Tonzo Rigeki

Age: 48. Clan: Rigeki. XP: 575,000. Rank: A-4. Village: Kirigakure. Bounty: 100,000 ryo.   Personality: Smart, hot headed, acts on impulse in casual situations, thoughtful in tense ones. Loyal, sexist, egotistical.   Chakra nature: Fire. Combat style: Agressive. Background: Shinobi family. Saving throws: Dex, cha, int. Skill Proficiencies: *chakra control, crafting, intimidation, *insight, investigation, perception, seduction, sleight of hand, Stealth,. Ryo: ???.   Weapon proficiencies: Swords. Armor proficiencies: Light armor. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???   Hit die: 22d10. Max HP: 374. Chakra die: 24d8. Chakra capacity: 432. AC: 38. Speed: 120ft. Proficiency bonus: +6.   Initiative: +12. Inspiration: ???. Factions: ???. Death Save DC: 10 +1 everytime the user falls to 0hp and begins to make death saving throws.   Equipment: ???. Head: A, Light armor, +6 AC. Body: A, light armro, +6 AC. Left arm: ??? Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 21, +6.   Grapple: +6.   Will: +6.   Dexterity: 22, +6.   Sleight of hand: +12.   Stealth: +12.   Wisdom: 12, +1.   Animal handling: +1.   Chakra Control: +13.   Insight: +13.   Perception: +7.   Sensory: +1.   Survival: +1.   Intelligence: 14, +2, +8 saves.   Crafting: +8.   History: +2.   Investigation: +8.   Medicine: +2.   Religion: +2.   Tracking: +2.   Charisma: 14, +2, +8 saves.   Deception: +2.   Diplomacy: +2.   Intimidation: +8.   Performance: +2.   Persuasion: +2.   Seduction: +8.   Combat abilities: 55   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 15. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 20. Kinjutsu: 0. Magic: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 20. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Main actions: 3. Minor actions: 3. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 3.   Transformations: ???.   Resistances: +5.   Feats: 5.   Brutal Killer: Gain proficiency in Intimidation. When you successfully drop an enemy to 0 HP, you can immediately make another attack against a target in range as a minor action. Allies of the killed target take a -5 penalty to any Charisma checks used against them for the round.   Cleave: When the user makes a melee attack with a weapon that reduces an opponent to 0hp and another target is within reach, any damage remaining after defeating the first opponent is dealt to the second opponent.   Critical Targeting: You may lower the die requirement for critical hits by 1. (if it was 20, 19's on the die now count as crits) Those who are struck by one of your critical hits lose 10ft of movement.   Deflect Missiles: When targeted by a ranged weapon attack the user can activate this ability as a reaction. The user can make a sleight of hand check against the opposing attack roll, on a success the user grabs the ammunition mid air and throw it back at the target for equal damage.   Ignite: The user is able to activate this ability as a minor action, a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus per day. Once the user targets a weapon they have equipped, they can ignite it with their fire nature, causing it to deal an extra die of fire dmg on it's next strike.   Genjutsu cast on an unaware opponent gains +2 to its save DC.   Gain +2 to breaking out of genjutsu you know.   You can target one extra person within range with each targeted genjutsu you use.   If a target has been trapped in a genjutsu for 2 or more turns, they are given disadvantage on attempts to break out.   When a target is caught in a genjutsu they take a -2 penalty to their AC.   Gain advantage on breaking allies out of genjutsu.   You target up to 2 extra people with any single target genjutsu you cast.   Three times per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, this can be used on two targets at once or one target at two separate times. While in a compelled duel you gain resistance to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage from normal weapons. Those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only unarmed or weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.   Add +2 to your rolls when attacking with a weapon.   You can dual wield two one-handed weapons of your choice.   Critical hits on weapon attacks inflict the bleeding effect.   Once per day if you hit 0hp you can choose to drop to 1hp instead, you can then take a -5 penalty on your next weapon attack but deliver max damage.   You may equipment slots in place of weapons, each weapon equipped this way adds +1 damage die to attacks you make when making melee attacks.   If an opponent has the bleeding effect, gain advantage on damage rolls against them.   Boost your AC by 2 if you’re wielding a weapon.   You can craft B rank weapons & equipment.   Opponents with the bleeding effect have their movement halved.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.   Increase your chakra die by 2.   Gain advantage on insight checks on how techniques work.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can negate up to two die of damage if you know the technique.   You can teach others techniques you know, so long as they can use the proper chakra nature.   You can imbue your chakra into weapons or items you possess.   Ninjutsu can increase their range by one level.   Gain advantage on chakra clashes you start.   You can add an extra 50ft to your genjutsu range.   Targets that have spent 3 or more rounds in a genjutsu can no longer break out on their own.   If caught in a genjutsu you can attempt to break out at disadvantage by performing another genjutsu on yourself.   Techniques known: 139/152   E: 32. 1 Sword Style, 36 pound cannon, 1 Sword Style, Demon Horse, Blade concealed in darkness, Blazing Shuriken Dance, Burner Finger 1, Body Flicker Technique, Caltrop Trap, Captains bluff, Capture Star, Chakra Needle, Deceptive cooperation genjutsu, Deep Fear Illusion Technique, Ember, Exploding Flame Formation, False Clone Jutsu, False surroundings, Fire Wall Technique, Flame Burst, Flame Cooking, Gastille, Genjutsu Haze, Illusion of Burning, Illusion of Impending Death, Illusion of Lost Power, Mind Alteration Illusion, Special Oil Star, Substitution Jutsu, Taunt, Tearing Blade Drop, Vicious Mockery, Weapon concealment technique, Weapon Melt Technique, Wire Attachment Technique,   D: 27. Air Lightning Strike, Blinding Genjutsu, Body echo, Booby Trap Technique, Burner Finger 2, Butterfly needle fire, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Dragon Flame Jutsu, Drowning in water genjutsu, Exploding Flame Trap Technique, Explosive Clone, Fire Lash, Fire Spin, Fire Wall Shot, Flame Eating Technique, Flame Pillar Jutsu, Flame Spikes, Genjutsu Break, Hazy Genjutsu, Hiding in Ash and Fire Technique, Manipulated Shuriken Technique, Nightmare, Rockslide genjutsu, Senbon Shot, Substitution Strike, Surface Walking Technique, Tree binding death genjutsu,   C: 33. Afterglow Technique, Ally reversal, Armor Eater Technique, Burner Finger 3, Burning Chains Jutsu, Burn Up, Cherry Blossom Blizzard, Deadly Dart, Dragon Flame Bomb Jutsu, Earth crumbling genjutsu, Exploding Flame Shot, False Surroundings double layer, Fire Wall Burst, Flame Attack, Flame Whirlwind Jutsu, Flint Yagura Jutsu, Flying Nail Barrage, Full Power Bluff, Hazy Moonlight, Mirage genjutsu, Mist servant technique, Paralysis Genjutsu, Scary Face, Scroll Communication Technique, Senbon shower, Shark bait genjutsu, Shuriken Wire Trap, Substitution Flurry, Sickle Dance Plunging Blade, Spite, Tongue Tied Genjutsu, Tree binding destruction genjutsu, Water Walking Technique,   B: 30. 1 sword style 360 pound cannon, Blade Manipulation Jutsu, Blast Wave Wild Dance, Body Elimination Technique, Burning Ash Technique, Burner Finger 4, Buto, Chain Jail, Chains of Fantasia, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Eternal Drowning, Eye Stab, Fading to dust illusion, Flame Armor Jutsu, Flame Wall Jutsu, Flaming Meteors Jutsu, Flying Swallow Technique, Interrogation Genjutsu, Into the depths, Majestic Flame Jutsu, Mental Resistance Technique, Needle Hell, Paralysis Jutsu, Pin Cushion Technique, Spike Cannon, Silent Killing Technique, Thousand Red Camellias, Toxic Touch Illusion, Tree binding explosive death genjutsu, Nightmare Torture Genjutsu,   A: 17. 200 IQ, Arson Assault, Assassination Technique, Body Baking Technique, Burning Full Fingers, Caged Heat Arson Prison, Dragon Fire Bullet Jutsu, Fire Blast, Flame Dragon Jutsu, Flame Serpent Jutsu, Flame Wall Shot, Giga Impact, Inferno, Misty Flames Technique, Ryujinjakka, Senbon hell Shower, Tandem Clone Explosives   S:   Techniques available: 13.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:   Memories:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tonzo Rigeki was born in the year 247 to the Rigeki clan, Tonzo's birth was rejoiced and he was loved by both parents. Though his father was gruff and his mother strict, Tonzo would be raised well within Kirigakure and would be trained from his youth in chakra control and precision. The Rigeki clan was not large nor was it very powerful, but it did prevail in tactical awareness. They had learned over the years to use their skills, to keep their limitations in mind, and strike when they are prepared for an optimal strike.   When Tonzo entered the academy at 12 he was unaware of the status of the blood mist exam and would be known for being a helpful student with a small group of friends. When the exams began, Tonzo and his friends made a pact that they would protect each other and fight as the final competitors. One by one the group of five would take down their opponents and attempt to defend each other, though they would slowly begin to fall until Tonzo and his closest friend would be the final two left. The two friends would fight fiercely and give it their all, giving each other numerous injuries and multiple scars, though inevitably Tonzo would emerge victorious at the cost of one of his eyes.   Having been forced to fight and kill his closest friends Tonzo became a much colder and more detatched to his emotional state, but he also felt it was his duty to live on for his friends and become as strong as he could, to honor their sacrifice and loss. He would visit the graves of his friends and allies during his free time between missions and his training. It wouldn't take long for him to earn his promotion to chunin at 14. As a chunin he would spend most of his time working around the village and training the genin and his allies, pushing himself and others to work hard to honor their fallen friends and family members.   Many would dislike him for this, though he would earn many allies for it as well. Though his words were always harsh and cold, his intentions were always to motivate them and push his allies to get stronger, viewing weakness as disrespectful to their fellow shinobi. During his days as a young shinobi he would famously rival Himitsu Kenpachi, an incredibly powerful kunoichi who led another squad in the village. The two would compete, training and taking extra missions in an attempt to one up the other and their rivalry would serve as a source of great entertainment to the various shinobi of the village. Tonzo would get his jonin promotion at 16 after completing an A-rank mission in which he would lead a group of shinobi into an under cover operation, where he would not only accomplish the mission of assassinating a high priority target and recovering intel, but also went above expectations and beyond the duties of his mission to rescue a number of prisoners.   This promotion would lead to Tonzo being more proactive in his missions, he would begin training under Rasa Genpaku and working alongside the seven swordsmen while he served the mist for the next 8 years. When he was 24 he would be sent on a mission in the land of wind where he would meet the woman he would eventually marry. Tonzo's mission was to dispose of a rogue ninja seeking sanctuary in Sunagakure, and she would lead the team protecting the target. The two sides would battle and Tonzo would find his team unable to complete their mission. Following the failure of his mission he would order his team to return to Kirigakure as he needed time to 'clear his head' though in reality he would be taking on his own mission.   He would track down and kidnap the members of the team that had caused him to fail his mission and make their leader an offer she couldn't refuse. The lives of her teammates for a night with Tonzo. Though she expected the worst she was pleasantly surprised to find that he had prepared a rather lovely night. The two enjoyed the event and would end the night with nothing but a passionate kiss. After this Tonzo would return to his village and begin taking several missions, selecting targets and requesting time off as his relationship blossomed over the next 4 years. When Tonzo was 32, he would marry and his wife would move to the land of water to be with him.   Shortly before his marriage he would be promoted to one of the seven swordsmen following a succesful mission where he would reclaim the sewing needle which had been held in storage as a treasure of war in Yukigakure. Following this mission it wouldn't take long before they would be blessed with their first child, Hiyori Rigeki. As one of the seven swordsmen Tonzo would take great pride in his status and would take over as the head of interrogation and leading the anbu black ops. During his time as one of the seven swordsmen it was known that he would target rouge ninja and enemies of the mist, though he would also look into the sudden disappearance of his long time rival, Himitsu Kenpachi, he maintained until his last breath that she had been taken prisoner by an enemy.   Though Tonzo was an excellent shinobi and a decent partner, he was a less than a fair father, though he loved Hiyori in his own way, he lamented that he didn't have a son as a first born and would spend too much time focusing on Hiyori being a woman rather than raising her as the proper warrior she wished to be. While Hiyori was still young Tonzo's second child, Hanzo Rigeki would be born and Tonzo would speak proudly about his son. Though he was non-present for most of his childrens' infancy, he would sustain an injury around the time Hanzo was 7 and begin taking more of an active role in their lives. Though Hiyori tried her hardest to win her father's praise, her training and efforts would only serve to make him push Hanzo more and train him harder.   Hiyori would grow to hate both her father and her brother and would eventually take his life.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
15-01-247, 2E
247 2E 295 2E 48 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by daughter, Hiyori Rigeki
Place of Death
Rigeki Residence
Blue/grey eyes
long, spiky, grey-brownish hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale skin, noticeable scars from battles
Will of water
Aligned Organization


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