Nora Campaign Primer

Nora Campaign Primer

  Nora is a Nobledim world set within a medieval high fantasy setting. The Primordials that created the world during it's Age of Creation left behind the Gods who have now all but gone silent, leaving the Risen to tend to themselves. Technology is low and Magick is high. Heavy Cannons, Mills, Plows, etc. can be found in most civilized settlements, yet firearms and plumbing is a hopeful dream. The Dwehrlen have begun to harvest and use Blackpowder, yet it is still in it's primitive stages. Magick is commonplace and gifted individuals have outshined the need for Magick.   Magick is the lifeblood of Nora , the Primordial which the world is named after and who gave her life to spread life and creation throughout the world. Every living being in the world possesses Magick in their blood, yet the majority cannot take advantage of it. Those with a high enough magickal prowess are referred to as Gifted, and are set at a different level from commoners. While having a high number of Gifted Risen amongst a society can be seen as beneficial, it can also be extremely dangerous. Magick is commonly split into a few categories - Arcane Magick to alter their surrounding and command the elements, Divine Magick to represent the powers of the Gods, Martial Prowess to enhance their physical capabilities beyond natural limits, Primal Empathy to alter or control the natural flora and fauna, Psionic Magick for mastery of psionics and mental powers, and Pact Holders who receive their power from another powerful entity such as a devil or demon (not to be confused with Divine).

Divine Beings

  The Primordials, Void , Stirna , and Nora are long absent from the history of the world. Void has been virtually unseen since the creation of the universe, Nora gave her life to the world, and Stirna has visited it once. Their actions can be read about in the Creation Myth. The Gods created the Risen and are responsible for most facets of the world. In the early days of Nora the Gods walked the surface regularly and had a hands-on approach to dealing with the Risen and their societies. Though, in the past couple of centuries they have become further reserved and remain out of Risen affairs. Many have started to believe that the Gods have abandoned Nora, only maintaining a distant communication with their devout followers. Below is a few tables our our deities, what they represent, and their traditional perceived alignment.  
Major Deities
Artur - God of Law and Order - Lawful Good Elanaah - Goddess of Family and Flora - Neutral Good
Deign - God of Metal and Craftsmanship - Lawful Neutral Sturn - God of Death and Serpents - Lawful Neutral
Seigna - Goddess of Beasts and the Hunt - True Neutral Orloch - God of War and Conquest - Chaotic Neutral
Minor Deities
Firna - God of Dragons - True Neutral Dahlia - Goddess of Venom and Heartbreak - Lawful Neutral
Beirn - God of Medicine - Neutral Good Rufio - God of Storms - Chaotic Neutral
Jerun - God of the Oceans - Chaotic Neutral Kiran - Goddess of Beauty and Love - Chaotic Good
Pan - God of Oracles - True Neutral Hector - God of Knowledge - True Neutral
Camille - Goddess of Psionics - Neutral Good Mortair - Goddess of Rituals - Lawful Neutral
Malign Deities
Naig - Archdevil Queen - Lawful Evil
Minest - Goddess of Spiders and Lies - Chaotic Evil
Baal - Father of Daemons - Neutral Evil

The Risen

  The Risen are the intelligent mortal races created by the gods in order to fill the world with life and creation. Despite having a common heritage in the gods, they vary wildly according to their creator's individual designs.   Human - Baseline humans. Average across the board, plentiful and varied. Ehlen - Similar to traditional High Elves, prideful and tied to the Fae. Dahlen - Similar to Dark Elves but with a focus on serpents and not necessarily evil, zealous and crafty. Ehrlen - Similar to Wood elves mixed with Polynesians, adaptable and hardy. Dwehrlen - Bipedal Pangolin people similar to traditional dwarves, gentle craftsman. Ohrlen - Largest Risen, blend of Half Orcs and Native Americans, strong and valorant. Hidefolk and Shellfolk - Various Reptilian people, Resilient and Thrifty.   OTHER PLAYER RACE OPTIONS - Up to the discretion of the DM. Dahlen can be born with serpent features which will alter their starting features and how others will treat or perceive them. All races can contain the Nechestivan Taint which will do the exact same. Hidefolk and Shellfolk are incredibly varied and will definitely be a discussion should someone wish to play one. "Oh hey but your world doesn't have (insert munchkin race or obscure furry)" - Speak with your DM. We can come up with rules for them, but note anything not a standard Risen will stick out like a sore thumb and be treated accordingly.  


The mapped entirety of the world to the extent of cartographer's knowledge.
  La Patria - The Fatherland - Blend of Italy/France - A commerce based country widely known for it's cuisine and relevancy to the world economy, melting pot of Risen. Largely plains and rolling hills. Capital is Sicerrone.   Das Konigreich - The Kingdom - German Inspired - A grim country ravaged by terrible storms and powerful Magickal Beasts, a hardy people primarily made up of humans. Capital is Franzburg.   Vasileio - The Kingdom - Greco Roman Inspired - A country split into two halves; the North side which celebrates physical prowess and ability, and the South side which embraces knowledge and learning. Capitals are Kolosaio and Ignosi.   Tamaha - Gentle Bluff - Native American Inspired - A natural country where it's people leave off the land with little need for modern technology and civilization, homeland of the Ohrlen. Capital is Issoba.   The Worldspine and Surrounding Territories - Dwarf and Elf Inspired - A sprawling area without strict borders that contains both the homelands of the Dwehrlen and the Ehlen. Capitals are Tor Karrick and Amaranthine.   Nechestivy - The Godless - Kievan Rus Inspired - A country made up of Risen who desired to separate themselves from the gods and formed their own country. Capital is Korona.   The Freelands - Varied - A large central continent comprised of various peoples who refuse to establish nations, instead staying free to govern themselves or live without laws. No Capital.   Nioyaathep - The Holy Land - Egyptian Inspired - A large desert to the west said the be where Sturn was confined, the land magickaly adapted to support life; homeland of the Dahlen. Capital is Bakison.   Mahangagahere - Twin Jungles - Polynesian/Maori Inspired - Two jungles separated by a massive inlet but connected by it's peoples and culture ; homeland of the Ehrlen. Capital is Tuhinga Omua.   Tennotani - Heavenly Valley - Japanese Inspired - Little is known about this secluded continent past the great ocean and the fearsome sea serpents within, only stories from the rare merchant or traveler who has been there. Capital is Onoshiro.   The Frozen Wastes - A subarctic land completely encased in ice; extremely inhospitable, though rumored to contain many secrets behind the ice. No capital.   Northern Isles - A small cluster of islands off the Northwest coast of Nioyaathep created by a battle of arcane masters long ago. Rich in resources, though extremely dangerous. No capital.  
Age of Hero's Peace
  Our first campaign is taking place roughly two centuries after The War of Magi Ascension .
The world is currently not facing any internal threats outside of border hostilities as most nations are recovering losses from the war. The gods have grown distant, and malign threats from underneath the world and from the realms beyond leave people with a grim disposition. Many believe that the Risen have squandered their time on the world and that Stirna's Decree will come back to bite them soon. Most have grown restricted and have developed strict stances against outsiders, solely residing on their internal strengths.   The Ehlen have retreated to their forest cities and have become prejudiced against foreigners, they are said to be strengthening their military for both defense and a future offensive. The Dahlen are becoming bolder and are rumored to be working on a way to free Sturn from the Realm of the Dead. The Ehrlen are rumored to be collecting a party to set upon the warpath soon, and the Ohrlen seem to be preparing for that challenge. Rumors of Baal and Minest's presence on the world has started to reach the ears of commoners and is causing paranoia and mild panic. The Realm of the Fae has started having more openings into the world, overlapping and trapping travelers in their woods.   Tensions are high, yet there is still time to act before the boiling point will be reached.
Order of Worldly Importance
Magickal Beasts + Non-Risen Humanoids
Mundane Beasts


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