Lycosura (Lie-ko-soo-rah)


The imposing citadel of the Hyrka, a noble lineage who conquered the Ogygian colosseums so frequently that their accrued status became meaningless; their presence was never a matter of whether they would win, but if the show they put on would be better than the last. And yet, the Hyrka were peaceful rulers, content only to defend their territory from all manner of invaders.   The current ruler of Lycosura is King Algolon Hyrka, a cowardly man who only wishes to keep his station without the work required to do so. Most work is delegated to his advisor Xenia, who was originally the chief executioner of Lycosura.


Township around the citadel is home mostly to common folk, but the reputation of the Hyrka has attracted many warriors and athletes over the years, many of whom have gained status in the colosseums and have obtained more luxurious housing in the noble district closer to the citadel.


Noble district of warriors and athletes that were the close friends and allies of the Hyrka through the generations, established around the main citadel. Remaining township is spread outside the walls around this district.



Large city
Location under

Cover image: by huadong lan