Le Haute Cour

Le Haute Cour (Gothique: the High Court) is the feudal council of the Kingdom of Outremer. Exercising both legislative and judicial authority, the Haute Cour serves as an advisory body to La Reine Melisende. Although she retains veto power (and indeed absolute authority over Outremer) the advice and even democratic vote of the Council is valued by her ... if only to show where particular powerbrokers stand on a contentious issue.   The Haute Cour is chaired by La Main de la Reine and in her absence he may exercise her veto. The other seats on the Council are held by military leaders such as the Maréchal of Les Chevaliers d'Outremer, senior clerics like the Patriarch, his bishops and the Abbess of the Order of Bethany, civic leaders and representatives of the ordinary Outremarin people.
Court System
Parent Organization