Hoto Denbe

Age: 62. Clan: Denbe. XP: 400,000. Rank: A-5. Village: Kirigakure.   Personality: Cold, cruel, smart, reclusive, loyal to the village, sadistic, masochistic, greedy.   Chakra nature: Water. Combat style: ???. Background: Branch clan. Saving throws: Power, Charisma. Skill Proficiencies: Crafting, Medical, Survival, History, Deception, Perception, Chakra Control, *Sleight of Hand. Ryo: ???.   Weapon proficiencies: ???. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???   Hit die: 20d10. Chakra capacity: 340. Chakra die: 20d8. AC: 24. Max HP: 440. Speed: 85ft. Proficiency bonus: +6.   Initiative: +11. Inspiration: ???. Factions: The 7 swordsmen. Death Save DC:   Equipment: ???. Head: ??? Body: ??? Left arm: ??? Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 24. +7.   Grapple: +7   Will: +7   Dexterity: 10. +1.   Sleight of hand: +12.   Stealth: +1   Wisdom: 17. +4.   Animal handling: +4.   Chakra Control: +10.   Insight: +4.   Perception: +10.   Sensory: +4.   Survival: +10.   Intelligence: 16. +3.   Crafting: +15   History: +3   Investigation: +3.   Medicine: +9.   Religion: +3.   Tracking: +3.   Charisma: 18. +4.   Deception: +10.   Diplomacy: +4.   Intimidation: +4.   Performance: +4.   Persuasion: +4.   Seduction: +4.   Combat abilities: 50.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 20. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 3. Ninjutsu: 5. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 22.   Main actions: 3. Minor actions: 1. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 5.   Feats: 5.   Your unarmed attacks deal 1d10 +pow/dex mod + proficiency bonus damage.   If a target makes a melee attack against you, you can use your reaction to block 1d6+endurance mod damage.   If you use your reaction to block an attack you make your next melee attack against that target with advantage.   Gain resistance to bludgeoning damage.   If you successfully make an unarmed strike against a target you may attack at advantage as a minor action.   Critical hits on melee attacks inflict the bleeding effect on target's you strike.   19's on the die also count for the sake of critical hits.   Your melee strikes overcome resistance.   You can make melee strikes as a reaction when a target gets within melee distance.   If you use a weapon for melee strikes you can double your weapon damage.   If you successfully make an unarmed attack against a target you can make another strike as a minor action.   Gain advantage on hit die rolls.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Gain Resitance to toxic dmg.   Add +2 to your rolls when attacking with a melee weapon.   You can dual wield two one-handed weapons of your choice.   Critical hits on melee attacks inflict the bleeding effect.   Once per day if you hit 0hp you can choose to drop to 1hp instead, you can then take a -5 penalty on your next weapon attack but deliver max damage.   You can wield a number of weapons equal to your proficiency modifier.   If an opponent has the bleeding effect, gain advantage on damage rolls against them.   Boost your AC by 2 if you’re wielding a weapon.   Opponents with the bleeding effect have their movement halved.   You can craft B rank weapons & equipment.   3x per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only melee weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear   One handed seals: Jutsu signs can now be formed using a single hand instead of both hands allowing the user to equip a weapon or shield in their free hand while still performing ninjutsu. Requirements: Proficiency in Chakra control, sleight of hand.   Alert: can use a reaction when surpised.   Bullshitter: You may use your deception skill in place of insight when attempting to see through a lie.   Lucky: Twice per day you can get advantage on any roll you make.   Durable: When you would be knocked unconscious instead make a Endurance saving throw (DC equivalent to damage left after reaching 0 HP) to remain conscious.   Techniques known: 89/130.   E: 30. 1st gate, 3 hit combo, Burning slap of youth, Collier, Cotelette, Dynamic action, Epaule, Poitrene, Selle, Ball of light technique, Body Flicker Technique, Force Shove, Object Extraction, Substitution Jutsu, 2 sword style, Nigiri, Battojutsu, Covert Cut, Front Slice, Rapid Fire Shots, Reverse Slash, Chakra bandage technique, Chakra enhanced strength, Chakra share technique, Poison bullet jutsu, Poison extraction technique, Speed enhancement, Healing spit, Drizzle Technique, Hidden Mist Jutsu, Hiding in Water Technique, Protective Water Sphere.   D: 21. 2nd gate, 3rd gate, 5 hit combo, Bare-Handed Blade block, Chakra Punch, Collier Shot, Epaule Shoot, Pimp slap jutsu, Shattering Palm, Binding Syrup Chains, Water Prison Jutsu, Substitution Strike, Surface Walking Technique , Booby Trap Technique, Chain Pull Technique, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Deception Slice, Flash Slash, Shikai, Weapon Clone Jutsu, Weighted boulder strike.   C: 15. 100 Foot Punch, 4th gate, 10 hit combo, Arhat fist, Banzai Drop, Bullet punch, Early Sacrifice, Low blow, Pressure grip, 0 sword style, dragon twister, Afterglow Technique, Amputation Punishment, Brute Force, Chakra Shockwave Slash, Crimson Earth,   B: 14. 5th gate, 6th gate, 20 hit combo, 1 inch punch, Asakujaku, Beheading prison chop, Destructive barrage, Lariat, Nutbreaker, Brutal Slash, Chakra Blade Slice, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Super weighted boulder strike,3 word style, stunning Oni Giri   A: 9. 7th gate, 1000 Foot Strike, 50 hit combo, Giant Swing, Heavenly kick of pain, Hirudora, Assassination Technique, Crushing Decapitation, Existence Decapitation.   S:   Techniques available: 130.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:   Memories:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

born in 238 to shinobi working for Yukigakure Hoto Denbe would grow up hating the mist village, having been taught they were monsters and savages. He would enter the academy at 10 years old and graduate when he was 13. Where he would serve as a genin for 3 years before being promoted to chunin at 16.   With this promotion and his perspective on life ever changing Hoto would begin to question what he valued in the world, he felt as if he were out of place in the land of snow. He found himself wanting more challenge, more excitement, he felt limited in his life and found himself yearning for adventure. The land of snow was far too relaxed, far too weak and accepting of the bare minimum. He found himself working harder, training harder, accepting extra missions to get ahead but no amount of work could satisfy his desires. At 18 he would move from his clan's home and buy his own, as well as a large ship.   Though he continued to serve his village faithfully he wouldn't be promoted to jonin until he was 24, something he felt was far overdue. It would be around this time that his village would be attacked by the mist village and he, along with one of the disciples would help defend the village, and capture one of the seven swordsmen though his home and ship would be destroyed in the battle and the village would refuse to compensate him for the losses. After this battle Hoto would return to the prison where he would unleash his frustrations on the prisoner, beating them, breaking their bones and leaving them barely alive. "You'd make a fine mist ninja." They taunted him.   From that point on Hoto took over as one of the primary guards and would spend the majority of his time interrogating prisoners and extracting confessions from them using tortuous methods. Though he would hide his more brutal methods from the public and even prying eyes he would eventually be discovered at the age of 30 and he would be chased from the village. He would flee to Kirigakure with the head of a swordsmen in a bag, and their weapons on his back.   Many in Kirigakure despised Hoto for his actions and many tried to kill him to claim the blades for his own. Though his role in kirigakure was accepted and he seemed to be extremely loyal to them for giving him another life and soon he was accepted for his skills. When asked about his experience as a prison guard Hoto would regale them with details of torture and pain and would soon find himself recomended as the head of security for the prison. Now 32 years later he serves as the warden and has made the prison well known for its tight security and brutal methods.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Warden at Kirigakure prison
Current Location
Date of Birth
dark green
Long black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white skin
will of the sage
Aligned Organization


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