Session 17 - The Runaway Anvil Report Report in Oerth | World Anvil

Session 17 - The Runaway Anvil Report

General Summary

Starday 8 Ready'reat (continued)

  Kyra jumps off the roof and slowly drifts down using her winged boots and meets up with Mafera Forgefind , Nar, and Karia. She explains the tracks that she saw would've been made by a humanoid roughly four feet tall.   "Damn it!," Mafera rants, "Those damn dwarves have been complaining for years and now they've stepped over the line. I'll get the council in session and tell Copperlocks that she better get her dwarves under control."   Kyra hedges, "We won't stand next to you if you just blindly accuse someone."   "Look," responds Mafera, "I know it was those dwarves and you know it was those dwarves, but it's going to take a few hours to gather the council. Why don't you ask around town and see if you can find out more information that either clears or confirms that dwarves took it."   Leaving a seething Mafera at The Dwarven Anvil, the party heads across the street to the docks where they question several workers. The dockhands gladly share. The workers recall that two days ago (Earthday) a crane was lifting cargo from a ship's hold and the line snapped. The crate plunged through the dock, narrowly missing someone. They also relate a story that a nearby island had skeletons roaming the beach. Finally they tell a tale regarding a ghost ship being swallowed by a giant octopus. The party presses for information on the missing anvil, but these workers only work during the day and have not seen anything being taken from the blacksmith.   The party follows bay street to the east, when they see a maid with armful of refuse leaving the Oweland House. Approaching her, she does recall hearing a cart rolling by yesterday before sunrise. This struck her as strange since Freeday is a day of rest for most people, including the docks. The maid isn't able to provide anything more other than it was early morning, probably two, or was it four hours, before sunrise.   Following the road further east, the party stops at Winston's Store and checks with Winston regarding a cart heading out of town yesterday. Winston prompts that maybe he can sell the party some better equipment, like a sharp knife, so Nar explores his wares as he states that he saw a cart being led by a group of dwarves heading east toward Seaton as the sun was breaking the horizon on Freeday. He didn't pay attention as the dwarves keep irregular hours.   The party decides to also double-check with Wellgar Brinehand at the Temple of Procan next door. "I was crashing waves in my sleep long after sunrise" Wellgar responds to the first question regarding the dwarven cart.   Kyra switches tactics, "Would you have any visions from Procan regarding an anvil being taken overland?"   "Nay lass," Wellgar states, "Procan cares naught for what transpires on land. He only cares about those traversing his seas. These visions I receive only show lost souls at sea that need returning to their families. Otherwise what lies beneath the waves becomes part of Procan's dominion."   Kyra continues, "Do you think someone could've taken Mafera's anvil by sea?"   Wellgar muses, "I suppose that be a possibility, but if they did they would've made a sizeable donation to gain his favor before setting sail."   Nar chimes up, "You mean they just throw things over the side? It'd better be natural or that's just littering."   "Aye wee one," chuckles Wellgar, "Sailors only be giving gold and jewels. Things of value to appease the wrath of the mercurial one."   Mafera enters the temple asking, "The council has gathered. Are you ready to present your information to the council so that I can get my anvil returned?"   The party assents and walks back down the road toward Council Hall as they discuss the information that they've gathered so far. With a grim face, Mafera strides ahead of the party letting them scurry to keep up. Within a few short minutes, she flings the doors open and strides into the council meeting.   As the party follows her inside, they can see the council members. Primewater is leaned backward concentrating on something. Copperlocks is scribbling in a notebook by her side. Oweland and Solmor are engaged in light conversation. And Fireborn carries a whispered conversation with a grizzled veteran. In addition, the party notices an elven lady dressed in greens and browns sitting along the edge of the room.   Everyone snaps to attention as Mafera shouts, "Copperlocks you better get your damned dwarves under control and return my anvil! Theft of my anvil is completely unacceptable!"   Nar quickly intercedes, "And by this, she doesn't mean that you own those dwarves nor that the miners in your employ actually took it. However, there is evidence that persons roughly four foot tall took the anvil and headed east out of town."   Motioning Nar to stand easy, Copperlocks responds, "The mining enclave consistently works toward mutual respect and amiability with the town of Saltmarsh and its inhabitants. I won't stand for wild accusations."   Oweland immediately reacts, "Isn't that always the case Copperlocks? The dwarven contingent never does any wrong and it's always the townsfolk at fault? This theft cripples our town, yes all of us, because we no longer have a functioning blacksmith without the anvil. We should be doing everything we can to return Mafera's anvil to her shop."   As Copperlocks starts to respond, Mafera cuts her off, "Mutual respect and amiability, huh? Humph, even Moradin doesn't work with cold iron! If you're developing mutual respect, why have I suffered years of snide comments from every dwarf entering my shop? I can't turn around without some dwarf bitching about a mere human having a dwarven anvil and not one has asked how I came by it. Does that sound respectful to you?"   Copperlocks looks stunned as she replies, "Craftsmaster smith, I'm sure this will turn out to be a misunderstanding, besides we're still not convinced this theft has anything to do with the mining enclave. There's been an increase in unrest and theft within the last few years, so it could still be anyone responsible."   "She's right Fireborn," Oweland adds, "there has been in increase in crime and chaotic events since you've shown up. Maybe you should spend more time training your city watch than wherever you are sneaking off to at night."   The council continues to bicker at each other for several minutes. The party can tell that each council member concentrates on a subset of concerns, for instance, Copperlocks clearly focuses her attention on her mine, but Oweland appears to focus solely on the town and especially projects that will enhance fishing yields. As the conversation continues, the council as a whole starts to support that the Try-hard Misfits immediately head out to the dwarven mining enclave and explore the tunnels with an escort. This should be done immediately so that production can resume at the mine. As this plan gains support, Solmor expresses concern that the party could be doing something that would more directly affect the town and shipping as he mentions a contract by the Sea Mariner's guild to explore a nearby island where a new lighthouse could be built. In addition, Primewater tries to suggest just gifting a new anvil to Mafera who stubbornly refuses and insists on getting her anvil returned.   Primewater tries to wrap up the meeting, "So it's decided that the Try-hard Misfits will enter the mine with a guide to see if the anvil has been secretly stashed there?"   "I'm going as well," Mafera states flatly.   "Why don't you let them handle it, Mafera?" asks Oweland. "You're far too valuable to risk injury or death."   "This isn't up for debate. I'm going with them and I'll get my anvil back," responds Mafera.   "If that's the case," chimes Fireborn, "why don't we handle two problems at the same time? You there, what was your name again? Winifred? Whipple? Ah Winlee, let's see if you can prove your worth to our town. Go with the Try-hard Misfits and keep Mafera safe. Do you think you can do that? And you, Try-hard Misfits, is that acceptable?"   After everyone agrees, the party heads out of town on the coastal road heading east. As the sun slowly reaches its zenith, Mafera speaks up, "Councillor Oweland wasn't wrong. We have seen a drastic increase in, umm let's call them, incidents. The last couple of years in Saltmarsh, we've seen much more unrest, theft, and violence. I don't think it's Fireborn's fault or any reflection of his duty, rather I think the world is become more dangerous."   "One of those influences," continues Mafera, "is the country of Iuz. Once, long ago, I lived in the dwarven stronghold Munninen in the Lortmil mountains and we'd hear stories from years past about Iuz. According to these stories, he was the spawn of a demonlord named Graz'zt and a powerful archmage called Igglwilv. Although he also supposedly killed his father, so keep in mind that these are just tales. Regardless, in these stories he came to power by taking over neighboring warlords within the Holwing Hills and then horrifically slaying them. Within a decade, he had firm control on the entire country which he claimed as his, the Lands of Iuz."   "Refugees from before his reign fled into Furyondy with tales that spoke of ghastly abominations. They spoke of Iuz's capital city, Dorakaa, as a charnal house with a road constructed from human skulls. Iuz continued his expansion even into Furyondy until about 505 CY when he suddenly vanished. The kingdom bereft of it's ruler struggled to stay united and Furyondy returned to normal."   Mafera pauses then speaks up again, "When I fled my residence in Turamil, new rumors were spreading that Iuz's personal banner, the flag of the grinning skull, had been raised again. New refugees were fleeing through the Lortmil Mountains to places south and were talking like Iuz had returned and not as an old man, but rather as a god of lies and deceit. They spoke that he was raising a new army and planned to subjugate all of the free countries in the Flanaees."     "Ahh what do I know," Mafera smiles, "it's good to be on the road again. I've missed this."  
Several hours of travel pass, then Winlee and Karia perk up and Karia alerts everyone, "Something's coming through the brush ahead." The party continues forward into a clearing as a small group of undead creatures attack. The party easily finishes off the ghouls and skeletons before continuing onward and by late afternoon they approach a wooden palisade near the cliff's edge.   As they approach the gated entrance, the party sees a lone dwarf standing just within the gate looking agitated as he shouts out a greeting. Upon identification of the party, he greets them, "Indeed you are the surface dwellers come to inspect the mine. I'm Erizneac Barrelshoulders."   Kyra asks, "Do you mind if I take ten before we start?"   Erizneac scoffs, "Bah. Well don't dawdle too long, we've got more to do than you."   Kyra kneels down and inscribes arcane symbols before her as she summons the ability to understand other languages.   Erizneac huffs, "Wonderful! Now that you're done, we can get this done and over." He sets off toward the cliff at a brisk pace and everyone hurries to catch up.   As the party enters the cramped mine, with a hallway is barely five feet across and the undulating ceiling varies between five feet to six feet in height. Kyra lifts a small rock, recites the arcane words, causing a brilliant light to illuminate the path. Erizneac mumbles something in dwarven that sounds something close to "surface dwellers". The party feels lost almost instantly as the dwarf quickly leads the party into a warren of tunnels crisscrossing each other as they plunge further into the hillside. After several minutes, the walls and ceiling narrow further and Karia and Winlee can hear a bit of chittering within the earthen walls. Finally, Erizneac steps back from the lead and states, "If you go just around the corner, this will dead-end and you'll see that there is no anvil there."   Taking him at his word, the party marches forward with Karia in the lead. As Nar follows around the corner, she hears a fluttering as something drops from the ceiling and tries to envelop her.
Nar quickly dances up the side of the wall as the Trapper seeks a different prey and the party surges into action. The narrow corridor restricts the melee combat, but Nar delivers one final blow as the trapper envelopes Kyra. The party tenses as everyone hears the crumbling of rock as three giant insectoids scramble into the tunnel. These young kruthiks succumb quickly to the party's retaliation, but then two more large adult kruthiks scamble into the fray. The party quickly scours the area finding a bit of coin, a healing potion, and a scroll.   Mafera strides toward Erizneac while shouting in dwarvish, "By the Eternal Forge is this how the Maker taught you treat others? You knew we'd be attacked didn't you?"   Startled Erizneac responds in kind, "You know the Creator? How would one such as yourself understand our ways?"   "Can't you see the ore in the stone, man?" retorts Mafera. "I was trained by a dwarf."   "I believe there's been a mistake," states Erizneac. "We should return your anvil immediately. Will you follow me again?"   "Why should we trust you now?" asks Karia. "It's obvious you knew we'd be ambushed here."   Erizneac bows his head as he replies, "I didn't know for sure and it was more than I thought, but yes we suspected that there would be a trapper there. I was wrong for this. May the maker shape you."   The party follows Erizneac back through the maze of interconnecting corridors. Approaching a hub of tunnels, a group of discontented dwarves accosts the party. Spitting at Mafera, one dwarf steps forward in challenge, "You'll proceed no further. That's a priceless anvil that belongs among the dwurfolk."   As the party readies their weapons, Mafera reacts to the challenge, "Has Abbathor infected your hearts? The Soul Forger would not want you jealous of others."   The dwarf retorts, "Heathen, how dare you speak of the Maker after destroying his folk!"   Mafera stares at the dwarf in puzzlement, "Who do you think I murdered? Perhaps the grey ones when I campaigned beneath the Lortmil mountains and repelled them from our hearths in Munninen?"   "Munninen?" questions the dwarf, "Don't you hail from the Raker Mountains? We were told that you stole it after you slaughtered a dwarven enclave in the Theocracy of the Pale."   "The Rakers? I've never been east of the Gran March," answers Mafera. "Who told you these lies?!"  
"Jed O'Pale. A patron in the Empty Net," retorts the dwarf. Continuing, he he pulls forth a sheet of paper, "He gave us posters from the Pale naming you as a murderer. See for yourself."   "This can't be," exclaims Mafera, "I've never been to the Theocracy of the Pale."   As the wanted poster gets passed around the party, Karia speaks up, "The stamp appears genuine, but this poster has been forged. If you look closely at the name, you can see that there was a different name behind it. Someone smudged it out and then placed Mafera's name over it."   Both Erizneac and the lead dwarf exchanged glances as they both scrutinize the document. "We've been misled. I can't believe we didn't see this earlier."   Kyra questions the group, "What does someone gain from this? Why are the dwarves and Mafera attacked in this way?"   The dwarf interrupts, "That doesn't quite explain how it came into your possession. Do you know that it has a name?"   Mafera responds, "My mentor and master, Cracklehand only called it "hand of iron". I never understood why."   The dwarf laughs while replying, "Cracklehand? He was an apprentice to Ironhand, wasn't he?" Mafera nods as the dwarf continues, "That would explain why Stjo Klavram came into your possession. Did you know it was Ironhand's first anvil there?"   Mafera laughs as she responds, "That's a wonderfully dwarven name so practical to call it 'big fancy name'. No wonder my master preferred his name for it."   "Will you follow me the rest of the way?" asks Erizneac as he leads the way down a corridor veering off to the left. Several minutes pass in silence, then Erizneac goes around a corner stating, "There it is. Safe and sound waiting for you."   The party follows and stares at an empty corridor. "I knew we shouldn't trust you," exclaims Karia. "There's nothing there."   "What?!?" quips a startled Erizneac. "I swear it was left here. Out of the way, but safe."   Karia moves forward to examine the tunnel and quickly traces boot prints, some insect pad tracks, and a shallow trench of something heavy being dragged back to a rocky wall where the tracks slip under it. "Well, it does look like it was here, but someone or something moved it through this wall."   The party examines the wall for several minutes until Winlee triggers a switch that allows the wall to be pushed backward into a secret tunnel.   Erizneac backs away from the new opening and states, "I've got to alert my superiors. This is a major issue! I'll be back as quickly as I can."   Kyra reacts immediately, "You aren't going anywhere! I don't think we can trust anyone here based on how Mafera has been framed."   The party urgently discusses the possibilities of each situation. Eventually the group decides to trust Erizneac to gather reinforcements as they head into the secret tunnel. As the party navigates within this hidden tunnel system, it becomes apparent that it's mirroring the dwarven mining excavations and Mafera points out where something has been mining silver ahead of the dwarves and backfilling with plain rock. Mafera also points out how there are pockets of silver and platinum ahead of where the dwarves have excavated, but barely any remains within the dwarven sections.   The tunnels wind deeper within the hills and slowly deeper within the earth as well. As the party leaves the dwarven tunnels behind them, Mafera reacts again and points out new veins that are showing up. These thin veins contain Mithral and Adamant. Rare and powerful metals that are worth fortunes. Eventually, the tunnel leads to a circular hole with steps carved into the rock leading deep within the earth. The party trudge down these steps for a hundred feet or more before it opens up into expansive caverns of the underdark.   Karia continues to follow the trail left by the anvil being dragged forward and leads the group through a series of caverns. Looking ahead she spots three dwarves across a chasm filled with lava. "There! They've got the anvil. We'd better hurry as I think we'll lose them if they make it across that stone bridge ahead."   The party quickly springs into action with Winlee racing forward while Nar climbs across the chasm on its wall. Kyra summons her magic energies and casts three balls of fire with the first igniting a wooden cart ahead of the dwarf-like creatures. The other two strike the lead grey dwarf causing them all to move more frantically.   As Winlee moves around a bend in the cavern path, a strange spider-like creature with a duergar riding it suddenly appears as she feels the sting of steel striking her. She rushes forward bringing forth the healing energies of nature. The battle quickly turns into chaos as duergar kavalrachni targets Karia and Kyra while Nar and Mafera move against the duergar pushing the anvil closer to the stone bridge. First one, then two of the duergar fall as the party presses their attack. The kavalrachni and steeder come up behind Karia
scoring several hits which stuns her to the ground, but Mafera steps up and using her battleaxe, knocks the kavalrachni aside.
  Slowly Karia stands back upright feeling the effects of her wounds as finally the last duergar and the steeder are overwhelmed. Mafera rushes to her anvil and sighs, "Well now we just have to push it all the way back up the way we came."   Kyra smiles as she states, "Why not just fit it into our bag?" as Karia holds open the bottomless bag of holding several hands stretch the opening as Mafera pushes her anvil into it.   The party follows their path back toward the surface. As they reach the secret entrance, they collide with Erizneac and a group of dwarves. The party relates what has occurred and highlights that there are valuable veins within this warren of secret corridors. Erizneac responds, "We thank you friends of the dwarves. You shall have celebrations and rest in our camp tonight. For now, we've got to seal their path into these corridors and then we'll find a more permanent solution to keep them at bay."  

Sunday 9 Ready'reat

  The party travels back to Saltmarsh arriving just past noon. They head directly to the Dwarven Anvil shop and restore Mafera's precious anvil in the center of the shop.   "Thank you. I will do what I can for you whenever you ask." Mafera graciously thanks the Try-hard Misfits. As they leave the shop, Winlee states, "This lifestyle really is not for me. I'll go ask Ferrin if he has need of an assistant," before heading up the road.   The rest of the party heads toward council hall to update whoever might be there.

Rewards Granted

Experience Points:
3475 total xp / 5 characters = 695/character

12 gp
  Potion of Healing (Greater)
  Scroll of Infestation
  2 pp
  16 gp
  18 sp

Missions/Quests Completed

Retrieve and return Mafera's dwarven anvil
Uncover that the reward poster has been forged

Created Content

Moradin - article on the god Moradin.


Experience Points Calculation:
Quantity Description Xp Per Total XP
2 Ghouls 200 400
3 Skeletons 50 150
1 Trapper 700 700
3 Kruthik - young 25 75
2 Kruthik - Adult 450 900
3 Duergar 200 600
1 Duergar Kavalrachni 450 450
1 Steeder - Female 200 200

3475 total xp / 5 characters = 695/character

Total Individual experience = 5616 (session 15) + 330 (Session 16) + 695 (Session 17) = 6,641

Secrets of the Saltmarsh
Report Date
22 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location