Shirohebei Kaguya

The Violent Savior, Lord Shiro, Sensei, Master Shiro Shirohebei Kaguya- Kaguya (a.k.a. Shiro Hatake)

  Age: 21. Clan: Kaguya. XP: 7,250. Rank: D-3. Village: Kirigakure.
  Personality: Two Faced, Cold, Calculated, Manipulative, Charming, Seductive, Enabler, Psychotic, Views the suffering of others as entertainment.
  Chakra nature: Bone, +1. Combat style: Close Range. Background: Branch clan. Saving throws: dex, pow. Skill Proficiencies: Deception*, History, *chakra control, *sleight of hand, insight, performance, crafting, medicine, survival, Seduction, Persuasion*, intimidation. Ryo: 16,575.
  Weapon proficiencies: Swords. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: Card games, Shogi.
  Hit die: 8d12. Max HP: 184. Chakra die: 8d6. Chakra capacity: 119. JC: 58.AC: 22 (18). Speed: 55ft. Proficiency bonus: +3.
  Initiative: +8. Inspiration: (4) 1. Factions: ???. Death Save DC: 10.
  Equipment: 3 kunai, 2 Chakra food pills, 3 Food Pills. Head: (D) Cloak, +2 Wis, +2 POW, +3 AC. Body: (D) Break Apart Light Armor, grants a +2 Dex and Pow when removed, +3 AC. Left arm: ???. Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: (D) Health Amulet, +20 temp HP when worn. Accessory 2: (E) Skeletal Jewelry, +2 intimidation when worn. Accessory 3: ???.
  Backpack: (E) Burst Kunai, (E) Antidote, (C) x5 Tags, (C) x4 Scrolls, Contract for quake, hika and hasashi, x4 Nets, Map from Psychic woman, x1 Crystal Ball, x1 Deck of Tarot Cards, random gems, Scrying mirror, Notebook from psychic woman, Jewelry box, x4 Bone Kunai, quake in a scroll, (S) Double Tetragram Seal.
  Stats & Skills:
  Power: 24, +7, +10 saves.
  Grapple: +7.
  Willpower: +7.
  Dexterity: 19, +5.
  Sleight of hand: +10.
  Stealth: +5.
  Wisdom: 12, +1.
  Animal handling: +1.
  Chakra Control: +7.
  Insight: +4.
  Perception: +1.
  Sensory: +1
  Survival: +4.
  Intelligence: 18, +4.
  Crafting: +7.
  History: +7.
  Investigation: +4.
  Medicine: +7.
  Religion: +4.
  Tracking: +4.
  Charisma: 19, +5.
  Deception: +11.
  Diplomacy: +5.
  Intimidation: +8.
  Performance: +8.
  Persuasion: +11.
  Seduction: +8.
  Combat abilities: 23.
  Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 2. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 7. Ninjutsu: 5. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 5. Sexjutsu: 4.
  Main actions: 1. Minor actions: 1. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 2.
  Feats: 2.
  Gain resistance to Toxic damage.
  Malicious Aura: The user radiates an evil aura around themselves that taxes the mind, making targets feel the incredible bloodlust the user has. Those within 30ft of the user take 1d4+cha+prof. bonus mental damage from being exposed to your bloodlust and take a -2 penalty on all charisma saves.
  Lets make a deal: +2 charisma. Gain proficiency in diplomacy, persuasion and deception. When making deals or negotiating, this feat can be activated. The user can impose a -3 penalty to the targets die roll and can add 1d6 to their total roll. If the target fails their check and agrees to the deal they will find themselves unable to go against their word, each attempt to do so will result in a wisdom save on the target's behalf. DC 6+cha+proficiency bonus. On a fail the target is unable to break their deal. This ability ends once a target has upheld their end of the deal. This ability can only be activated twice per long rest.
  Actor: You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Insight check contested by your Deception check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.
  Regenerating Body: The user recovers 1d8 + Power + Medicine HP at the end of each of their turns
  Gain advantage on hit die rolls.*
  Status effects you cause deal maximum damage.
  You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.
  You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.
  If you successfully make an unarmed attack against a target you can make another strike as a minor action.
  You can heal yourself as a reaction for 1 hit die + medicine HP.
  The user gains a secondary chakra supply known as their jinchurikki chakra, techniques can be enhanced when used with this chakra and some techniques may require it. This amount is equal to half the user's chakra capacity.
  You can craft E-rank supplies and equipment.
  User recovers an extra hit die when they heal.
  Once per day the user can give advantage to one of their charisma checks or disadvantage to a target.
  Beloved Villager: 25 followers - You've achieved something great that has only been noticed by a small number of people thus far. With more work towards godhood, others will soon learn of your accomplishments! Gain better deals with local shops.
  Local Celebrity: 50 followers - More people have started to recognize your incredibility!
  Techniques known: 33.
  E: 22. 3 hit combo, Alluring Aura, Bone bullets, Bone Reinforcement technique, Bone repair jutsu, Bone weapon creation, Chakra bandage technique, Chakra enhanced strength, Chakra share technique, Dragon fang, Dynamic action, Leaf drop, Poison bullet jutsu, Poison Coating Technique, Pressure point strike, Substitution Jutsu, Altar of Mist, Enraged state, Disarming Voice, Pain Enhancement technique, Sense Enhancement Technique, Strip Strike.
  D: 10. 5 hit combo, Chakra scalpel, Leech Life, Minor healing jutsu, Miok Gas, Sense Dilution Technique, Shattering Palm, Spare the dying technique, Surface Walking Technique , Substitution Strike, External Elimination technique, Skeleton reconstruction technique.
  B: 2. Paralysis Jutsu, Tailed beast transfer
  Techniques available: 3.
  Mission Record:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shirohebei was a very analytical child who early on discovered that the only way to appease her family and country would be through military power. However, just as important as that power, is a strong mind. When she enrolled in the academy, she knew one day she would face the blood mist exams. Because of this Shirohebei wouldn't allow herself to form any kind of attachment to those in the academy under any circumstances. This detachment led to her peers believing her to be cold of character and distant, while in actuality she had been protecting her own feelings and mind as she survived in these dangerous environments.   When the day of graduation finally came, Shirohebei knew she would have to take the blood mist exams and that all of the years she had been training were finally culminating. She hid for a large portion of the exam, allowing her peers to kill one another or gravely injure their enemies until the crowd broke down enough for her to merge into battle herself. She would quickly dispatch any who were injured or in vulnerable positions and cared not for the glory of battle, but rather to end it as quickly as possible.   After passing the Blood Mist exams and surviving her peers, Shirohebei went on to work as a Genin Shinobi within Kirigakure for a brief period of time. During this, Shirohebei found herself relishing the more dangerous missions and would go out of her way to get into a fight whenever possible, just for some satisfaction. She grew bored of the same boring and safe or diplomatic missions quite easily. After some time, under unknown circumstances, Shirohebei was kidnapped by some slavers who sold her off to a man under the alias of "Madnaps". This man had purchased her and a small group of varying shinobi from around the lands for the personal gain of the Nezu mafia, purposing them to be used as underlings. Madnaps tested Shirohebei and the group's abilities by having them perform in a series of dangerous tests and trials within an illegal fight pit located somewhere near Kusagakure.   Later on, Shirohebei would work some jobs for the mafia under Underboss Kali and Capo Madnaps. After some time of saving ryo she has finally purchased her freedom. But where will our young Kunoichi go next?

Gender Identity





Academy graduate


-Kirigakure Genin for 3 months   -Kusagakure Genin.   -Nezu Capo   -Nezu Grunt   -Bathhouse Owner

Accomplishments & Achievements

Graduating the Blood Mist Exams.   Shirohebei unlocked her Kekkei Genkai at age 8.   Manipulating Hasashi into owing her favors.   Stealing her little brother's clothes and throwing them in the river at 15 years old (it was winter).   Successfully getting her first kill at the age of 10 years old.   Becoming a Kirigakure Genin.   Becoming a Kusagakure Genin.   Sleeping with Under Boss Kali.   Beating Hika Hagimoto in a fight.   Purchasing her freedom from the Nezu Mafia.   Becoming a Capo to the Nezu   Absorbing part of the soul of a Dragon   Killing Koji Madnaps   Sealing away Quake

Failures & Embarrassments

Being caught and sold into slavery.   She is afraid of small spaces because once, when she was a kid, one of her siblings locked her into a cabinet for two days.   At her graduation exam, during her photo being taken, her mother forced her to wear a set of luxurious robes that she thought was too flashy. She absolutely hated it. She has burned every image she can find of that day, but she's pretty sure there's still one or two hidden away from her.

Mental Trauma

Shirohebei first murdered someone when she was 10 years old. The reasoning behind this is that it was tradition at this time within the Kaguya clan to successfully kill another person by the age of ten. because she hadn't killed someone by the time her tenth birthday arrived, her father presented her with a sacrifice for a cermonial murder as was also tradition within the clan. Shirohebei's target turned out to be a relative of the primary clan leading the Land of Snow, the Yuki. The mist had been at war with the Yuki for many years. Though, the relative was only ten years old, just as Shirohebei, and had never tested the field of battle himself. This sacrifice would serve as feul for the war between the Snow and the Mist.   The first time Shirohebei tortured someone was before her first kill. Her eldest brother had been attacked during a mission, in which he captured his foe and brought him home. This would serve as one of Shirohebei's bonding sessions with her brother as he taught her how to properly torture someone. He would force her to inflict injuries upon the man and that it was necessary to relish in their pained screams.   After torturing the man in private, Shirohebei would have similar injuries inflicted upon herself. Her eldest brother said that she needed to understand the pain that she inflicts on others. He assumed that torturing her would numb her to the pain. it did not.   With no food or water, Shirohebei's oldest brother locked her away inside of a cabinet for two days because she had asked to spend time with him.   When she was several years old, Shirohebei's father took her on a mission with him. During this, he falsely claimed that there was no danger to worry about. On this mission, they went out onto open seas within a small boat to go fishing. Her father was fishing for a kraken, a large sea beast that would swiftly destroy the vessel, drag Shirohebei into the depths of the sea, and nearly eat her before she was saved from her father. It was after this incident that Shirohebei was taught how to swim.   During her early childhood, Shirohebei went to rest for the evening when she felt sharp stinging in her face and head upon laying her head on her pillow. It was shortly discovered that her eldest brother had filled her pillow case with pins and needles. Shirohebei responded by swinging the pillow case at him and smacked his ribs with the pillow case that had still been filled. Their injuries were equal.   When she was 14, Shirohebei confessed to having a crush on an upper classman when speaking to her older sister. Upon hearing this, she began spying on the boy and saw him kiss another student. At this, Shirohebei's sister would assault both parties while calling for her younger sister. Shirohebei arrived shortly after, confused about what was happening and was immediately instructed to gouge the eyes of her foe. The boy was forced to watch as his arm was broken, but thankfully the sisters were stopped. This was the second time Shirohebei was arrested.   When Shirohebei was 13 years old, she and her two younger siblings, aged 9 and 7, went on a midnight stroll. While they walked onward, the two younger siblings would make comments about seeing shapes in the shadows as well as the feeling of eyes watching them. Shirohebei brushed these comments off at first, deeming them as childish fears until there was a shrill cry very nearby. Immediately afterwards, the little sister screamed. As Shirohebei turned around, she saw her little sister dragged into the darkness. She would attempt to attack the creature, though she was unable to see anything physical. However, in that brief period, there was another cry and the brother was taken, also. As she looked around for her two siblings she felt something creep closer to her and upon turning around was greeted by a large and monstrous figure which would resemble something from nightmares. Shirohebei instantly began attacking the creature, screaming in fear as she did so when there was a poof of smoke and a young boy collapsed to the ground, grasping at his pierced throat and choking on his own blood. Meanwhile, the two "creatures" ran from the underbrush, revealing themselves to also be children who were trying to pull a prank that they then realized went horribly wrong. A kerfew was instituted within the village following this incident. This was the first time Shirohebei was arrested.   Most of Shirohebei's childhood and teen years consisted of constant and brutal physical training. During this, She would be exposed to things such as various forms of torture, also. This resulted in her becoming more desensitized to violence as a whole.   As Shirohebei got older, her mother grew apart from her emotionally. This was the result of differing morals and ideals. Though, her mother claimed to be supportive, she constantly criticized Shirohebei's decisions and diminished her value not only as a kunoichi but as a woman.   Shirohebei took the blood mist exam when she was 18 years old, during which she would be forced to fight and murder all of her classmates in a death match to determine the strongest academy student. She watched as comrade after comrade fell in battle, people she had grown with for so many years began to drop like flies around her as she struggled to fight the many foes who came for her as well. Though, she was prepared to fight and defend herself, her mind could not protect itself from the trauma she was going through. To lose so many people.. ever since this exam it seems that Shirohebei no longer has close allies.   At the age of 8 years old, Shirohebei would unlock her kekkei genkai while in a visceral argument with one of her siblings. The two began fighting in hand to hand combat which had only been broken up once it was noticed that Shirohebei's skin was covered in spikes made of bone. Her older sister spent three months recovering from this attack.


Killing babies, marriage, chastity.

Personality Characteristics


To become powerful.   Bending others to her will.   Causing suffering and displeasure to others.   Creating discomfort in others.   Increasing her Kill count.   Sharing her stories with her clan.   Even Hell runs on money.   Her lustful desires.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Spicy foods, Sweets, Murder, Robbery, Assault, Boobs, Harming others, Putting others in debt to herself, bath houses, money, Flowers, Serpents, Blues, Purples, Reds, Somewhat to very revealing clothing, teasing and taunting others, antagonizing others, torture and interrogation, self inflicted pain if not pain inflicted by others, piercings, tattoos, pranking others, enthusiastic midnight strolls through the forests and villages, rebelling against authority.   Grey Areas: Khepri.   Dislikes: Sour foods, Hasashi, Snow ninja (hika), Takumi (You know what you did), Koji (i don't need to say why), Churches, Authority, Following orders from those she feels are inferior to herself, cowards, weaklings, snobs, emotionally sensitive people, small peepee (you know who you are.), small spaces, being vulnerable physically or emotionally, Seas and Deep water, Vanilla Sex.

Vices & Personality flaws

You should relish in the pain that you cause others just as much as you should enjoy the pain others inflict unto you.   Her clan believes women are lesser than that of men.   Shirohebei cannot form close bonds or attachments with others emotionally.   She has commitment issues.   She is stubborn to a fault.


Contacts & Relations

Koji, Hasashi Kitamura, Hika Hagimoto, Khepri, Takumi, Takowa Sensei, Sai Toriyama, Mai Toriyama, Underboss Kali, Jrunt the Grunt, Nezu Mafia, Sosuke Toyatoru, Leader Zamaya.

Social Aptitude

During most social settings, Shirohebei tends to take a strong leading front towards those she speaks to. She presents herself with strong confidence and ego, although she isn't extroverted herself too much. Depending on the situation, Shirohebei can be either well mannered and calm or more aggressive and demanding.


Shirohebei tends to be very bold and charismatic in her behavior, asserting dominance whenever given the opportunity over those around her.


Team lead Keiko Tamura

Team Leader (Trivial)

Towards Shirohebei Kaguya



Shirohebei Kaguya

Student (Trivial)

Towards Team lead Keiko Tamura




In the year 195, Shirohebei Kaguya was marked as a shinobi for Kirigakure and had been appointed to work with Keiko Tamura. Despite Shiro's harsh and cold nature, she had proven to be a useful shinobi with a surprising amount of intelligence. This earned Shirohebei a bit of a liking from her leader.

Nicknames & Petnames


Relationship Reasoning

Student and Sensei

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both of their clans come from Kirigakure. They both would do anything to protect their village.

Fumi Machiko Teammate

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Shirohebei Kaguya



Shirohebei Kaguya

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Fumi Machiko Teammate




Shirohebei and Fumi come from different classes, though both of their clans are in Kirigakure. The two girls have known each other for a bit, sharing a strong rivalry and bitter hatred towards one another. The reasons are unknown specifically.

Nicknames & Petnames

Shirohebei to Fumi: Bitch, Dumbass, Ape, Plum (Fumi has plum colored hair).   Fumi to Shirohebei: Bitch, Idiot, Dumbass, Snake.

Relationship Reasoning


Shirohebei Kaguya

Teammate (Trivial)

Towards Hasashi Kitamura



Hasashi Kitamura

Teammate (Trivial)

Towards Shirohebei Kaguya




Shirohebei and Hasashi first met in a dark and cold dungeon, where they had been placed together as slaves. The two were purchased in the same group and fought together side by side within their master's orders, each hoping to achieve their own goals, despite the circumstances.

Nicknames & Petnames

Bitch, Limp Dick, Shiro

Relationship Reasoning


Shirohebei Kaguya


Towards Khepri Aburame


Khepri Aburame


Towards Shirohebei Kaguya



Shirohebei and Khepri first met in a dark and cold dungeon, where they had been placed together as slaves. The two were purchased in the same group and fought together side by side within their master's orders, each hoping to achieve their own goals, despite the circumstances.

Nicknames & Petnames

Shiro, Khepri, Hasashi, Bug Boy

Relationship Reasoning

Aside from being placed into the same group of slaves, Shirohebei and Khepri's relationship has formed because of business and beneficial purposes.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The two shinobi love to torment others and cause them to feel discomfort. Besides this, they seem to prefer getting business taken care of in a well mannered time, and take things in stride.

Shared Acquaintances

Karu Toyato, Sai and Mai Toriyama, Koji Madnaps Capo, Underboss Kali, Jrunt the Grunt, Hasashi.

Shirohebei Kaguya

Former Slave (Trivial)

Towards 'Capo Madnaps' Koji



'Capo Madnaps' Koji

Former Master (Trivial)

Towards Shirohebei Kaguya



'Underboss Kali' Kalina Yokiga

friend (Trivial)

Towards Shirohebei Kaguya



Shirohebei Kaguya

friend (Trivial)

Towards 'Underboss Kali' Kalina Yokiga




Underboss Kali first met Shirohebei Kaguya whenever Shirohebei was presented to her as one of Koji Madnaps' slave workers. They would be playing a vital role in the Nezu mafia infiltrating the Kusagakure ranks. Out of all of the individuals brought before her, Shirohebei was the one that Kali enjoyed most. While many of the others seemed less useful, there was an immediate attraction between the two, and Kali could tell that Shiro would be one to work well within the organization. It wouldn't be until their second meeting that Kali would successfully seduce Shirohebei, sharing a moment of intimacy and lustful passion. The two have continued to work well together as business partners to this day, not allowing themselves to come to terms of endearment beyond the occassional one night stand. Through their many meetings, Kali has begun to form a stronger bond with Shirohebei than many of her other workers or coworkers, though she would never say the words aloud, Kali considers Shirohebei a close friend whom she can let her guard down around.

Nicknames & Petnames


Relationship Reasoning

Shirohebei was a slave for one of Kali's workers.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy alcohol and get off on hurting others. Both are observant types.

Shared Secrets

Show spoiler
Kali intends to replace Capo Madnaps with Shirohebei when the time is right.
Show spoiler
Takumi Jikoro once saw them engaged in a lustful act. When told that he could not keep quiet about such things, Kali quickly murdered him. Shirohebei is the only one who knows the reason behind his disappearance.

Kento Takowa

Lover (Important)

Towards Shirohebei Kaguya



Shirohebei Kaguya

Lover (Trivial)

Towards Kento Takowa




Kento Takowa first met Shirohebei Kaguya within the Kusagakure academy during exams for entry level ninja. He personally tested the kunoichi's skills and loyalty during their first meeting, acting rather aggressively. However, this facade quickly broke upon proving herself useful as he became an embarassed mess. After failing to go out with her on his first attempt, Takowa tried once more to woo Shirohebei by surprising her one late evening with an abundance of gifts and wine. The two shared some drinks and eventually opened up a bit to one another, resulting in a heat of the moment one night stand. Takowa has since then managed to get a few dates out of Shirohebei, much to her reluctance. Takowa now follows the kunoichi around the village during their free time, acting as if the two are a couple at times, even.

Nicknames & Petnames

Shiro   Takowa   Takowa-Sensei

Relationship Reasoning

Both are ninja of Kusagakure

Shared Secrets

Takowa only knows shirohebei as shiro hatake

Shirohebei Kaguya

Sensei (Important)

Towards Karu Toyatoru



Karu Toyatoru

Disciple (Important)

Towards Shirohebei Kaguya




Shirohebei first met Karu Toyatoru at the Kusagakure Nursery School, where he displayed impressive skill to her, mentally. At first, Shirohebei offered to teach him as a means to pass some time between her missions, but was also reminded of her younger brother in Kirigakure, ultimately leading to her fondness growing rather quickly for the young boy. Though, she had a soft spot for Karu, she would not relent in the extremities of her training him. The young boy has since been her student and works hard to prove himself as a worthy shinobi, proving himself with many feats of strength and achievements that the average child in Kusa could not succeed in.

Nicknames & Petnames

Master Shiro

Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Violent Savior.   Lord Shiro.   Sensei.
Date of Birth
176, 12th of August.
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Grey/Violet, Oval.
Long, sleek, snow white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
156 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Bumbling Fools"
Aligned Organization

This article has no secrets.


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