Chiyo Akimichi

by Vivi
  Age: 14. Clan: Akimichi. XP: 3,000. Rank: D-5. Village: Kumogakure.   Chakra nature: expansion, earth. Combat style: mid-range. Background: main clan. Saving throws: power, endurance.   Proficiencies: Persuasion*, Crafting*, Medical, Survival, Intimidation, Sleight of hand, *Chakra Control. Weapon proficiencies: ???. Armor proficiencies: ???. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ??? Ryo: 125.   Hit die: 6d8. Chakra capacity: 85. Chakra die: 6d10. AC: 26 Max HP: 72. Speed: 65ft. Proficiency bonus: +3.   Initiative: +3. Inspiration: 1. Factions: SU team 2.   Equipment: ???. Head: (D) Ninja headband, +3 AC, +2 wis. Body: (D) Kumogakure armor, +5 AC, resistance to piercing damage, -30ft, -2 wisdom. Left arm: (D) Auto-buckler shield, +3 AC. Right arm: (D) +9, 2d10+9 slashing Butterfly Axe. Accessory 1: (D) Spiked bracelet, +2 intimidation. Accessory 2: (D) Earrings, 2 per day advantage on saves against fear. Accessory 3: (D) Garter belt, advantage on saves against the stun effect.   Backpack: ???   3, +6 kunai 1d6+6 piercing.   1 binding cloth. 3 bomb balls, 3 smoke bombs.   Stats & Skills:   Power: 17, +4, +7.   Grapple: +4.   Willpower: +3.   Dexterity: 12 (+1).   Sleight of hand: +1.   Stealth: +1.   Wisdom: 13, +2.   Animal handling: +2.   Chakra Control: +5.   Insight: +2.   Perception: +2.   Sensory: +2.   Survival: +5.   Intelligence: 11, +1.   Crafting: +7.   History: +1.   Investigation: +1.   Medicine: +4.   Religion: +1.   Tracking: +1.   Charisma: 11, +1.   Deception: +1.   Diplomacy: +1.   Intimidation: +4.   Persuasion: +4.   Seduction: +1.   Combat abilities: 18.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 3. Kinjutsu: 0. Magic: 0. Medical: 3. Ninjutsu: 6. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 6.   Feats: 2.   Chef: As part of a short rest, you can cook special food, provided you have ingredients and cook's utensils on hand. You can prepare enough of this food for a number of creatures equal to 4 + your proficiency bonus. This food gives 3d10 temp hp.   One handed seals: Gain proficiency in sleight of hand. Jutsu signs can now be formed using a single hand instead of both hands.   Once per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only melee weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.   You can craft E rank weapons & equipment.   Resistant to poison damage.   Ninjutsu can add chakra control skill modifiers to total damage.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can add your chakra control modifier to any save you may make.   Gain advantage on your chakra die rolls.   If you make an unarmed strike you can make another as a bonus action.   Extra attack   Gain advantage on hit dice rolls.   Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 +str/dex mod + proficiency bonus damage.   Techniques known: 19.   E: 11, Agonizing Thorn Technique, Body Flicker Technique, Chakra bandage technique, Leaf drop, Dance Performance First Step, Mud Wall Jutsu, Object Extraction, Partial expansion kick, Partial expansion Slap, Shoulder charge, Substitution Jutsu,   D: 8, Catapult toss, Earth Dome Technique, Human Boulder, Mallet fist technique, Stone Fist Jutsu, Substitution Strike, Surface Walking Technique , Weighted Boulder Jutsu   C:   B:   A:   S:   Techniques available: 0.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Kumogakure Shinobi   Alliance Shinobi


Chiyo Akimichi

Cousin (Vital)

Towards Chopo Akimichi



Chopo Akimichi

Cousin (Vital)

Towards Chiyo Akimichi




Chiyo and Chopo both grew up in the Akimichi district within Kumogakure. While Chiyo's parents would help her older brother study and train vigorously to become a strong and capable clan leader, they expected her to become poised and graceful or at least useful in combat. Chiyo's cousin, Chopo often protected Chiyo from the harshness of the clan's judgement, taking the blame for most of their pranks and devious acts while growing up. This often times led to arguments between the two as Chiyo felt that Chopo was stealing her glory and fame, which was actually just trouble. Regardless of how often the two would argue, they always ended things on a good note and would often visit Chiyo's mother's restaurant. It was a great way to end a day and find reasons to smile through hardships. Whenever Chiyo grew to be 14, however, her parents asked that she be sent to serve the Shinobi Alliance, where perhaps she would finally learn some proper manners through example. Chopo escorted his little cousin to the base, where she cockily remarked that she would return to Kumo in the future as one of the most capable Akimichi the world has ever seen.

Nicknames & Petnames

ChiChi   Chi-San   Po

Relationship Reasoning


Commonalities & Shared Interests

cooking   pranks   music   sweets   gloating

Shared Acquaintances

Sabishi Uchiha, Saiyuri Shima, Kiyoko Akemi, Yoro Hatake, Hanzo Rigeki.

Chiyo Akimichi

Disciple/student (Vital)

Towards Yoro Hatake



Yoro Hatake

Sensei (Important)

Towards Chiyo Akimichi




In her search for strength while trying to become the world's most powerful Akimichi, Chiyo came upon Yoro Hatake at the Shinobi Alliance within the land of rivers. At first, her requests were taken lightly, as Yoro stoicly avoided her advances in different ways. The two of them began to form a bond once Chiyo challenged Yoro to a fight, and though she lost, he had agreed to teach her his ways of hand to hand and blade combat. Chiyo has since then trained under Yoro attentively, wishing to do her best under his guidance and she looks up to him greatly.

Nicknames & Petnames


Relationship Reasoning

Chiyo is the student of Yoro

Commonalities & Shared Interests


Shared Acquaintances

Sabishi Uchiha, Shirobu Oso



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