The Partycrasher Chronicles

The many misadventures of a group who met as Didacy agents through the world of Perradin, starting in late 9047 FFC. The group of adventurers includes the ranger and lost elf Queen Consort of Lorthr'ten Xilmoira, the mysterious Tabaxi Warlock-turned-Rogue Walker, the Paladin-out-of-time Dwaiyn, the Lizarfolk Druid with a mission Throden, and the fighter who's out to prove himself Milos.   Former members of this group include the enthusiastic Tabaxi historian, Yakini Ritika.   Temporary traveling companions include the mysterious archeologist Sylivar Cairo and Radiant Lieutenant of the King's Bulwark, Avalanche Thronegard.

  • 9047 FFC

    34 High Tide 11:00

    The Crossroads at Crush
    Life, Milestone

    The adventurers Miloš Dažbog, Xilmoira, Throden, Dwaiyn, Walker, and Yakini Ritika met in the Rotten Sea Cucumber Tavern in the island city of Crush in the Didician Consulate to meet with the Didacy representative, Immolate, for an interview to become part of the Asset Retrieval Team. They successfully impressed Immolate and were given their first mission to recover a series of three artifacts. From this tavern, this group set out on a journey that would change their lives forever.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
  • 9047 FFC

    34 High Tide 12:00

    Obtaining Gunk and Not Gunk
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The newly-introduced adventurers in the employment of the Didacy make some stops in Crush to acquire some essential supplies. After stopping at Quest Buy for some essential kit where Walker attempted to convert the cashier into his religion, the group made their way to Nertz, a carriage rental company.   At Nertz, using their alias Belaya Grethelma, Walker convinced the attendant to let them rent a carriage at a low cost on credit. The carriage was led by two polar bears. On speaking with them using magic, Throden learned that one's name was Gunk, who was deathly afraid of his nameless brother who the party decided to refer to as Not-Gunk.   After acquiring transportation, the group made for Firstbridge from which they would head for the first artifact believed to be buried in a tomb along the northeastern crater.

  • 9047 FFC

    34 High Tide 12:00
    9047 FFC

    35 High Tide 23:00

    The First Steps to Firstbridge

  • 9047 FFC

    35 High Tide 24:00

    The Gang Destroys a Food Pantry
    Criminal Activity

    After meeting with Didacy faculty member Throden's brother, Irisvar, the Didacy Asset Retrieval Team went to Irisvar's place of employment, a food bank, to negotiate better pay. After some heated negotiations with the organization's head, Duncan, the team engaged in combat, killing all but one member of the food bank.

  • 9047 FFC

    1 Dying Light 08:00

    Deedee Ramone's Traveling Wares

  • 9047 FFC

    1 Dying Light 20:00
    9047 FFC

    2 Dying Light 06:00

    Delving into the Scholar's Tomb

  • 9047 FFC

    2 Dying Light 18:00

    An Artifact from Deedee

  • 9047 FFC

    2 Dying Light 19:00
    9047 FFC

    4 Dying Light 11:00

    On the Road to Gardenport

  • 9047 FFC

    4 Dying Light 14:00

    The Ghost and the Gardenport Historical Association

  • 9047 FFC

    4 Dying Light 16:00

    Skirmish in the Milling Tower
    Military: Skirmish

  • 9047 FFC

    4 Dying Light 18:00
    9047 FFC

    6 Dying Light 17:00

    Return to the Didacy
    Gathering / Conference

  • 9047 FFC

    6 Dying Light 19:00
    9047 FFC

    12 Dying Light 12:00

    Higher Learning
    Life, Education

    The members of the Didacy Asset Retrieval Team relaxed over the course of a week in order to recuperate from their travels, as well as engage in some free coursework offered by their employer.

  • 9047 FFC

    12 Dying Light 18:00

    An (illegitimate) Invitation
    Life, Milestone

  • 9047 FFC

    12 Dying Light 19:00
    9047 FFC

    14 Dying Light 22:00

    Rush to Vortex

  • 9047 FFC

    15 Dying Light 03:00

    The Departure of Yakini Ritika

    Yakini, ever the knowledge-seeker, departed mysteriously in the night from the inn which the group was staying in. She left a note that this was merely the beginning of a new adventure for her, as she had suddenly been presented with an irresistible opportunity. She assured the party that this was not, in fact, a goodbye, but rather a see-you-later.

  • 9047 FFC

    15 Dying Light 12:00

    Criminal Activity

    The asset retrieval team attended a party of Consulate officials and foreign dignitaries in order to gain access to a scholar named Rhett Lorn who could assist the Didacy in its research endeavors. To gain entry, the group used the credentials that Milos had won from Gordon Gunkleton's security entorage the night before. As far as the guests and security were concerned, there was no reason to question their presence. The group split up to search the party, mingling with guests, bidding in an auction, and visiting a petting zoo to gather intel on where or who Lorn might be.

  • 9047 FFC

    15 Dying Light 13:00

    Party's Over
    Criminal Activity

    While attending the party at Vortex, the party fell under attack from unknown assailants. It was revealed that the attack was perpetrated by the Eladrin siblings Linthea, Henketha, Sundaria, and Trendek. They isolated various groups of guests and interrogated them in their own ways. Sundaria went after the Didacy agents and was defeated, killing himself to prevent interogation.

  • 9047 FFC

    15 Dying Light 14:00

    The Circlecrash
    Disaster / Destruction

    Didacy faculty member Throden examined the remains of Warforged 2 suspended on the balcony of the Grand Hall of Vortex, upon which a massive wave of energy emanated from Warforged 2's suspension sphere. Unknown to the individuals on site, this wave circled all of Perradin.
      In its wake, every teleportation circle was destroyed in a fiery fashion. Small deposits of teleportation paint were simply burned in situ. Larger deposits of the paint reacted violently in explosive fashion. Dozens of individuals were injured or killed in blasts from larger deposits, most in magical storehouses or military stockpiles. As such stockpiles were exceedingly rare outside the Didacy, casualties from these explosions were at a minimum. However, many thousands more were presumed to have perished while mid-transit when the network was destroyed.   After the event concluded, the global transportation network was left in shambles. Individuals capable of establishing safe and stable teleportation service became in high demand. Other more conventional methods of transportation were strained under the increased demand almost immediately.

  • 9047 FFC

    15 Dying Light 17:00
    9047 FFC

    16 Dying Light 23:00

    Seeking Passage to Greenwave

  • 9047 FFC

    16 Dying Light 24:00

    Special Ingredients
    Life, Identity

  • 9047 FFC

    17 Dying Light 11:00

    Arrival on Obsidian
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 9047 FFC

    17 Dying Light 14:00

    Spiderbustin' Makes Me Feel Good
    Military: Skirmish

  • 9047 FFC

    17 Dying Light 18:00

    Secrets Beneath the Basilica
    Life, Supernatural

    In the depths of the cave in Pit 179, Dwaiyn discovered a way to enter into a secret chamber behind a wall of pure obsidian. In this chamber, the group encountered the Keeper, a being from ancient times tasked with guarding the tomb they found themselves in. The Keeper agreed to allow them to peacefully exist in the tomb and respect the bodies of the Warforged which resided there. On exploring the ruin, Walker and Throden discovered a case of spheres. Throden, upon asking the Keeper, was allowed to take one. It was explained that a soul was contained within. Milos opened another hidden door to a deeper into the ruin. The Keeper warned the group to not disturb The Prisoner.
      As the group ventured deeper into the ruins, Dwaiyn and Xilmoira questioned the Keeper, learning some knowledge on the War with the Kingdom and the immediate aftermath of the Starfall.
      Deeper in the ruin, the group found some magical items they chose to keep. However, near the end, they encountered Warforged 1, a titan, who guarded a long walkway to over a pit. At the end of the walkway sat an anvil and a hammer.
      On examining the items, Milos was possessed by an urge to kill Throden with the hammer upon the anvil, now identified as the Anvil of Emptiness. Luckily, Dwaiyn stopped him and the group promptly left the ruin, its door sealing shut behind them.

  • 9047 FFC

    17 Dying Light 20:00

    Booking Passage to Dark Citadel

    After securing passage from the dock foreman of Obsidian, the party boarded the Blueflame Dream captained by Captain Helga. They set sail for the Dark Citadel Island bridge system, as that was as far as Helga was willing to divert.

  • 9047 FFC

    18 Dying Light 13:00

    Spotted by an Informant at Sea
    Life, Failure / Mishap

  • 9047 FFC

    18 Dying Light 20:00
    9047 FFC

    20 Dying Light 22:00

    Nightmares, an Angry Patron, and a Hammer
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 9047 FFC

    20 Dying Light 20:00
    9047 FFC

    20 Dying Light 24:00

    Road to Dark Citadel

    After disembarking onto the Dark Citadel Bridge System, the Didacy Asset Retrieval Team found themselves on the ruined Dark Citadel Island. They arrived at the once-bustling entrance to the Citadel and scavenged for supplies. A staff of birdcalls and a malfunctioning alchemist's jar which only produced mayonnaise was found.
      While traversing the rim road of the island, the party came across a functioning elevator. They took it and ascended to the plateau's summit where they found a snow-covered expanse along with a small cabin. Inside the cabin, they met the goblin Bell. He welcomed them to his nature preserve and told them of his yeti troubles, to which the group agreed to assist him. Additionally, he revealed that Trendek had been his partner in this operation and that his cabin laid deeper into the ice wastes.

  • 9047 FFC

    20 Dying Light 24:00
    9047 FFC

    21 Dying Light 23:00

    Yeti Hunt on Bell's Nature Preserve
    Military: Skirmish

  • 9047 FFC

    21 Dying Light 18:00

    A Visit to Trendek's House
    Life, Crime

  • 9047 FFC

    21 Dying Light 20:00
    9047 FFC

    23 Dying Light 12:00

    Dark Citadel to Greenwave

  • 9047 FFC

    23 Dying Light
    9047 FFC

    35 Dying Light 20:00

    Downtime at Greenwave
    Life, Education

  • 9047 FFC

    33 Dying Light 24:00

    The Trial of Depth Walker
    Life, Supernatural

    Taken to interplanar court by his patron, That Which Endures, Depth Walker pled his case with his advocate, Deedee Ramone. The trial was held in another realm with Auron, primal being of the dawn, presiding. Walker's compatriots from the asset retrieval team were also in attendance.
      After arguing his case, the court sided with Walker and Ramone, nullifying his contract and freeing him from direct patronage to That Which Endures. He was granted his old name and his old life by the court. That Which Endures' advocate promised that this would not be the end.

  • 9047 FFC

    35 Dying Light 22:00
    9048 FFC

    1 Rekindling 02:00

    A Test of Knowledge
    Gathering / Conference

    The party ventures into town to observe the celebrations of the New Year in Geeenwave's Fedronan District. Miloš was accompanied by his new special friend, Liça.

  • 9048 FFC

    2 Rekindling 12:00

    An Urgent Assignment
    Life, Milestone

  • 9048 FFC

    2 Rekindling 14:00

    A Botched Teleportation
    Life, Failure / Mishap

  • 9048 FFC

    3 Rekindling 11:00

    Apprehended Outside Crater's Rim
    Life, Failure / Mishap

  • 9048 FFC

    3 Rekindling 12:00

    Interrogated by Consulate Intelligence
    Civil action

  • 9048 FFC

    3 Rekindling 16:00

    An Offer from Ecklund
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 9048 FFC

    3 Rekindling 17:00
    9048 FFC

    4 Rekindling

    The Road to Smalldock

  • 9048 FFC

    4 Rekindling 21:00

    The Great Craterslide of 9048
    Geological / environmental event

  • 9048 FFC

    4 Rekindling 23:00
    9048 FFC

    5 Rekindling 16:00

    Into the Gravel Marshes

  • 9048 FFC

    5 Rekindling 21:00

    Skirmish in the Gravel Marshes
    Military: Skirmish

  • 9048 FFC

    6 Rekindling 05:00

    A Temporary Ally
    Life, Relationship change

  • 9048 FFC

    6 Rekindling 19:00
    9048 FFC

    7 Rekindling 08:00

    May Termina Guide You Through the Night

  • 9048 FFC

    7 Rekindling 13:00

    Arrival at Victus' Fall
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 9048 FFC

    7 Rekindling 18:00

    Delving into the Digsite

    Upon coming to the digsite, the party and Sylivar found a great deal of ruins on the surface, appearing to date to just after the Starfall. Text on the ruins indicated some sort of older ruins had been unearted by the Starfall and the surface ones had been built to seal them back underground.
      In the digsite, there appeared to be signs of struggle leading to a great door. Using the inherent good energy of wolf Kieran, the doors were opened and the group ventured deep into unknown depths.

  • 9048 FFC

    7 Rekindling 19:00

    Deeper into the Dungeon of Victus' Fall

    Deep within the ruins, the party discovered constructions of unknown origin. A whisper touched their minds, excited at the "return of Termina." Shortly after, the party found Scipio's Field Journal, explaining his harrowing ordeal being trapped in the ruins along with Drifter's disappearance. Additionally, numerous mentions of the Warden Karjafriig and their apparrent infernal connections led the party to exercise caution,
      Deeper in the ruins, while avoiding traps they discovered ancient chambers which housed dark secrets of some kind, associated with the ice sphere Walker had been carrying since visiting the tomb of the scholar. The party began to speculate that there exists some connection between the item they carry and the primal beings of old.
      In another chamber, at the foot of a statue, a Ealge Whistle was uncovered and Sylivar removed an apparent curse upon it.
      In a central chamber, mentioned in Scipio's journal, the party heard two voices discussing Scipio and their intent with him. Before they could act, however, sounds of a struggled erupted. Bursting in, the part found Linthea the Eladrin standing amongst the bodies of Scipio's assailants.

  • 9048 FFC

    7 Rekindling 20:00

    Confrontation With Linthea
    Military: Skirmish

    Inside the ancient ruins outside of Victus' Fall, the party encountered Linthea as she killed two creatures resembling those described by Scipio, seemingly having just arrived. Linthea, frustrated, called the group a bunch of partycrashers and instantly killed Sylivar Cairo in cold blood. She then declared that Xilmoira had no idea who she really is, after which Xilmoira winced in pain.    The party engaged in combat with Linthea and her Bone Devils inside the ruins. After a fierce battle, Linthea decided to flee. In her flight, Throden and Walker managed to sever her left arm. After departing, Xilmoira discovered she had been transformed into an Eladrin. After recooping, Walker spotted the body of Scipio in a water basin in the center of the room.

  • 9048 FFC

    7 Rekindling 21:00

    Finding Scipio's Remains and Exploring the Armory of Karjafriig
    Discovery, Exploration

    After their encounter with Linthea, the group found the remains of Scipio in a basin of water. After successfully retrieving his body, the group explored more of the ruins and ruminated on the name Linthea called them, "the Partycrashers."

  • 9048 FFC

    8 Rekindling 02:00

    Encounters in the Night
    Life, Supernatural

  • 9048 FFC

    8 Rekindling 12:00

    Return to Victus' Fall and the Questioning of Sylivar
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 9048 FFC

    8 Rekindling 14:00
    9048 FFC

    13 Rekindling 12:00

    On the Road Again
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 9048 FFC

    13 Rekindling 13:00

    A Messenger from Throne
    Life, Career
  • 9048 FFC

    14 Rekindling 13:00

    The Consequences of Your Glek-tions
    Criminal Activity


  • 9048 FFC

    15 Rekindling 20:00

    Bounty Hunter Attack
    Criminal Activity

  • 9048 FFC

    16 Rekindling 01:00

    Departure of Avalanche
    Life, Milestone

  • 9048 FFC

    16 Rekindling 17:00

    Regards from the House of Mourning
    Diplomatic action

  • 9048 FFC

    17 Rekindling 18:00

    Day of the Bee Celebration
    Sporting Event / Competition

  • 9048 FFC

    20 Rekindling

    Coup in Firstbridge

  • 9048 FFC

    22 Rekindling 15:00

    Bailout on Trinity

  • 9048 FFC

    23 Rekindling

    A New Offer From Ecklund
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 9048 FFC

    23 Rekindling 20:00

    Gunkleton Hitsquad Near Crush

  • 9048 FFC

    24 Rekindling 23:00

    The Infiltration of Tax
    Military action

  • 9048 FFC

    25 Rekindling
    9048 FFC

    32 Rekindling

    Discreet Transportation to Greenwave

    After returning to Crush to be paid for their efforts with subduing Yaruga, the Partycrashers bid farewell to Irisvar who had since become employed by the Directorate. In accordance with their payment, they were provided discreet transportation back to Greenwave aboard a small cargo vessel known as the Ren Runner. After returning to the Didacy, the group informed Immolate of the events of the past month.

  • 9048 FFC

    33 Rekindling
    9048 FFC

    4 Low Tide 10:00

    New Classes and Certifications

  • 9048 FFC

    4 Low Tide 19:00
    9048 FFC

    16 Low Tide

    Into the Hells
    Life, Supernatural

    The Partycrashers enter into the realm of the Hells to retrieve the fragmented soul of Scipio Fedrona Kelzzaarr. There they repaired his memories and soul, bringing him back to the mortal world. Upon return, they found they had spent nearly two weeks away, to them what felt like mere hours.

  • 9048 FFC

    16 Low Tide 21:00

    The Death of Dwaiyn
    Life, Death

    Dwaiyn Slatescar, under the pressure to steal Immolate's second Soul Cloister by Bodahn, refused the demand. In retribution, Bodahn began to punish Dwaiyn by making him rapidly age. Immolate, in an effort to free Dwaiyn's soul, used the Hammer of Souls to unmake Dwaiyn and create a new life inside a Warforged Soul Cloister. Dwaiyn ceased to exist, and a new Warforged with his memories took his place amongst The Partycrashers.
