges from red, blond, brown, white, grey and black. A Werecrocodiles scale colour in hybrid and crocodiles form ranges from brown, olive, green or grayish.


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