Nezu Introduction

General Summary

The party emerged from the underground tunnels which madnaps led them through. When they arrived, their bindings and eye covers were removed allowing them to see the dead end of a hallway. The walls were primarily constructed of dirt and stone with supporting wood pillars and beams. There were a few metal doors along either side of this hall, as well as a large prison cell. Whenever the party looked up they saw a tall ladder that seemed to lead to a trap door. Khepri was then spotted, as their attention turned back to each other, to be holding an ornate chair he had stolen from somewhere in this small hallway.   "What the hell are you doing with that?" Madnaps snapped in annoyance, gritting his teeth.   "I'm gonna sell this for a good price! Look at this thing! Great craftsmanship." Khepri replied with a sly grin. It seemed as though that smirk was permanently set on his face. This only caused further discomfort in those around him.   "No. Leave that behind!" Madnap's voice was more agitated as he forced the chair out of Khepri's grip. He then tossed it to the ground with a large thud that echoed loudly around them.   "Now climb up the damn ladder!" He yelled, gesturing at the ladder that previously caught their attention. At this, each person began ascending the ladder carefully before swinging open the old trap door. They stepped into a small room with a door immediately in front of them which then opened into the bottom floor of a hideout. Madnaps would shortly take lead after seeing to it that the party was all there, and led them up to the fourth floor, quickly passing through each of the rooms.   As they reached this floor, it was made evident that it was an office room of sorts. "Sit here and wait," Madnaps started. "I've got to take care of some business for a few minutes so don't move from that spot."   "Don't take too long, asshole." Hasashi retorted in an attempt to insult his new superior.   "I'll take as long as I damned well wish. In fact, I'm going to go take a shit while I'm away just to make you wait even longer."   As Madnaps walked away after finishing their argument, Hasashi was left with a look of disgust and anger, allowing it to wash over his mind more than he should have. He glared at any passers by while time slowly passed, until suddenly a man who took notice of his sour mood approached.   "What do you want?" Hasashi hissed, narrowing his gaze.   "I could say the same of you, jackass." The man's voice was firm with an expression to match. "Now, I suggest you wipe that look off of your face before somebody else does it for you, kid."   Hasashi scoffed at what he had been told, speaking against the man's advice. "I don't need to do anything for someone like you."   The man then began to step forward, his expression slowly shifting to that of anger. "I was trying to help you by getting rid of that attitude, but if this is how you want to act, then-" As he gripped Hasashi's shirt collar tightly, he pulled him close. "Keep talking and see if I don't teach you a lesson."   Despite the seriousness in the man's actions and words, Hasashi dared to antagonize them further.   "Just try me, old man" He retorted coldly. Suddenly the man let go of his collar and stood upright. As he did this, Hasashi felt a sudden shock through his body that shook him to his core, only to shortly be followed by a wave of intense pain. He barely managed to keep his composure as his knees shook and he stood in place. Finally, the stranger left without speaking another word.   Within the few seconds Hasashi had to recompose himself entirely, Madnaps returned to the group with a woman who appeared to be in her early 30's. She had a deep red hue to her long hair, which complimented her grey-blue eyes nicely. As they came to a stop before the party, Madnaps introduced the woman as his superior, Underboss Kali.   Kali tells the party that they have been bought for the purpose of going undercover within Kusagakure. With a smile, Kali describes the mission in detail and explains the objectives and expectations. With her orders in hand, the party will need to be careful and thorough in their planning and execution so as not to raise any suspicions from their enemies.   They are to keep the village ninja and police force from catching onto any of their plans. With this in mind, they are expected to be discreet and cautious when performing any operations that may compromise their identity or plan. They will also need to stay informed about the situation and respond appropriately and quickly when necessary to avoid any potential setbacks or problems. They will need to keep a low profile and avoid drawing attention from the enemy, as any slip-ups or mistakes could quickly become deadly. They are to mislead and misinform the enemy from the inside and to do whatever is needed to mitigate any damage done. They are also to find out and report on any plans or movements of the enemy so that their side can make appropriate responses and counter-attacks. This is a covert and dangerous mission, and they will need to be careful in their approach and tactics in order to ensure success with minimal loss and damage.   She tells them that they will be able to purchase their way out of slavery so long as they behave well and follow the rules. However, traitors, brats, and those who can't follow rules will be punished harshly, potentially even with death. She draws a comparison to Hashashi, who was punished similarly for "not understanding" the rules. She makes sure to emphasize that he can escape punishment and find freedom by conforming to their way of life, and this could be an example for them to follow.   She made a comment about capo Madnaps being in charge of them and that they should keep themselves out of the way of the other underbosses, as well as be respectful to those above them. She stresses the importance of following orders and not drawing attention to themselves, as Madnaps will not hesitate to send the party to death or punishment if they become trouble. They must remain loyal and subservient in order to survive the mafia's rule, and the best way to do that is to behave well, work hard, and avoid making waves.   Madnaps has their contracts in hand, and she explains that so long as they keep their contracts, there will be limits on how much resistance they can offer and what they can say. She explains that they will be expected to do hard work, and any complaints or hesitation will be punished. Their freedom and rights will be limited while their contacts are valid, and they must abide by the rules or be subject to harsh punishments. If Madnaps gives them an order, they are free to offer objections until he activates the command seal on their contract. At that point, they will be compelled to follow the order even against their will. It is important to understand the power Madnaps has over their freedom and rights, and to act carefully and accordingly. If he activates the command seal, they must follow his demands without question or hesitation. Therefore, it is important to understand and follow what he wants them to do, so that he doesn't find a reason to activate the command seal.   Shortly after this, Kali leaves and the party disbands to wander alone with their thoughts in the base. Shirohebei wanders the upper floor, where she recalled the capo's working and as she explores she is confronted by Koji who grips her wrist tightly as he scolds her for daring to enter the floor without permission. He then taunts her, and sends her away.   As Hika, Raiden, and Khepri got settled in for the night, Hasashi looked out of a nearby window from the top floor. As he soaked in the view of the dark horizon and distant stars in the night sky, Shirohebei's voice arose from the shadows. "Oi! What are you doing, idiot?" Hisashi remained facing the window with the dim light reflecting himself in the cool glass. "It's just nice to take in the night view, sometimes. We've been through a lot lately, you know?" His voice was calm, but it seemed as though his mind itself was miles away. The silence between the two grew for a few moments longer before Hisashi turned to face his fellow captive as if to speak to her directly. However, she was gone without a word and Hasashi then sat alone once more in the dimly lit floor.


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