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Basic Information


In human from they are not distinguishable from a normal human except for their enhanced senses, physical characteristics, special eye colors, moose-like noises and the smell of forest and wet fur.

Biological Traits

In human form their biological traits are nearly exactly like that of Humans with the only differences are the special eye colors like orange, purple, gold, silver, red, jet black, pink, scarled, yellow, bronze, dark blue and white. In there moose form the fur and eye color and the size of the moose form is diffrent from every Moose-Shifter.

Genetics and Reproduction

Moose-Shifters reproduce sexually and are viviparous, they typically have a gestation period of 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth is basically the same as in Humans until the age of onset of puberty is reached, which happens between the ages of ten and fourteen. The first transformation can then be triggered at any time by anger, the survival instinct or protective instinct. Transformation or "phasing" is a sudden and violent process. To become human again, the Moose-Shifter needs to calm down and concentrate on phasing back into human form.

Ecology and Habitats

Because the Moose-Shifters are very similar to Humans, they also live in communities similar to Humans, either among themselves or among Humans or other species, where they usually keep their Moose-Shifter status secret and pretend to be Humans because their species is similar to Dragonbloods or Orcs are very despised.   However, there are also some who live in their moose form in forests, mountains, caves or other parts of nature among animals and generally avoid civilization. Actually, Moose-Shifters can live anywhere, but they prefer to live in forests or wooded landscapes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Moose-Shifters are omnivores but prefer meat over other foods. Moose-Shifters who live civilian lives obtain their food by hunting, fishing, gathering, trading, domesticating animals and farming crops. Moose-Shifters, however, who live among the animals, get their food mainly by hunting, but they also collect to get food.   Although rare, it also happens that they attack traders or hikers in general and steal the food of those who have attacked them for themselves. Moose-Shifters do not appear mostly to feed of Humans in any special way. Their special feeding seems to mostly just be hunting wild game.

Biological Cycle

As time progresses Moose-Shifters age and grow until eventually their body reaches a point that they can no longer sustain themselves and die.


Due to their close relationship with Humans and other sentient species, their behavior depends primarily on upbringing, personality, environment and genetic factors. Moose-Shifters who live in civilizations behave civilly and humanely, even if their bearish instincts sometimes become noticeable.    Moose-Shifters who live according to their moose side tend to either behave very reserved towards Humans, civil conspecifics and other species, to avoid them completely or both because they behave more like animals and have either partially or completely left their human side behind them.   But overall Moose-Shifters are a cooperative species and will form communities to help each other, they are wary of other races but can form good relations with them given time. Disputes between Moose-Shifters are generally resolved without the use of violence.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Since the Moose-Shifters are the most suspicious and persecuted race in Nomardia, many others fear and even hate them. However, Werewolves and most Hybrids get along well with Moose-Shifters. The Moose-Shifters who live near or within human societies make their living as trappers, healers, hunters, guides, and military scouts.

Facial characteristics

Moose-Shifters, in their human form, have a pair of eyes that come in different colors such as blue, green, and brown, and ears with a nose and mouth. Male Moose-Shifters can grow facial hair. In their moose form, they practically look like an average moose, but are much larger and have a shine of intelligence in their eyes which shows their true self as a Moose-Shifter.

Average Intelligence

Human or higher

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Moose-Shifters have an extremely acute sense of smell, even in human form. They can smell things such as fear. Moose-Shifters can quickly tell a vampire from a human, a human from a shape-shifter, a human from a werewolf, or human from another Moose-Shifter by scent. They can see, hear and smell things from miles away.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Moose-Shifter naming traditions varies depending on the culture. However, they generally follow the same conventions of having a first name, a middle name, which is optional, and a surname or family name.

Beauty Ideals

The general factors that make up the beauty ideals of Moose-Shifters are the physical features an individual has and personality of the individual.

Gender Ideals

Both sexes are treated equally.

Courtship Ideals

It doesn't matter which sex courts the opposite sex.

Relationship Ideals

Both sexes help with the housework and raising of the offspring while also providing for the family.

Average Technological Level

Moose-Shifters prefer practical tools that best suit their nomadic and individualistic lifestyles. Their technology emphasizes this through simplicity and portability, which has prevented the Moose-Shifters from reaching the architectural or magical advancements that other races have achieved. However, the Moose-Shifters have never perceived this as a failing, instead what they regard as an accomplishment differs from the other races.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Bestial, Human Language, Language of animals

Common Etiquette Rules

Generally those of a higher standing are treated with respect, those of an equal standing are treated equally and those of a lower standing are usually treated poorly.

Common Dress Code

Those of higher standing dress with clothes made out of high quality resources, such as silk and fine fabric, and adorn themselves with jewellery, the quality of the clothes decreases as you go down the caste systems with those at lowest standing wear clothes that are poor and ragged.

Common Taboos

There are some common taboos such as murder, theft, assault, sexual assault, cannibalism and others.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Consecrated Rulers
150 years
Average Height
1.7/8 - 2.2 meters
Average Weight
54 - 107kg
Average Physique
Moose-Shifter resembled Humans, their close brethren, but with distinctively moosely features such as a slight antler attachment in the hair and hoof-like feet. Compared to Humans, Moose-Shifters are somewhat talller. Though Moose-Shifters are thin and graceful. In many other ways, however, Moose-Shifters look like humans.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Moose-Shifters skin colour ranges from pale to dark brown. Moose-Shifters hair colour ranges from red, grey, white, blond, brown and black. Moose-Shifters fur color depends on the personality.
Geographic Distribution


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