Khepri Aburame

Species: Human Age: 18. Clan: Aburame. XP: 3,300. Rank: D-3. Village: Sunagakure. Bounty: ???.   Personality: ???.   Description: ???.   Chakra nature: Wind, Combat style: Mid range. Background: Travelling warrior. Saving throws: power, *intelligence, Skill Proficiencies: *Chakra control, deception, diplomacy, endurance, History, Investigation, Religion, persuasion, Sensory, Stealth, *Survival, *Tracking. Ryo: 22,145.   Weapon proficiencies: Hammers. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???. Armor proficiencies: ???. Musical Proficiencies: ???.   Hit die: 8d8.+3 Chakra capacity: 96. Chakra die: 8d10.+3 AC: (17) 11. Max HP: 71. Speed: (40ft) 60ft Proficiency bonus: +3.   Initiative: +6. Inspiration: 1. Factions: ???. Death Save DC: 10.   Equipment: ???. Head: Uncommon sage's medium band, +4 AC, +4 wis & +4 Cha, -20ft speed. resist spiritual dmg. Body: Uncommon Sages Medium armor, +4 AC, +4 wis & +4 cha, -20ft speed. resists spiritual dmg.   Left arm: (E) Maul, +5, 2d8+5 bludgeoning, +10ft reach. Right arm: Two handed weapon.   Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 12, +1, +4 saves.   Athletics: +1.   Endurance: +4.   Grapple: +1.   Dexterity: 16, +3.   Acrobatics: +3.   Sleight of hand: +3.   Stealth: +6.   Wisdom: 18, +4.   Animal handling: +4.   Chakra Control: +10.   Insight: +4.   Nature: +4.   Perception: +4.   Sensory: +7.   Survival: +10.   Intelligence: 20, +5, +11 saves.   Crafting: +5.   History: +8.   Investigation: +8.   Medicine: +5.   Religion: +8.   Tactics: +5.   Tracking: +11.   Charisma: 14, +2.   Deception: +5.   Diplomacy: +5.   Intimidation: +2.   Performance: +2.   Persuasion: +5.   Seduction: +2.   Combat abilities: 24.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 5. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 10. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 9. Magic: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 0. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Main actions: 1. Minor actions: 2. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 2.   Resistances: Fire, thunder   Feats: 4.   Barrier expert: Your barriers gain an extra 50 points of damage negation.   Regenerating Body: The user recovers 1d8 + Power + Medicine HP at the end of each of their turns.   Logia: The user has become one with an element of their choice making it difficult to harm them, the user may activate this feat when attacked to gain resistance a damage type they would take, at DM discretion. User may become vulnerable to a damage type of GM choice. (Fire is weak to water, may melt certain weapons...etc,) This ability can be activated a number of times equal to the user's proficiency modifier. Sand Element   Lets make a deal: When making deals or negotiating, this feat can be activated. The user can impose a -3 penalty to the targets die roll and can add 1d6 to their total roll. If the target fails their check and agrees to the deal they will find themselves unable to go against their word, each attempt to do so will result in a wisdom save on the target's behalf. DC 6+cha+proficiency bonus. On a fail the target is unable to break their deal. This ability ends once a target has upheld their end of the deal. This ability can only be activated twice per long rest.   You can use scrolls as a Reaction.   Pick an insect from the insect list, Locusts, these insects will be under your control and are typically sustained by feeding off your chakra. You can make a ranged attack with these insects and the range they can attack from is 5/60ft. They gain a to hit bonus equal to wis+proficiency, and deal 1d6+wis&pro damage of necrotic damage.   If you successfully attack an enemy with your insects, you can recover 1 chakra die.   When you gain chakra from your insects you also gain half as much HP. (min of 1hp)   Gain advantage on all future chakra die rolls.   Seals you place can be camouflaged into items.   If you successfully strike a target with your insect attack, follow up attacks all gain +3.   If you use an insect jutsu you take chakra from the target equal to half of the total damage dealt.   Your insects can now siphon 2 chakra die on each successful hit and restore it to you or an ally of your choice within range.   Targets that have been hit by your insects must now save against effects from your insects such as poisoned, burned, rotting or stunned. DC is 8+ chakra control   You can communicate telepathically with your insects from a range of 100ft.   Unarmed strikes deal 1d4+str/dex + proficiency mod damage.   Targets that strike you with Melee attacks are dealt 1d4+power damage of your choice from Toxic.   If you expend an action you can gain advantage on your next technique.   Techniques known: 24.   E: 10, Bakudo #4, Hainawa, Barrier shield technique, Beeswax clone, Chakra draining seal, Confinement barrier, Enclosing Technique, Kotan Zanshun, Repulsion jutsu, Sealing jutsu, Summoning jutsu,   D: 14, Acid spray, Bakudo #75, Gochutekken, Barrier drop, Blue Ball Seal, Breath of Decay, Dancing Mantis Jutsu, Destructive insect barrage, Insect Injection jutsu, Insect shield, Reflection Barrier, Santen Kesshun, Spider's eye, Voodoo puppet creation, Regeneration seal.   C:   B:   A:   S:   Techniques available: 1.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:     ----------------------------

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Khepri is a young man from Sunagakure, the bastard child of bandits Khepri had a tough childhood and learned how to tune out most of the tragedy around him. He had a facination with insects and one day, after exploring a tomb he had located, he learned how to control locusts. From there he lived his life travelling the desert with his bandit tribe until he awoke in a dungeon where he would meet Shirohebei, Hika, Hasashi, Raiden and Madnaps.






Bandit - 6 years.

Personality Characteristics


Money and Entertainment.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Hasashi, shirobebi, wheelchair grandpa, Koji, bugs, food, sleeping, breathing, barriers, sitting in a dark room and making everyone who walks by uncomfortable.   Dislikes: Hasashi.


Shirohebei Kaguya


Towards Khepri Aburame


Khepri Aburame


Towards Shirohebei Kaguya



Shirohebei and Khepri first met in a dark and cold dungeon, where they had been placed together as slaves. The two were purchased in the same group and fought together side by side within their master's orders, each hoping to achieve their own goals, despite the circumstances.

Nicknames & Petnames

Shiro, Khepri, Hasashi, Bug Boy

Relationship Reasoning

Aside from being placed into the same group of slaves, Shirohebei and Khepri's relationship has formed because of business and beneficial purposes.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The two shinobi love to torment others and cause them to feel discomfort. Besides this, they seem to prefer getting business taken care of in a well mannered time, and take things in stride.

Shared Acquaintances

Karu Toyato, Sai and Mai Toriyama, Koji Madnaps Capo, Underboss Kali, Jrunt the Grunt, Hasashi.

Chaotic Stupid
Current Location
Date of Birth
05-16-177, CE.
Current Residence
Flying Spaghetti Monster
Related Reports


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