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The events on the continent Lemotion

Never Wars

... 0 WY

The never ending war ( Never Wars ) among the inhabitants of the continent of Lemotion

  • 0 WY

    The Split
    Disaster / Destruction

    Change of the whole world. The contintent broke and the world turned into a darker place

    Additional timelines
  • During the Split
    The loss of Lemotion
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The continent of Lemotion was seperated from the rest of Ordrul and cast into a large maelstorm. The Split did not only seperate Lemotion in material way but also the gods and other planes of existence.

    Additional timelines
  • 1253 SY

    Mummies Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Troll Wig killed a whole town of his own kind.

    More reading
  • 1374 SY

    Death of King Dambirth
    Life, Death

    The King of Elfmonia died

    More reading
    Dambirth Oakear
  • 1376 SY

    Exodus of the Cronwprince
    Life, Milestone

    The crownprince Dambarth Oakear left his kingdom Elfmonia

    More reading
    Dambarth Oakear
  • 1380 SY

    Death of Nisar
    Life, Death

    Nisar Oakear died in a fire

    More reading
    Nisar Oakear
  • 1385 SY

    Heist against Hawkstone
    Life, Milestone

    The heist of Hugo and Nisar Oakear into the tower of Earl Hawkstone and his death

  • 1391 SY

    25 /5

    Incineration of Inladon
    Disaster / Destruction

    A horrible fire wrecked the city of Inladon and destroyed large parts of the city.

  • 1391 SY

    16 /6

    Suicide of Queen Ismira
    Political event

    The end of the monarchy in Elfmonia with Ismira Oakear and the rise of the Church of purity

    More reading
    Ismira Oakear
  • 1391 SY

    20 /6
    1391 SY

    29 /6

    Reign of Narlis
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The reign of Narlis over Elfmonia

  • 1391 SY

    29 /6

    Refounding of Umera

    The refounding of Umera by the ancient orders of the Shadowchildren , the Fellower of the Bloodtree and the Guardians .

  • 1391 SY

    6 /29

    Destruction of Narlis
    Life, Death

    The Destruction of Narlis and perish of his last remains of him on this world

  • 1392 SY


    Uprising of Lidar
    Military action

    Lidar  also known as Great Zerebrum  has left Sidak by destroying the Criminal's Wall. She is gathering her army on a march against Faclon  and their hidden leader Aardrac

  • 1392 SY


    Bane of Tantis
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The effect of the cut are disolved by Aardrac and his followers. The gods and their influence is renewed strongly in Lemotion which causes a lot of chaos and destruction. The most prominant effect is the change of mentality for all chromatic Dragon  in Lemotion due to the influence of Tantis.

    Additional timelines