Hanzo Rigeki

Runt of the seven swordsmen. Hanzo Rigeki

by Vivi
Species: Human. Size: Medium. Age: 16. World: Earth-2. Timeline: 1. Clan: Rigeki. XP: 35,000. Rank: C-3. Village: Kirigakure. Bounty: ???.   Personality: A harsh individual with an abrasive personality, he is rough but cares deeply for his comrades. He values honesty and honor but specializes in deception and deceit. He's fiercely loyal and believes that he can handle the burdens others cannot, and often overestimates his own abilities. He detests weakness and believes that strength is needed to survive so it is the dutyof shinobi to become as strong as possible.   Description: A tall teenaged boy with long, straight blond hair and blue eyes. Often dressed in all black or dark shades of blue, wears the pelt of a White Stag as a cloak and may be seen wearing long robes and a demonic looking mask that he uses to hide his identity.   Carrying capacity: 600lbs. Chakra nature: Water, fire. Combat style: Assassination. Background: Shinobi Family. Saving throws: Dex, pow, int. Ryo: ???.   Skill Proficiencies: *Chakra control, Crafting, history, insight, grapple, *tactics, tracking, sensory, sleight of hand, stealth weapon proficiencies: Swords, martial, improvised, throwing. Armor proficiencies: Light. Tool proficiencies: Smith's tools, thieves tools, puppetry kit. Vehicle proficiencies: Light sea vehicles. Game proficiencies: Shogi. Musical Proficiencies: ???.   Hit die: 13d10. Max HP: 234. Chakra die: 13d8. Chakra capacity: 182. AC: 20. (30). Speed: 100ft Proficiency bonus: +4.   Initiative: +8. Inspiration: 3. (1) Factions: Shinobi United Team 1, The seven Swordsmen. Death Save DC: 10 +1 everytime the user falls to 0hp and begins to make death saving throws.   Equipment: ???. Head: Rare Ninja Headband, +4 AC, +4 dex, resistence to piercing. Body: Rare light armor, +4 AC, resistance to slashing, +3 mod to dex saves. Left arm: C- Hibashira, +5, 30ft reach, 20ft reach, 3d8+5 slashing, grappled targets become vulnerable to fire damage, DC 12 Grapple. Right arm: -A-Sewing Needle , +40ft, +10, 4d10+10 piercing, +3 crit mod, -3 AC penalty to targets hit, penalty lasts 2 rounds. DC 16 grapple.   Accessory 1: Rare White Stag cloak, resistance to cold, -3 penalty to sensory checks against the user. Accessory 2: Rare Assassin's robe, +2 crit mod when making attacks while hidden, +3 stealth. Accessory 3: Rare Mask of Disguise, +3 deception, 2 per day the user can activate a charge a alter their appearance however they wish, and may dismiss the change at will.   Backpack: 5 (C) paper bombs   2 (C) bomb balls   5 (C) sealing tags   100ft Steel string   100ft Razor wire   5 gallons Oil   10 +8 senbon needles 1d4+8 piercing.   Stats & Skills:   Power: 17, +4, +8 saves   Athletics: +4.   Endurance: +4.   Grapple: +8.   Dexterity: 18, +4, +8 saves. (22, +6, +13 saves)   Acrobatics: +4. (+6)   Sleight of hand: +8. (+10)   Stealth: +8. (+13)   Wisdom: 13, +2.   Animal handling: +2.   Chakra Control: +10.   Insight: +6.   Nature: +2.   Perception: +2.   Sensory: +6.   Survival: +2.   Intelligence: 12, +1.   Crafting: +5.   History: +5.   Investigation: +1.   Medicine: +1.   Religion: +1.   Tactics: +9.   Tracking: +5.   Charisma: 14, +2.   Deception: +2.   Diplomacy: +2.   Intimidation: +2.   Performance: +2.   Persuasion: +2.   Seduction: +2.   Combat abilities: 35.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 10. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 15. Kinjutsu: 0. Magic: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 10. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Main actions: 3. Minor actions: 1. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 3.   Transformations: ???.   Resistances: fire, cold, piercing, slashing.   Immunities: ???.   Feats: 5.   Tough: Get an extra +5 on your hit die rolls.   Piercer: Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack that deals piercing damage, you can reroll one of the attack's damage dice, and you must use the new roll. When you score a critical hit that deals piercing damage to a creature, you can roll one additional damage die.   Silent assassin: You make no noise when moving. When you successfully attack a target that is not facing you, under the influence of genjutsu, or unaware of your presence you may deal 2d6 extra damage from melee attacks.   Power Throw: Double your range on throwing weapons. You can throw large, heavy objects like crates, cannon balls and concrete slabs as easily as daggers.   Sentinel: When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature’s speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. Gain 10ft reach on all weapon attacks. When an enemy within reach targets an ally for an attack, you can make an opportunity attack against them as a reaction.     You can use scrolls as a reaction.   The user can double their carrying capacity   Seals you place can be camouflaged into items.   Seals have an extended range of 50ft.   Barriers made by you can further their range by 1 level.   Seals placed on willing targets double their duration   gain advantage on checking for traps and barriers.   The user can seal a second item into a scroll   Twice per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only unarmed or weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques.While in a compelled duel you gain a stack of resistance to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage from normal weapons. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.   Add +2 to your rolls when attacking with a weapon.   You can hold two handed weapons in one hand   Critical hits on weapon attacks inflict the bleeding effect.   Once per day if you hit 0hp you can choose to drop to 1hp instead, you can then take a -5 penalty on your next weapon attack but deliver max damage.   You can create C rank weapons & equipment.   You may equipment slots in place of weapons, each weapon equipped this way adds +1 damage die to attacks you make when making melee attacks.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.   Techniques known: 72.   E: 26, All Direction Shuriken, Blazing Shuriken Dance, Binding beast jutsu, Body Flicker Technique, Burning Embers Technique, Chakra string technique, Detection Barrier, Ensnaring Explosive Trap, Exploding Flame Formation, Fierce snake trample, Hidden Location Barrier, Hidden Mist Jutsu, Hiding in Water Technique, Instant Water Technique, Manipulating assault blades, Poison bullet jutsu, Poison extraction technique, Raccoon feint technique, Sealing jutsu, Shadow Shuriken Technique, Speed enhancing seal, Substitution Jutsu, Summoning jutsu, Tearing Blade Drop, Thread Tracking Technique, Wire Attachment Technique,   D: 20, Booby Trap Technique, Black Rain Technique, Chain Pull Technique , Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Deception Slice, Dragon Flame Jutsu, Exploding Flame Trap Technique, Halo Dance, Hiding in Ash and Fire Technique, Manipulated Shuriken Technique, Phoenix Flower Jutsu, Protection seal, Regeneration seal, Self Cursing Seal, Senbon Shot, Stitch Removal Technique, Substitution Strike, Water Bullet Jutsu, Water Prison Jutsu, Water Stream Jutsu   C: 25, Afterglow Technique, Air Bubble Technique, Avalanche Dance, Barrier Release Technique, Burning Chains Jutsu, Chakra siphon seal, Chakra stealing seal, Cherry Blossom Blizzard, Continuous Stitch Removal, Dustless Bewildering Cover, Exploding Flame Shot, Flame Whirlwind Jutsu, Hazy Moonlight, Jutsu reflection seal, Mental Barricade Technique, Repulsion Barrier, Sealing tag trap, Shuriken Wire Trap, Sickle Dance Plunging Blade, Sticky Trap Jutsu, Still Water Mirror Technique, Water Clone Jutsu, Water Shockwave Jutsu, Water Walking Technique, Wire Cage Jutsu,   B: 5, Blade Manipulation Jutsu, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Ninja Art Pattern Links, Pin Cushion Technique, Tornado Blade Slice,   Techniques available: 72.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:   SS:   Y:   Z:   ZZ:   Memories:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hanzo Rigeki is a very tough, unique young man. Smart, aggressive, loyal and brave, Hanzo never shied away from battle, some say he was born with the will to fight and a soul meant for slaughter. Those close to him know that while battle is one of his great joys, death is something Hanzo despises. Every life that stains his blade is a waste, an end to someone's life, someone's friend, family or lover. To Hanzo, killing someone is nothing to be proud of and is proof of their own sins, his body count is a source of shame to him while he's prideful in his strength, he wants to use that strength to protect those he cares for and is prepared to carry the sins of his allies to keep them safe.   Hanzo was born to Tonzo Rigeki, one of the seven swordsmen of the mist, a brutal man known for his honor and his ability to extract information from even the most hardened soldiers. Tonzo had married a talented Kunoichi from Sunagakure, a puppeteer who focused on defensive tactics and capturing targets, together they had only one other child, Hiyori Rigeki, Hanzo's older sister. The two siblings trained relentlessly when they were young, though Hanzo would be chided by his father every time he failed to surpass his sister's abilities. When they sparred, trained or competed in any manner Hiyori was expected to lose for no reason other than her gender. Tonzo was a very sexist man, believing at all times that men were stronger, better fighters than women were, and that no man should lose to a woman.   Due to Tonzo's sexist views he never trained his daughter to the same extent as he did his son, this would lead Hiyori, who was desperate for her father's approval to train herself relentlessly and prove her superiority to Hanzo, this would spark a rivalry with the two that would start as competitive and only worsen with time. Hiyori's aggressive training and age would lead to her being fairly dominant in physical contests while Hanzo showed superior mental abilities and tactics. With this being made clear to Hanzo he realized that he would have to supplement his strength and began learning about fuinjutsu from his mother, though he rejected her idea of using puppets due to his father's insistence that puppets were a coward's weapon, that a real man fights his own battles without the need of toys.   During this time period Hanzo would become more aware of his father's beliefs, though he cherished his father's strength and time with him, Hanzo began growing aware that Hiyori was training not for herself but to gain their father's approval, the same approval he unknowingly sought from her. Hanzo cherished his sister, someone he saw as defiant and strong, the opposite of everything a woman was supposed to be according to Tonzo, though he could never see it Hiyori was becoming a strong, capable warrior who slowly began to despise her father. Hanzo would attempt to best his sister in competition to earn her approval, though each loss would only infuriate Hiyori who viewed herself as superior to him. This would come to a head when Hanzo was 8 and Hiyori was 11, Hanzo had gone on a hunting trip with his father, chasing sharks in the ocean and when the two returned Hiyori challenged Hanzo to a proper duel, for their father's legacy, to become the heir of the sewing needle. Though Hanzo accepted the duel he found himself unable to beat Hiyori, though it was Hiyori who would leave in tears. In the moments immediately following the fight, Tonzo would loudly declare that regardless of however many duels they fought that a woman like her would never be able to use his blade, that no fight, competition or achievements she made would change that.   After this Hiyori and Hanzo would end their competitions and things became tense. Hanzo wished to help his sister but had no idea how. Their father would never change his ways and she would blame Hanzo for her bad fortune. During this time of hostility, the children's mother would have an unexpected visitor, a young student she had once taught back home was in the village visiting. This man, Akihiro Jishaku was one of her students back in Sunagakure and, according to Tonzo, was almost as skilled a puppet user as Hanzo's own mother. During this meeting Akihiro was kind and Tonzo told Hanzo that Aki was a strong Shinobi who had taken down many mist ninja and Shinobi in battle, he was one of the few puppet users worthy of respect. Hiyori scolded the man for his weakness and declared that those who rely on weapons and toys were unworthy to be called ninja, this would create some mild tension before it would be quelled by laughter from Tonzo about the girl's ignorance.   Shortly after this trip ended Hiyori would graduate her blood mist exam, having slain most of the boys in her class, and begin working as a Shinobi for the village, often leaving her away from home on missions or training with her teammates. This, in some aspects brought peace to the home and as Hanzo prepared to enter the academy he made certain that he would pass and ensure he was stronger than any others in his class. Hanzo was rivaled by another however, that top student of class A, Kaigen Kaguya. A stronger, more popular student in the village. Kaigen and Hanzo competed to best each other in every category, many battles turning serious and deadly with each boy earning battle scars. When the day of the blood mist exams came Hanzo was faced with taking out all his comrades in class B, and though he passed his exam it was very difficult for him, to turn his weapon on friends, allies, children he had fought and competed with were being wiped out one after another with hardly a chance to prepare themselves.   As Hanzo left his exam he was hurt spiritually, seeing so many people fall before him had damaged not just his mentality, but his spirit itself with only a single thought propelling him forward. He was a ninja now, one his father, his mother and his sister could be proud of. Today was a harsh test if he could handle it, it wasn't easy but he had passed and soon he would get his chance to train seriously. His father was incredibly proud of him and the family celebrated his achievement, admittedly more than they had when Hiyori had passed just a year prior. With his son's achievement Tonzo, who had been injured on his latest mission began training Hanzo on how to use the sewing needle so that when the time came, he would be ready.   During this time period Hiyori and Hanzo would rarely see each other but when they did there would always be harsh tension, he was the favorite who's every accomplishment was celebrated while hers were barely acknowledged. It's not as if Hanzo was unaware of this injustice, just that he was powerless to change it. Speaking to his father never worked and she was equally stubborn and even more prone to violence and anger. He had even spoken to his mother about the problems and though she gave him advice and tried to help him he knew that they would simply never see eye to eye. If he had one regret from his childhood, it was that he hadn't worked harder for Hiyori to get the recognition she deserved.   One day, after a mission with his team Hanzo returned, battle scarred and ready to sing his own praises and speak to his parents of his war story when he was met with a horrific sight. As he opened the door to his family home he spotted his father, a hole through his chest and his mother lying in a pool of her own blood, a string through her neck with the other end held in his sister's bloody hand as she stared at him wordlessly. At this sight, Hanzo let out an incredible wail of pain and launched himself at Hiyori, the two fought briefly and the needle was dropped. Hiyori gained the advantage, knocking Hanzo to the floor as blow after blow collided with his face before she began strangling him with her bare hands, the boy lying in a pool of his parents blood, consciousness fading as he made one last act of desperation, connecting a chakra string to the sewing needle and plunging it into his sister's body from behind, the needle piercing through her abdomen as she began bleeding out above hanzo before falling to her side.   Hanzo awoke a few days later in a hospital. They had been treating his injuries and claimed that he had undergone a traumatic event but he didn’t care much to hear their words. He knew what he experienced, his parents were killed by his sister in a fit of rage, and he had killed her in return. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do at this point. Would he be in charge of planning their funerals? Would he be sent on another mission before he was ready? Would he even be ready for another mission after all this? These questions and many more ran through his mind as he sat in the hospital.   Before long his door opened and he found himself staring at a familiar figure, the Mizukage. They spoke quickly, with the death of his father and sister Hanzo was the one selected to take his father’s blade. “Your sister killed Tonzo, and you killed Hiyori, therefore the sewing needle is yours. From today on you will leave your assigned team and join The Seven Swordsmen as Tonzo’s replacement, you will be expected to carry out all of his assignments to his standard and you will be trained underneath the swordsmen until you are of proper strength. Rengetsu Hozuki will be your master but you must follow all orders from the swordsmen.” The mizukage’s words were direct and it was clear she had no compassion.   Starting the very next week he was brought in under Rengetsu’s leadership, she was a harsh woman with high expectations, her training was rough but Hanzo admired her strength, over the years the two never formed a great bond but did have an acceptable relationship. He had undergone training and spent time with each of them, though these two seemed to get along the best, while she had high standards and the two would often fight and argue, they would also speak frankly and had many friendly conversations broke out, in many ways she reminded him of Hiyori, but calmer, more rational, and easier to speak to. Of course it was clear from the beginning that she was closely tied to the Mizukage. The other swordsmen worked with the Mizukage and undertook tasks throughout the village but Rengetsu was typically tasked with guarding the Mizukage when she wasn’t on a mission or training Hanzo.   The other members of the swordsmen were harsher with Hanzo. Training was merciless at the best of times, and missions were worse. The Mizukage had been honest when she said that he was expected to be his father’s equal in ability and there was no denying that he lacked that strength. For the next 4 years Hanzo would undertake several missions with the swordsmen and in some aspects was able to earn their respect but was unable to match their ability. He relied on his stealth and tactics to carry him through his missions, he focused hard on learning evasive maneuvers, finding opportunities to attack and restraining difficult opponents. Hanzo is prideful of his strength and confident in his own abilities but fearful of facing those stronger than himself, because of that fear, his own cowardice, he pushes himself to constantly fight those who are stronger than himself, his weakness is a disgrace to himself and his family, one that he must correct. He feels as if he has already failed those close to him and has been mocked for his weakness so much so that he believes his own strength to be inadequate but more than proving his worth, more than shaking the shame of his failures or the pain of losing his parents, Hanzo fears his own weakness, his own inability to protect those he cares about, something he could never tell anyone, even himself.   One day Hanzo was tasked with a mission, travel alongside Rasa Genpaku and a platoon of soldiers to Otogakure, from there he was to await further orders. They would be traveling under disguise and spying on the village but Hanzo was aware other factors were at play. During their meetings with the Mizukage Hanzo had been made aware of the fact that the Otokage, Ryochi, had been working on some advanced technology that Mizukage Naka Mirito was interested in. As they traveled to Otogakure, it became apparent that this was not a simple recon mission or a heist for tech, this was a more cunning mission. Rasa would be meeting with one of the pirate lords who was hiding at the harbor, meanwhile Hanzo was sent to scope the animal preserve, they were tasked with creating an outpost hidden in the reserve for mist shinobi to hide in and prepare for an ambush on the nation.   He supposed he should have expected it eventually, and it made sense tactically, if they formed an alliance with a pirate lord and started a naval assault, that would draw forces from Otogakure without the Otokage knowing the mist was behind it, leaving minimal forces in the village to defend against a direct assault. Hanzo grimaced at this revelation, it was why Rasa had been chosen for this mission, he would be the one to lead the troops, Hanzo was just meant to get the troops inside and provide recon for the main soldiers. It took little time for Hanzo to make the decision that he would prolong this war as long as he could, and try to keep the civilians out of it.   His first task upon reaching Otogakure was finding a way into the village itself. Sneaking past the harbor master and getting into the city by the sea was easy enough for him, but with his group of soldiers it was made moderately more difficult. After getting past the village he needed to make it into the animal sanctuary, it took him a little over a week to get the guard patrol memorized and their defenses located. Their walls were protected with barrier tags on either side however, which made breaking in difficult. Somehow they either needed to break through the steel walls and the barrier, or he would have to sneak past the barrier and remove the tags from the other side. Both options seemed difficult, and not many in his group seemed to be too capable for either task.   Hanzo went down to the harbor district while telling the shinobi to stay at the camp outside of the sanctuary. While at the docks he paid some local ruffians and bandits to stir up some trouble about the animals being kept in the sanctuary, gave them some story about his father being killed by one and looking to sneak in. As they went around looking for information and stirring up trouble Hanzo looked for an opportunity to speak to a guard or better informant. Rasa was causing trouble in the harbor and being loud, it wouldn’t be long before his presence was detected and he certainly wouldn’t listen to Hanzo without violence being an option, but that was far from what he needed right now. He searched for a while before one of the bandits came back to him, there was a jonin who was willing to make him a fake ID and attune his chakra to the systems going through the village, though it would only give him mild access to secure areas. Hanzo took the opportunity and paid for it, his security was only cleared to level 2, though he wasn’t sure how far it would get him he hoped it would at least get him into the watchtower.   While Rasa celebrated his successful negotiations in the harbor, Hanzo could see the village guard begin preparing security around the area. This didn’t bode well. He quickly went back towards the camp and ordered the shinobi to return to assist Rasa while he went with the bandits to set the camp. Though they argued briefly, the shinobi did eventually leave to assist Rasa in case of battle, meanwhile Hanzo replaced the barrier tag on the outer wall with a fake and ordered the bandits to wait as he infiltrated the watchtower.   Though the guards were suspicious Hanzo managed to convince them he was a new recruit and with his fake ID was able to get past the security clearance. 2,500 ryo was a lot of money, but it was a good investment. Once in the tower he spoke to some of the guards, stole a map of the region and snuck inside the sanctuary. According to the map most of the area was forested but there were a few plains and rivers. Some different areas were marked with skulls or stars, danger or safety levels perhaps. There seemed to be trails but they would want to avoid those. There was an area with a two skull danger level, no trails. Likely one of the least patrolled areas, it might be dangerous but if they suppress their chakra and stay in the bunker their making it shouldn’t be too problematic.   While Hanzo found the wall he had replaced one tag with he took the chance to investigate the area. He found that there was a building hidden under the sanctuary, some workers had gone into it while he hid in the trees. He marked the area on his map and quickly continued to his destination and replaced the barrier seal there as well before leaving the sanctuary and heading back to the bandits in waiting. From there he quickly guided them past the guard patrols and snuck them into the area by creating an underground path from an earth style scroll. They were quick to head towards the destination Hanzo had chosen for their bunker and managed to avoid the few patrols that were spotted. Upon reaching the area Hanzo removed a scroll from his pouch and placed it on the ground, expending a large amount of chakra he summoned a bunker into the ground large enough to house 100 men, this created a seismic quake in the area. Hanzo wisely used this opportunity to throw a stealth barrier on the door to the bunker and covered it with dirt, leaves and twigs before marking the location on his map.   As he finished this he realized something was watching them. He made note of it and quickly ordered his group to follow him away. One of the bandits spotted a white stag and quickly attacked it on sight, and though the stag was injured it was another that would attack the group. A large creature made of vines and wood, that seemed to look more like a monster than any creature he had ever seen. Unbeknownst to Hanzo this was a vine golem that had meshed with an Elder Leshy, the guardian of the Akemi Forest and the village hidden by the Sage, it had watched them from afar but only when they killed in its presence did it turn violent. Hanzo watched as one of the bandits was struck by the creature and sustained a large slash to their back. This creature was dangerous and emitted a wave of terror around itself, even Hanzo found himself frightened momentarily before snapping out of it. Quickly he struck at it with a water whip to distract it while he used his remaining chakra to create a large fog from his hidden mist jutsu while instructing the bandits to flee.   He had little time and the creature was chasing them. He couldn’t sneak them through the watchtower, so they had to take the underground path. Hnazo led the bandits back to their exit but another was struck, this time a vine wrapping around his leg and slinging him into a tree, shattering his spine. Hanzo ate a chakra pill, one he had been given by Rengetsu before this mission and felt flooded with chakra. He sped towards his ally and cut the vine as his comrade was lifted into the air. Two of the other bandits grabbed their injured friend and sped towards the path as Hanzo was struck by a harsh blow that damaged his headband and knocked it off his head. He felt blood running down the side of his head and lashed out with a powerful water dragon jutsu, pushing the creature back and allowing Hanzo to flee. The creature was following them and the path would take too long for them to crawl through. Hanzo knew he had no choice but to act, if he didn’t do something drastic they would be killed.   He led the monster away from the bandits towards the weakened wall he had removed the seals from and pumped all of his excess chakra into the strongest fire style technique he could muster. Throwing the sewing needle into the wall while coated in chakra to pierce into the wall and sent a massive amount of fire chakra into the string following the blade, melting the wall while Hanzo and the bandits approached. The area wasn’t due to be patrolled for another 30 minutes but this would likely raise their guard, he would likely get a beating from Rasa but the guardian would need to be dealt with. Security might be raised but he could get higher clearance and adapt to their new schedule.   With the wall melted Hanzo led his bandits out into the forest outside and fled back to their hideout. Thankfully the guards were too slow to act, they had still been patrolling the other side of the forest, a lucky break for them. After reaching the camp Hanzo spoke to his group of minions, he told them to follow his lead and to listen to his allies when they came, and not to speak a word about the monster. Though they were reluctant to listen, Hanzo intimidated them and promised them a hefty reward to boost their spirits. Rasa and the other shinobi would arrive a few hours later asking about what had happened. Though Hanzo sustained a vicious beating in the process from Rasa, he was able to explain that while the bunker was made a creature within the forest was likely to attack on sight at any given moment, and that he had access to the guard tower, though that was hardly a satisfactory answer.   Over the next week Hanzo established guard patrols and kept his head down, managing to avoid being discovered despite many close calls. He managed not only to get the new patrol schedules and security measures but also discovered more secrets about the research lab. Once he had seen a man brought in, a prisoner if the chains and outfit were to be believed and was seemingly never brought back out, every 3 days a new prisoner was brought into the secret lab but neither of them ever left. He knew his security clearance wouldn’t be high enough, that project must have been top secret. He guessed only the scientist, the Otokage and the person in charge of the sanctuary actually knew about it. It would have been easy enough to get the shinobi to the bunker, thankfully the monster had not been seen again, but Rasa was less willing to sit in a bunker waiting on orders, especially with no sign of a monster to fight. While the two argued, the sound village asked for reinforcements and Hanzo swore off being a mist ninja.   Hanzo was on a standard patrol with his bandits, they had left the sanctuary and were speaking of their plans for the future. Hanzo had pledged going rogue in his argument with Rasa and from that point on the mission had been abandoned, Rasa returned and swore death on their next meeting to the young boy. The bunker had been abandoned but was still functional, and though it was easy enough to buy food from the village, Hanzo preferred hiding in the woods and hunting where he could, hunting the stag in the forest kept his cover and got them a lot of meat. They tried returning to the bunker and did not see the guardian, but it had minimal supplies and they disliked sleeping underground. They preferred staying at their campsite and did so more often than not, though Hanzo did traverse more of the sanctuary in his free time and gathered information about the village.   That changed when he was attacked as they were heading towards the sanctuary on a hunt. First a white haired boy from the leaf, and then a short boy with black hair attacked. He prepared to defend himself against the attackers when suddenly wood crept around his body like vines, restraining him as a blue haired woman leapt from the trees, crashing down upon him. He found himself staring at her as she flew above him, as she landed on him he was left breathless but found himself staring into her eyes as he clutched his weapon, inches from piercing into her chest. She was strong, but she had only managed to catch him by surprise, he was stronger. The wood she manipulated tightened around him as she kneeled above him, between her holding him down and her branches pulling his limbs to the floor he was restrained, and they knew it.   He couldn’t be caught, he had to avoid it at all cost, unable to move much physically Hanzo lashed out verbally, threatening the group and attempting to intimidate them. The blue haired girl was smart, logical, and her abilities would be difficult to counter so he targeted the boys, calling them cowards, declaring his own strength and challenging them to a proper duel. To his surprise, these terms were accepted, but not by any of these kids, but their leader, a man Hanzo had once met many years ago, his mother’s former student Akihiro who declared that the short boy with black hair would go first. Hanzo was confident in his chances of victory and as the blue haired girl released his bindings Hanzo smirked. He quickly rose to his feet and took an aggressive stance before the battle began.   The boy was an Uchiha from the leaf, one with more skill than he tried to lead on, his water style was a surprise, nearly equal to Hanzo’s own ninjutsu. As the boy released his katana from his sheath however, he sealed his fate. The uchiha was talented in battle and capable in ninjutsu, but as far as swordsmanship went he was a rookie, a child with a toy swinging wildly in comparison to the years of training Hanzo had. With each swing Sabishi would try his best, but he was unable to keep up with Hanzo’s speed, his movements, while Sabishi had the sharingan to aid him in battle it was as if Hanzo could read his movements with nothing but instinct, no, not instinct, experience was the difference here. Sabishi had no choice but to fall back to using ninjutsu and prepared a ball of lightning in his hand, prepared to strike it into his opponent, but Hanzo was ready and leaped forward.   Blood splattered from both sides as Hanzo plunged his sewing needle into Sabishi’s stomach, and took a chidori to the shoulder for his trouble. As Sabishi fell down Hanzo held his bleeding shoulder, at the start of their clash Hanzo had managed to activate one of his regeneration tags and managed to heal the wound beyond the point of being serious, though it wouldn’t negate all the damage before fading due to his less than sufficient chakra supply. He gloated about his victory as the Uchiha brat was given aid. He had a very brief conversation with Aki before the white haired boy, Kenshi, declared it was his chance to fight. This irked Hanzo, who had been told that defeating Sabishi would earn him his right to leave.   The battle began quickly and the white haired boy proved less problematic than the Uchiha, though his ice abilities were unexpected. Hanzo kept his distance, using as little chakra as he could to out maneuver his foe, whittle him down and secure the victory. After dodging a strike from the front, Hanzo turned and drove his blade into Kenshi from behind, piercing through him. An easy victory against a fool who thought himself stronger than they really were, nothing surprising from a leaf ninja. They always assumed themselves superior, but it was only due to their teamwork that they were any threat at all, it had been taught at the academy that when battling leaf ninja to always target the leader and the medic, the others would fall quickly after that.   Something unexpected happened as Kenshi faded from consciousness in his fight. An icy blue, cold chakra radiated throughout the area, Hanzo quickly pulled his blade from the boy and saw as his wounds were healed far faster than his own had been with his regeneration seal. The chakra enveloped him and he took on a sinister image as the energy overtook him, his size growing rapidly and filling with dark sinister energy, like that of a demon. Aki began giving orders as tails expanded from the boys backside, one after another. They had no choice but to fight as Kenshi was possessed by the nine tails as it began to escape it's confines within him.   As the battle waged on the beast only grew larger until it eventually escaped entirely, at this Aki had the children surrounded by puppets as they were all sent to another location, a reverse summon from Hanzo's guess, but he had no clue where they were. The group around him seemed to be mourning their teacher but Hanzo grimaced at the sight. This kind of act infuriated him, to a mist ninja this was a great insult, to send them away from the fight was disrespectful for someone of his status, who did Aki think he was anyway? Just some sand chump that his mother had trained and father happened not to hate.   Taking note of his surroundings Hanzo found that they were not alone. Another group was here. A blonde haired jonin and a taller boy with white hair in a mohawk. Very quickly medics were called to heal the kids, though Hanzo refused and was almost immediately interrogated by the blonde woman who introduced herself as Inozuna Yamanaka, the leader of team 2 of the Shinobi United Forces. Not viewing her as being worth his time Hanzo insulted the woman and demanded to be let out. Inozuna turned her line of questioning to a stunned Kiyoko and Saiyuri, who indicated that though Hanzo had been an enemy at first, Aki made the decision not only to send a puppet to protect Hanzo, but seemed to know him. With this information Inozuna chose to keep Hanzo within the confines of HQ and wait for Aki to decide his permanent position. With this Saiyuri gave the information that Aki was battling the nine tails outside of Otogakure.   This news was not received very well, and a figure appeared from the shadows with a loud exclamation of assistance, none other than Macho Savage, champion of the leaf and one of the five sannin gave a very loud yell that he would assist Aki Hiro before literally leaping through the roof of the building in the vague direction of the land of sound. Hanzo had heard of these champion fighters before, but this was his first interaction with one. It left him baffled, and impressed, never before had someone embraced their physical prowess so heroically, it was something like one of the old stories he had been told about the great figures from the mist. Hanzo had found himself inspired by this man in just a matter of moments and would take the secret to his grave, though once the figure was out of sight Hanzo reverted back to normal and demanded that if they were going to keep him captive to at least guide him to a training area.   With Inozuna’s permission Hanzo was escorted to one of the training areas, training field C according to the guards. He chose to stay there rather than take shelter with the enemies and was surprised when the next morning he was awoken by the blue haired girl from before. He was too tired to listen to her but he could tell she was chastising him for not using one of the resting areas, not that it was any of her business. As he sat up and was more properly awoken, he saw that she had brought with her a medkit and a small meal. “Aki chose to bring you here, the least you can do is keep yourself fed and healthy until he returns.” She told him.   He scoffed at that. “If you're so worried about my health then why don’t you take care of my wounds?” He asked her mockingly, his injuries weren’t serious and if they were he would have treated them himself.   He was surprised when she took the medkit and began replacing his few bandages, his shoulder however had taken the most damage and Kiyoko seemed surprised he had avoided further medical treatment. Hanzo tried to brag about his strength and the pain not being terrible, though Kiyoko insisted that he visit the medical ward to get it properly healed and eventually, just to make the nagging stop, he relented. According to the doctors he had some severe muscle damage but that was just medic talk for sore muscles, they actually expected him to quit training for 3 weeks, as if he could take that much time off. He hadn’t been given a week when he broke his leg during one of his missions, or even a full day when he broke his arm during training with Rengetsu, he even recalled the time he was nearly decapitated during a mission with Tenzemaro and they simply stitched his neck and put him back in the fight.   After ignoring the doctors and heading to get some food, Hanzo bumped into the Uchiha boy, the two glared at one another as if deciding whether to fight or not until Sabishi spoke. “Hey so like you’re really strong and I think it’d be pretty cool if we were friends from now on, like you won the fight so as far as I’m concerned you’re free to do what you want, but it’d be pretty cool if you stuck around.” The kid spoke fast and was strangely kind, naive. It angered Hanzo who struck him in the stomach and spat some insult at the kid for being weak and stupid.   As Hanzo continued on his way he decided that he would take some time to relax and asked one of the guards where the library or largest book collection was. They gave him the proper directions and he surprisingly found Saiyuri there.   She was smoking outside of the library and Hanzo approached her. "Hey Red, don't you know it's bad to smoke indoors?" He asked with a scoff.   "Nah man, smoking indoors is the best, haven't you heard of hot boxing?" She asked.   Hanzo didn't know what to make of her. "I didn't exactly take you for the studious type, what are you doing out here anyway?" He asked her.   "Not much, Kiyoko wanted to get some books but libraries aren't really my scene so I'm just waiting on her." She said calmly as she exhaled an impressive amount of smoke.   "So Blue is in there, good to know, later Red." He said as he strolled into the library.   The woman called back that her name was Saiyuri, not Red, but he ignored her.   Walking into the library he searched around for Kiyoko until she bumped into him as he was passing by one of the aisles. She had a stack of books in her arms and seemed surprised to see him. "Hey Blue, long time no see, what brings you around here?" He asked her casually.   "I'm just getting some books, what else do you do at a library?" She responded quickly.   Hanzo was momentarily taken aback by her quick reply. "Got somewhere to be? You seem to be in a hurry." He asked her teasingly. "What if I wanted a tour of the library? I'm sure you know this place better than I do."   "Yeah well that's the librarian's job I gotta go now!" Kiyoko quickly sped away.   After gathering a few books of his own Hanzo went back to training.   The next day Hanzo was approached by Sabishi who asked for his assistance on a mission to go hunt down some bandits that were taking advantage of some civilians down in one of the nearby villages.   Heading down into the village Sabishi introduced Hanzo to the rest of the squad, Inozuna Yamanaka was leading the mission, Yoro, Sabishi and Chiyo Akimichi would be going out, Kiyoko and Saiyuri were going out on a trip to one of the other villages, though Hanzo suspected there was more to it than that.   Heading into the small village Hanzo wandered into the local bar and began immediately assaulting the thugs inside and demanding to know who the local crime boss was. They gave his name and location fairly quickly but as Hanzo left the bar he saw Sabishi staring at a frozen lake with a large icicle poking out of it.   Sabishi spoke up. “This lake wasn’t always frozen, that icicle came from the nine tails, before Aki’s puppets carried us away I saw it launch a blast of ice just like this, I never imagined they could come so far.” The black haired boy spoke.   Yoro and Chiyo looked over at Sabishi, neither one knowing what to say to him. Hanzo scoffed. “The beast can throw ice around, no big deal. The thing was trapped inside some runt from the leaf, how strong could it be? I bet Macho has already beat that thing down and slapped a collar on it.” Hanzo spoke while stepping out near the frozen lake, throwing his needle against the icicle. “If some ice bothers you, melt it.” Hanzo said before releasing a torrent of flames towards it, melting the small glacier.   After leaving from the lake they went towards the area Hanzo had been told was the hideout for the leader of the area. A large warehouse outside of the village. It had to have at least 20 men around. Inozuna and Hanzo discussed strategy. Hanzo threw a large cloud of hidden mist over the area and began moving around the area while the guards were confused. Inozuna took out a few members with her water style from a distance. Chiyo and Yoro attacked from the rooftops working their way down, she landed heavy blows on her foes but was amazed by Yoro’s strength, snapping the neck of one target and kicking another off the roof onto the ground below.   Sabishi had run in directly after the leader, while Hanzo, Inozuna, Yoro and Chiyo dealt with the bandits and moved towards the center of the building Sabishi was battling. He used the opportunity to outlet his anger and test his abilities against a notable foe. Hanzo watched with interest after taking out his targets and noticed Inozuna doing the same, both of them stood ready to interfere, but neither of them would take this battle from Sabishi.It was clear Sabishi had won when he struck the target with his chidori and killed him. The bandits listening to him that had survived quickly gave up and were arrested on the spot.   When they returned it seemed clear that most of the team was in a better mood. Hanzo would bid everyone farewell and head towards his room, while there he would reflect on how things were going. He enjoyed this place and the people around, but would it last? How long could he stay here with this group?   It had only taken a few days for Aki to return. Him and Macho had fought the beast along with some of the sound villages shinobi and the beast had been sealed inside a puppet that was covered in sealing tags. The beast would be temporarily held by the United Forces until a more permanent solution could be established. Though Hanzo hadn’t considered Aki’s abilities to be anything exceptional this was more than enough proof of his strength.   This was also very problematic, the mist village now had no reason not to attack the snow, one of their longest standing rivals had lost 2/3rds of their military power of the last few years and without the nine tails they would hardly be able to defend themselves from a proper invasion. Kirigakure was sure to strike, but they had been planning for battle against Otogakure, not Yukigakure and it would take time to prepare for an invasion against them.   The real problem is that a Grand Kage Council had been called where every Kage from the different Nations and the Grand Council over Shinobi United would be gathered to make a decision regarding the Nine Tails, and the mizukage was certain to be there with Rengetsu and another of her guards. This troubled Hanzo, he couldn’t face them, not after how his mission had gone. The severity of his actions began to weigh on him, he had abandoned the mist village, he had left their services and began working with another force, he betrayed them. A traitor is the only way they would view him, and he knew it, he knew that they would despise him and seek his death.   Hanzo began constantly sparring with Yoro and Sabishi, keeping himself in peak fighting condition in case the worst were to happen. When he wasn’t training during this time he was studying, he was too focused for much free time and prepared himself to speak to the council, they would certainly ask for his chain of events and depending on what he said war could break out between more nations. He didn’t want to risk that.   He consulted Kiyoko during this time. He found her during one of her meditations outside and spoke to her. “So Blue, you’re pretty smart, mind if I ask for some advice?” He asked her, though he sensed he had annoyed her.   “I’ve told you my name, you should use it if you plan to ask me for advice.” She responded curtly.   “Yeah yeah, sounds like you aren’t turning me away.” He spoke as he sat down, hearing another sigh of irritation from her as he did so. “This kage summit is kind of a big deal, and a lot of these nobles and figures are looking for any reason to turn on one another, but your whole purpose here is to create peace, so what do you do?” He asked her.   “What do you mean?” She asked, her irritation fading as curiosity took over.   “Well if telling the truth makes more problems, then even if you're under oath to tell the truth isn’t it best to lie? This whole organization is built off a promise of peace while dealing with information nobody else has access to, our words in matters like these can carry a lot of weight, so even if your speaking on the record about events like this, or especially if council members or political figures are present, isn’t it best to lie to make everyone look as innocent and blame free as possible? They say they want the truth, but the truth is usually ugly and leads to hard feelings. What do you think?” Hanzo asked her genuinely as he sat across from her.   Kiyoko thought about what the swordsman had said, reflecting deeply for a moment. “Well, the way I see it-” She started, her gaze shifting to the sky above. “Lies don’t really benefit anybody in the end. Even if it brings people comfort now, you’d always have the risk of someone finding out about the truth.” She took a moment more, her eyes moving to meet Hanzo’s, her expression serious, yet calm and kind. “Besides, even if you did get away with it, you’d be forced to endure the terrible truth of what really happened by yourself, without a single soul to confide in. In the end, telling the truth or a lie seem almost the same, now that I think about it, in situations like this. Because, it seems that no matter what option you choose, someone’s bound to be upset. You should just go with what feels right, I suppose.”   Hanzo thought about her words for a while. “You aren’t just smart, you're wise, like the sages my old man used to tell me about.” He finally told her when he spoke up.   “Oh, do they have sages in Kirigakure?” She asked him curiously.   “Only a few, but they don’t really leave their islands and not many are allowed to travel to them. Father went once seeking wisdom and said that even the simplest words sound grand when spoken by them.” He told her as he noticed a blush creeping on her cheeks and smirked. She was falling for him. “Kinda like you.” He added smoothly as he stood up.   “Anyway I have to get going, but we should talk more, later blue.” He left while she was still speechless, certain that he would be on her mind for the rest of the evening.   When the day of the council finally came Hanzo waited patiently to see the different representatives, he wouldn’t hide from them and kept himself in clear view at all times during the event. Sabishi kept speaking to the different team members and greeting all the Kage and other representatives with Kiyoko and Saiyuri, Yoro stuck near him quietly but they watched the stands fill up as the various participants took their place. The hokage came with Takeshi Uchiha and Macho Savage, the raikage had brought her two storms, the tsuchikage looked as ominous as ever and the Mizukage had brought Tenzemaro and Rengetsu with her.   While Aki led the discussions to the council, Hanzo observed the various members of the council, looking for any strange signs or acts, anything of notice. A few strange reactions, some secret agendas being fulfilled by the actions, inevitable, nobles always find a way to profit from any situation. When Aki described his party arriving in Otogakure Hanzo began listening intently. They were called in to deal with poachers attacking the white stag in the sanctuary, they were expecting mist ninja because of his headband. That tracked and made his part easier.   “When your group engaged with Hanzo Rigeki, was that before or after the nine tails had appeared?” Asked the councilman from Kirigakure.   “Before, my students set a trap for the poachers and ambushed his group, with a 3 to 1 advantage and another member hidden in the trees there was little chance for him to escape.” Aki spoke, Hanzo’s nod of approval sufficed for Aki to continue.   “While Hanzo was restrained the nine tails began freeing itself from its host, and my squad requested his assistance with restraining the host.” Aki lied.   “Why did you not begin suppressing the jinchurikki’s chakra immediately? Were you not prepared to deal with such a scenario?” Asked the councilman.   “My actions were delayed due to extenuating circumstances, I had been speaking with Hanzo privately away from Kenshi, the jinchurikki in question, as I had no idea about his abilities at the time.” Aki lied again.   The council called on Hanzo. “Is this true? What were you two speaking about that needed such privacy?’ They asked him.   “Akihiro was a student of my mother, she had passed since he had last spoken to her. We spoke privately of his solace and grief.” Hanzo answered.   “And what were you doing in the area to begin with, Mizukage Naka claims you had abandoned your village and were acting on your own, is this true?” They questioned him.   “Yes, I had received orders to assassinate a pirate lord who was hiding in the Otogakure harbor, but the moment I arrived I abandoned my mission and went to the animal sanctuary to poach the white stag found there for its valuable fur and the antlers for their medicinal value. While there I was attacked by one of the beasts and lost my headband, due to my injury I had to flee and was lucky that I happened to avoid any guards. I returned to my camp and paid some bandits to go with me on my next poach when we were attacked by a group of 3. I was restrained and tried to bargain for my freedom. Akihiro offered me a place in his team to save me from being labeled a rogue due to his past with my mother and before I could answer the jinchurikki went wild.” He spoke simply but his words felt heavy in his throat, he was lying and covering for the mist, Aki had given him an opening to save his own skin in the process but if they questioned too deeply, or one of the other team members spoke up, everything would fall apart.   “Sabishi Uchiha, Saiyuri Shima, and Kiyoko Akemi, can the three of you confirm this story? Each of you are under oath and lying would be punished most severely. Kiyoko, you were present and uninjured during this encounter, can you please give your tale on what happened upon your meeting with Hanzo and the release of the tailed beast?” The council asked her.   Kiyoko coughed. She had been in plenty of meetings with nobles and politicians, father Ryochi had taught her about them and how to tell them what they wanted to hear, that seemed to be precisely what Aki and Hanzo were doing, they were lying and manipulating the details, just like Hanzo had talked about the other day, and now the council wanted her side of the story, she had to make the decision on whether to tell the truth or continue with their lie. Hanzo hoped she could shoulder the weight of his lies, he had hoped that none of the other members would be questioned but he had expected they would.   Kiyoko’s words flowed calmly. “Their words are true, I had restrained Hanzo with my allies Sabishi and Kenshi while Saiyuri hid in the trees above us in case anything went wrong. While Aki sensei spoke privately with Hanzo, I spoke with Sabishi and asked for his thoughts on the mission when we observed icy blue chakra take over Kenshi’s body, he quickly transformed into a monster and Hanzo began assisting us briefly before Aki had his puppets surround us and reverse summoned us to a secure room here in HQ.” She spoke so calmly yet elegantly, she had said everything she needed to without ever talking to Hanzo or Aki.   Sabishi followed suit as did Saiyuri and with each announcement Hanzo found himself more and more surprised. He couldn't have expected such unity from them, without a moment of hesitation they each put everything on the line and lied to help defend him. He would forever feel indebted to them for this.   After this The Yukikage was questioned about why they had lied about the Kage being the nine tails jinchurikki, they cited avoiding war with the mist village who would take advantage of their weakened military state and would invade their land. They petitioned to get the nine tails back and keep their safety though many on the council and the other kages claimed no longer being able to trust Yukigakure for hiding the matter of their missing beast for so long.   Eventually it was determined that the Shinobi United Forces would keep custody of the nine tails and would aid Yukigakure in case of war, which was quickly declared by Mizukage Naka Mirito, though it was also determined that the war would not begin until after the chunin exams, which were being held in the Nordic isles for the first time.   Chunin exams in the Nordic isles sounded like a dream to Hanzo, a life out at sea where he could fight pirates and engage in sea battles of epic proportions. That was an ideal life for Hanzo.   Following the council meeting Hanzo and Yoro would both be added to team 1 officially. While he had hoped to be made a team leader on his own he reluctantly accepted the position to join them in the chunin exams. No way would he miss that opportunity, plus with the incoming war it would be a good chance to test the strength of his allies.   While they waited a month for the exams the team began taking on different missions while training to their greatest abilities. He got to better know his allies during this time. Saiyuri was obsessed with Sabishi and didn't seem to like him, Sabishi was an annoying brat that never left him alone and seemed obsessed with learning everything he knew. Yoro was cool most of the time, strong and quiet, but funny, the complete opposite of their worthless anxiety ridden leader Aki, that man had the power to seal the nine tails but was as clueless as a new recruit when it came to leadership. Kiyoko was the only competent one out of any of them, her abilities were strong and unique but she didn't flaunt her power. She was smart but also very naive in a way that seemed pure and radiant.   It wasn't that he liked her or had a crush on her, she just had a way about her that was regal beyond words. Like the sage's and priests that held nobility.   There were a few missions the group went on together though they were too simple for Hanzo to put forth much effort and he mostly watched his allies attempt the missions themselves, they did well most of the time and they enjoyed working together until they came upon a more curious mission. Some nearby villagers had gone missing and there was a new cave discovered though the villagers were too scared to enter.   Inside team 1 found that the villagers had been turned into zombified monstrosities. A talented medical ninja using forbidden jutsu and seals was responsible for this though not even Hanzo could have been prepared for what lay in wait. When they dealt with the zombies they found a wall with a door, and when they opened the door to the other end of the cave they came face to face with Daitan Kiruku, one of the most dangerous shinobi in the world. Ruler of an underground empire of human trafficking or organ sales, though he's known to dabble in many other fields such as espionage and human experimentation for his twisted desires.   Aki froze and Hanzo scoffed. Luckily Daitan launched into a speech and summoned a monster. He was playing with them, that was good, they couldn't beat him. Their best chance at survival was entertaining him, dragging the fight out and escaping at the first opportunity. Sabishi, Saiyuri and Yoro went after his flesh golem while Kiyoko, Hanzo and Aki focused on attacking Daitan. This would be the first chance hanzo would get to see the true capabilities of Aki's puppets first hand.   They were able to take out the golem and Sabishi caught Daitan with a surprise chidori to the skull, but Daitan regenerated his skull and claimed to have no more time for pests and the team found themselves suddenly outside where the cave had been found, though there was no longer any cave in sight   Following this event Hanzo noticed that Kiyoko was quiet and keeping to herself more, he figured it was her first time dealing with such an overwhelmingly powerful foe, Hanzo remembered his first battles like that and how he had felt so weak in comparison afterwards. He chose to give her some space for a couple days, let her sit on her feelings for a bit while he focused more on his studies for the duration, he was curious about the medical capabilities of Daitan and what kinds of forbidden knowledge he may have. Though he began investigating forbidden medical techniques, most of it was beyond his understanding.   They took on a mission in the land of snow, they would train with one of the teams there. Hanzo was aware this could be an opportunity to scope out the abilities of their allies in war. If Yukigakure would survive war against Kirigakure they would need to be strong and stay defensive, if this team performed poorly it would not bode well for the land. Thankfully the training went well and though the shinobi there weren’t as strong as Hanzo would have liked they seemed capable enough. The leader of the group, the Yukikage’s niece, Asami Yuki, was smart and made for a good leader but would need a lot more experience before she was ready for warfare, Benjimaro Akimara was the strongest of the group physically speaking, but Hanzo enjoyed the enthusiasm from Kazuto Inuzuka and how he managed himself.   After returning back to HQ the team celebrated their accomplishments and prepared for the chunin exams. Upon returning to the Land of Rivers the team would continue to train until they were told that it was finally time to head out for the chunin exams, they would be heading to the land of hot springs where they would get a chance to relax while they waited for further orders. Hanzo was excited, the land of hot springs was a dream destination meant for relaxing and vacations, this was perfect. He tried to imagine getting a chance to spot Kiyoko in a hot spring but was snapped out of his thoughts by the warning that no weapons were allowed in the village. He quickly put his weapon, Nuibari, into a scroll with 7 slots.   They spent 4 days in the land of hot springs and the team found themselves enjoying themselves and relaxing for most of the time. The boys got into trouble, the girls shopped, Sabishi got himself a new cloak and Hanzo found himself spending a lot of his time admiring Kiyoko, she was graceful and relaxed, innocent and pure while still possessing great ability. He had to admit, something about her stood out to him, even when he got his opportunity to peep on women in the springs, he found himself feeling frustrated that Kiyoko wasn’t one of them.   When the day came for them to pursue the exams further they were given a simple trial, race to the docks and board the correct ships heading to the nordic isles. Only some of the ships were actually heading there and the captains would be lying about their destinations. It was known that the sea to the Nordic Isles were dangerous and would need experienced captains, and ships that could withstand the voyage. Once the ships hit their capacity they would leave, so the challenge was investigative ability and quick decision making. It didn’t take him long to make his decision on which boat to take, and thankfully his team was bright enough to make the same conclusion, though they did almost join a pirate ship.   While on their ship, a large viking vessel captained by an experienced woman, there were many small adventures. Numerous brawls and stories of battle, a day on an island where Hanzo fought with a clan of ape warriors, and a murder mystery. Two crew mates were searching for a treasure, and one had slain the other for it. While Sabishi searched the ship and found some evidence while interviewing the different crew members, Saiyuri found a blood splatter and a note detailing the events while Kiyoko searched the boat using her wood style and found a hidden compartment in the boat with a bloody knife and some jewels.   Upon arriving at the Nordic Isles all jonin, civilians and guides were loaded into carriages and carried by horseback to the capital of the the area while the participants for the chunin exams were sent through a massive forest and swampland that the locals referred to as a traditional ritual in their area. Warriors would be sent out to search for Amulets that were hidden in the area and bring them to the village gate, one amulet would allow an entire team to enter but there were only 10 amulets, they planned to eliminate most of the competition this way. Hanzo was confident in his team’s ability but knew the dangers of the task. They needed to avoid as many teams as possible, and they likely had targets on their backs from some of the other nations.   Sabishi took charge in leading the group and as the test began they quickly found themselves in a safe spot, they discussed tactics briefly before investigating the area. Sabishi was attacked by Chopo Akimichi of Kumogakure and hit with a human boulder from above. Though the fight was brief and they managed to capture the team from the cloud, Hanzo worried that their battle would attract other teams looking to strike and suggested leaving the area, upon doing so Saiyuri found the amulet that had been hidden nearby. Kiyoko seemed to be observing the area and was the first to notice another team approach. Yoro stood ready for a fight and none other than Kaito Uchiha, Sabishi’s younger brother, stepped forward.   His team was checking the area but they had no plans to fight Sabishi and after a brief conversation Kaito’s team left. Kiyoko suggested the team move on and find somewhere to lay low, too many people were traveling through the area and they would be better off hiding and moving in the cover of night. Following her suggestion the party searched for a place to make camp, though they found a secure watchtower Hanzo could feel familiar chakra signatures inside, coming from Kaigen Kaguya and his group of cronies. This wouldn’t be good, Kaigen was as strong as Hanzo was and twice as sadistic, his friends weren’t far behind, most of them were children or relatives of the seven swordsmen and came from prominent clans. A battle against them would go poorly, at best it gave the mist a better idea as to what to be prepared for during the war, at worst Kaigen and his group would kill them in these swamplands.   It was in their best interest to hide. Kiyoko made a wooden shelter for them in the base of a large tree, Hanzo used one of his stealth barriers to hide the shelter and they rested there overnight. Sabishi and Saiyuri took the first watch while Kiyoko rested. Hanzo hadn’t meant to fall asleep but found himself being awoke by Yoro who told him it was his turn to take watch, it was already late night and Kiyoko was near the entrance to their shelter keeping watch, Saiyuri and Sabishi had already gone to rest and it seemed Yoro was beginning to do the same.   Hanzo took a seat next to her. “Been up long Blue?” He asked her.   “Not really, enjoy your nap?” She asked him cutely.   “A good nap can be the difference between life and death.” Hanzo spoke with a yawn. “Wasn’t the most comfortable though, think next time you can use a softer wood for the floor?” He asked her playfully.   Kiyoko sighed in annoyance. “It's not like I control what kind of wood I produce or how hard it is. I didn’t expect you to be so picky about where you slept considering you chose to sleep out in the dirt when you first came to the alliance.” She responded.   Hanzo laughed internally as he let out a bored yawn. “It's easy to sleep on dirt, dirt’s soft, might as well be sleeping on stone here.” He teased before going on. “How do you think the exams are going anyway?” He asked her.   “I think that things are going well, but we haven’t had many difficulties yet either, I’m sure plenty of other teams have had much harder times than we have so far.” She spoke simply.   “You have a point there, but I don’t like to worry about things like that. The other teams will pass or fail and nothing we do is going to change that.” He told her bluntly.   “And what do you think, Hanzo, are we doing well or do you think that we’ll fail?” She asked him curiously.   “I think you're the only one in this group that stands a chance at earning the rank. Sabishi is too stubborn and naive, Saiyuri has no foresight and hesitates when things get serious, Yoro is too serious and thinks only of battle. I could pass with ease but you stand the best chance out of the rest of these chumps.” He told her calmly   Kiyoko took the compliment and blushed slightly. “It’s nice that I have your confidence.” She spoke quietly.   They talked throughout the rest of their watch until it was nearly dawn and left the hideout. They were closing in on the village gates but were being pursued by another team in the distance. Suddenly, another group rushed towards them, a team from the rain village that were looking for autographs from Saiyuri and the rest of the team, Kiyoko warned her allies against signing anything due to the chances that there could be secret seals or other traps at play. As this argument took place the group that was pursuing them caught up, team Kaigen. Attacks were thrown, the muscular member of the team from Amegakure struck Yoro with an incredible punch to the jaw and the rest of team 1 began fleeing towards the village.   Sabishi and Saiyuri raced forward, Yoro just behind them, Kiyoko had been left behind while trying to delay the enemies and was caught in a large explosion. Hanzo quickly went back for her, using a barrier to block incoming attacks as he picked her up and carried her to safety, the enemies were hot on his tail but their team was near the gate. Kiyoko had been injured by the explosion, but nothing too serious, as he set her down near the gate the rest of the team rushed to their aid and helped guide them inside, they had passed the exam and would be celebrating with the other victors and warriors from the village. Those that failed would be resting in the guest bunkhouse while the victors were celebrated in the warrior’s hall.   The next day the group would be awoken with news that they were traveling to a sacred location known as the Cave of Fears. When they arrived they found an ancient cavern with intricate carvings in the stone. Inside was what looked to be a door with a torch above it. Those that entered would experience their worst fears and would be forced to fight against them, those that could not conquer their fear would be consumed by it.   Hanzo’s experience was one he couldn’t have prepared for. Upon entering the room he was no longer himself, rather he was himself but a much younger version of himself. A feeling of weakness and helplessness overtook him as he watched Hiyori step forward holding Nuibari, he tried to speak but found no words would leave his mouth, not a sound would escape even as the blade pierced his shoulder. He tried to run but his legs wouldn’t move, Hiyori was on top of him now with her hands wrapped around his throat again, just like they had been so many years ago. Suddenly he heard his father speaking to him, mocking him for his weakness and failure to defeat her, his mother joined shortly afterwards and Hanzo felt himself nearing death when he struck at Hiyori, she stumbled backwards and he was no longer near his family or facing Hiyori. He now stood facing Mizukage Naka Mirito and the rest of the Seven Swordsmen as one by one they began assaulting his allies. Sabishi cleaved in two, Aki blown to pieces, Yoro had his organs torn out, Saiyuri was eaten alive and Kiyoko was decapitated.   Hanzo stood alone, facing the Mizukage who pummeled him with blow after blow until Hanzo snapped and plunged his weapon through the eye of the Mizukage and stared down at her corpse. He left the cave and took his spot quietly with the other victors.   With the cave over and all his allies passing the next step of the exams were the combat tests. They would have a series of one on one fights until a winner was determined. Though he watched each fight closely he took his own matches lightly, he had nothing to prove in this competition. Due to his lack of seriousness he found himself being beaten by the winner of the exams, Ijiri, though he found himself more frustrated with Sabishi’s actions in the exam. He had found himself facing numerous allies and each time he faced them no differently than he would an enemy in the battlefield. Hanzo could respect that decision if it wasn’t for their current situation. He dealt a heavy amount of damage to Kiyoko and nearly killed Yoro with a focused chidori to his chest. Two great allies and teammates that had their lives put in danger due to his ego and desire to be the best. They were preparing for war and Sabishi was putting the lives of his team in danger for sport, for bragging rights, it was sickening.   With Ijiri’s victory the alliance managed to secure a new ally and recruited the member into their ranks before heading back home with him. He wasn’t the worst ally, though Hanzo disliked him, they did manage to go on a few missions and have some fun. Hanzo particularly enjoyed getting to fight the jumbo shrimp and earning the alliance their first Naval ship, the SS Stormbreaker.   After this they had an interesting mission. One of Kiyoko’s allies, Itachi had been living out in a cave and came to meet with the team, requesting their help with a mission and to join their faction. At this point it became clear to Hanzo that he had feelings for Kiyoko, feelings he wasn’t sure how to process or act on. He also knew that he did not like how much Kiyoko and Itachi spoke upon being reunited. He had tried to speak to her on a few occasions only to be ignored.   As they went on their mission with Itachi it was clear that something strange was going on, an Otogakure facility was stationed, hidden away far outside of their territory, Itachi claimed he had been experimented on there and managed to escape due to sheer luck. They realized that the chakra sensors wouldn’t go off if Kiyoko, or someone with her chakra was detected. One by one the group dropped inside while suppressing their chakra to their minimum and using chakra seeds filled with Kiyoko’s chakra to trick the sensors.   Dealing with the guards was easy, and Hanzo had expected the human experiments so while the others began freeing them and dealing with the guards Hanzo began searching the facility for their research notes. It seemed the facility used genjutsu as a way to try to train shinobi into perfect assassins against specific targets, making them repeatedly fight them until the subconscious figured out how to take the target down. According to the notes it had less than a 10% success rate and often left the experiments mentally shattered with many no longer able to discern reality from illusions. Though there were other folders about different targets and a faction called Yugaray, Hanzo began looking for a very specific subject, Kiyoko.   From what she had told him Ryochi was always running tests, his reputation as a monster and medical ninja preceded him and the evidence of human experimentation in his land was piling up, it wouldn’t surprise Hanzo to learn Kiyoko was experimented on as well. They had no folders or documents with her name but he was able to briefly access one of the computers there and searched her name, though this caused the computer to shut down immediately.   Hanzo hid this information from his team and joined back with them, Kiyoko scolded him about attacking the guards but he doubted any of them would die if they got medical attention. Not that he cared, or would help them. They were trash that experimented on people, they were better off dead. He gave Kiyoko the folders concerning Yugaray and the experiments done here. He did keep a folder to himself.   Upon returning to HQ Hanzo found himself thinking about his life and how it had changed so much from his past as a mist shinobi and the things he had to face going forward. Part of him was proud, part of him was scared, and part of him hated his change. He wasn’t cold, he wasn’t as savage, more of his enemies lived now than ever before, he found himself avoiding lethal blows, and he hated that, he felt like he had gotten weaker as if he was becoming less of a warrior, but he liked having his friends, he liked that he was becoming better than the monster he was raised to be, he liked that he could care for others and was scared of losing those feelings. He faced war, turning against his former allies, taking on monsters that had tormented him and facing all the battles and demons he had hoped to never face but it was his fear of losing those close to him that scared him most, not monsters, not his past trauma but the thought of Sabishi, Saiyrui or Kiyoko being killed in this war.   Not long after this they would get a chance to go on a few missions with Hibiki Shima, the Echo of the Rain and Saiyuri’s uncle. While most of the missions were simple they were typically enjoyable. They recovered a stolen artifact from the land of Iron, they fought some beasts and beat up some bandits, they even got to go on a spy chase. During the chase they had to camp out a restaurant, Hibiki, Yoro and Ijiri disguised themselves as cooks while Sabishi, Hanzo, Saiyuri and Kiyoko went inside. The cover was a group of friends eating together but was quickly mistaken for a double date. While Kiyoko and Hanzo rejected the idea Sabishi and Saiyuri seemed to enjoy it.   Not long after this mission Saiyuri would be promoted to chunin and Kiyoko would celebrate her 14th birthday. Hanzo thought about her gift intensely. He decided on something practical, a C-rank shinobi kit with brand new kunai, shuriken, scrolls, medkits and other supplies, but inside he hid 2 books, a personal favorite of his back from his homeland, and a new release from one of her favorite authors. He didn’t know much about romance novels, but he saw that her bookshelf had a lot of their work and figured she would enjoy it.   After her birthday the party would begin investigating the disappearance of their old ally Kenshi. Following the grand Kage council he had been at HQ but in a vegetative state, at some point while they were on a mission he had disappeared and nobody could find any details on when while most of the staff seemed confused by the mere mention of his name. It was as if his memory had been erased from the world. Investigating Kenshi’s old room they experienced a series of supernatural events before learning that Yukiterru Hatake, one of the strongest men alive and a great figure from Yukigakure, was Kenshi’s father. He had erased his son’s memory from the world using high level techniques, he intended to train his son privately and keep him safe from any enemies. He was also residing in different dimension connected to this world by the door to Kenshi’s room, with their chakra attuned to it, them entering would bring them into his dimension but they must swear to keep his presence in HQ a secret so he can use it to help track down his enemies, Yugaray. The team agreed.   Following this they would be tasked with securing aid for Yukigakure, though they could rely on the samurai from the Land of Iron, they were hoping to receive assistance from other lands as well. Kumogakure, Konohagakure, Amegakure and Otogakure were the primary lands and the team took joy in visiting each land and speaking with their leaders. Amegakure was willing to send a small number of soldiers and some supplies, Konohagakure was willing to send some troops but had little else to offer and Kumogakure was willing to launch a surprise attack on Kirigakure, who considered them an ally, but would need time and a good opening to do so.   Otogakure was their last stop, and one the entire team had been dreading. Though they expected the worst upon arriving they were surprised to be given excellent treatment, given many supplies and told to enjoy the village to their heart's content. They were even booked to stay in the most popular private inn and hot spring. The meeting had gone amazingly well with Otogakure promising to send aid as well as some of their top scientists and some supply trade, though he did ask for a chance to speak to Kiyoko privately after the meeting, it was assumed it had to do with him being her parental figure and dismissed quickly as the group went about exploring the village and Kiyoko was left with her father.   During this time Sabishi and Hanzo began investigating the village for any signs of mysterious activity, though Hanzo discovered some odd details about the village it was Sabishi who found something of importance. A solid steel door in a hidden underground bunker with no way to open it. The group tried every method they could think of but nothing seemed to work. Yoro even turned his fist to steel and hit it as hard as he could but barely managed to dent it. After that it was decided that there was no point in trying any further and they went to the inn as a group.   Upon reaching the inn the boys celebrated with booze and dinner with the girls, taking advantage of the hot springs just before bed, Hanzo found himself with the perfect opportunity to peep on Kiyoko, and it was a glorious sight. He relished every second of it until he felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder, turning around he noticed none other than Ryochi himself standing there. Hanzo was quickly scolded and told never to do such things again or there would be terrible consequences.   Hanzo apologized for his actions but admitted it was worth any torture Ryochi could put him through. After delivering the news to Yukigakure that they could count on some aid and soldiers, the team quickly returned to HQ for an urgent mission.   The Mizukage had requested the presence of team 1 and that Hanzo be brought in chains for his crimes against Kirigakure. The team discussed their options, they couldn't ignore the request but they refused to give Hanzo up. Eventually it was decided that the team would head to Kirigakure and that if things went south Hanzo would be in charge of the reinforcements. It wasn't a good plan but they were low on options.   Hanzo speaks to Sabishi before he leaves on his mission. "Prepare for the worst, they'll target your eyes and try to make you attack first, keep calm and think before you act." He told him seriously.   Sabishi smirked. "I'll be safe buddy, and if things go wrong I know you'll be on the way." Sabishi told him simply.   They exchanged more words and Hanzo went to speak to Kiyoko. "Blue, before you go, I just wanted to say good luck, and be safe." He told her quietly.   Kiyoko smiled at him softly. "I'll be as safe as I can, you don't have to worry about that." She told him.   "You should keep an eye out for any signs of trouble, these people will manipulate any situation they can to get rid of you guys." Hanzo warned her.   She frowned at him. "I'm not some delicate flower Hanzo, I can take care of myself. You should have more faith in your friends." She replied.   Saiyuri took this opportunity to jump in. "Yeah Hanzo! Kiyoko's strong as hell, she's got crazy wood powers, she doesn't need you worrying about her." The red head yelled across the room.   Hanzo relented out of embarrassment and let the party leave without further trouble.   Following this event Hanzo would begin looking into the Shinobi United Forces naval capabilities. To his frustration he found that they were completely out matched when it came to sea battles. The Nordic Isles were the only nation with ships able to contest Kirigakure in a naval battle, though if Otogakure or Amegakure were able to supply some technology they could try to create a weapon to give them an advantage of make the ships they had stronger   He didn't like the idea of working with Otogakure on this, but they were much closer and he could trust that Ryochi wanted to keep Kiyoko safe so he would do whatever he could to help keep her safe. Though Kirigakure had also secured an alliance with one of the pirate lords so travel would be difficult through the sea. They needed to get help from the other pirate lords and try to even the playing field.   Hanzo sent a message to each of the pirate lords, Macho Savage, King ragna of the Nordic isles and the samurai chiefs of the land of iron. He offered the pirate lords his wealth for any willing to meet with him, though none accepted his offer. Macho was asked to travel to the Nordic Isles on behalf of the alliance to ask for help while the samurai chiefs were given details on Kirigakure's navy and what to prepare for, along with what details he could spare on their primary formations. With this information he hoped to win some of their trust while also helping them defend against their attacks.   While he waited to hear from his allies Hanzo prepared for a long trip, he gathered seals, paper bombs, bomb balls, rations and several scrolls. He wouldn't let his friends suffer at the hands of his village. He also began studying defensive tactics and learning what he could about facing superior armies.   When he got word that team 1 had been captured by Kirigakure, he wasn't surprised. The mist claimed that it was a failed assassination attempt but they did manage to destroy the capital building and the Mizukage's office which Hanzo found entertaining, though he knew that this meant that Kirigakure wouldn't forgive team 1 and would likely view them as terrorists. Oh well, this was war, what did they expect?   It took Hanzo a week to find a ship that would make the trip to Kirigakure and he sent word to some of his old allies that he would be arriving shortly. While sneaking across ships he did what he could to sabotage items and begin whittling down supplies. Burning crates of seals and scrolls, detonating kegs of gunpowder, burning small ships as he found opportunity. By the time he made it to Kirigakure he had already caused them trouble on the seas.   His old team met him at an abandoned building they had set up with supplies. His former sensei and fellow squad mates had gotten older, stronger. They questioned him about turning traitor but Hanzo was defiant in saying that Kirigakure had turned against its people long before he had betrayed them, that he was tired of the barbaric ways of the village and was going to make certain that these ways ended when he rescued his friends. After this, the team agreed to keep his presence secret but refused to act against their nation, while he was willing to bear the burden of being a traitor, they would not.   Over the next two and a half months Hanzo managed to receive some aid from Hibiki Shima and continued to wreak havoc on Kirigakure's supply lines using his water clones while also investigating the Kirigakure Prison and getting its blueprints. It took some time to infiltrate it, but when he did he found that Kiyoko and Saiyuri were in the safest district, Yoro was in the middle and Sabishi had been thrown in the basement. Hanzo often sat outside Kiyoko's window at this time, never knowing when she may be looking for a way out. He had felt guilty for taking so long, the place had been difficult to infiltrate but he knew their difficulties must have been worse than his own and he hated thinking of their suffering.   Hibiki had been a great help in securing the plans for the breakout and was nearly as talented as one of the seven swordsmen themselves, when it came time to act he proved vital. Hanzo flooded the vents with smoke bombs to distract the guards while Yoro started a riot in the courtyard. Kiyoko and Saiyuri were in key positions to escape and quickly found the storage facilities, setting traps along the way as they met with their teammates. Sabishi managed to get Aki from solitary confinement though he seemed unstable at best. Things were almost going too well when they encountered a powerful foe in Nabi Amamaro, who seemed to radiate pure evil energy.   Though they fought as hard as he could, they found themselves having a difficult time until Hibiki and Aki worked together to obliterate Nabi and burnt him to ashes. After getting their supplies the team rushed to the exit point where they were confronted by Warden Hoto Denbe. Hanzo cursed their luck, his teammates had brought extra allies with them but it had cost them considerable time. They were about to be attacked when the warden was attacked from nowhere by a large figure who seemed to hold a grudge against him.   Taking the golden opportunity to flee Hanzo helped direct his allies towards the ship they were leaving on but they were followed by Rengetsu Hozuki along with team Kaigen Kaguya. One of the party's allies, a woman known as Meiko Roshi created a golem made of molten lava, though it was quickly hit with a large wave of water and blasted with lightning, destroying it entirely. This was a worst case scenario.   They couldn't beat Rengetsu, they barely stood a chance against team Kaigen. They couldn’t stall, they couldn’t win, they had to flee, as quickly as they could. Kaigen’s assault against the team was fierce and as they battled it became clear that team Kaigen had taken the worst of the fight. They had lucked out and managed to put the enemy on the ropes, they had sustained some injuries and it had been a hard fought battle but team 1 could finally flee! Of course, that isn’t what happened though, as Hanzo prepared to instruct his team to flee he witnessed something horrific.   Rengetsu Hozuki stood on the water, coated in molten magma as the smell of burnt hair and flesh filled the area, half of her face still visible as she clutched her blades in agony. Sabishi stood in front of her, a swirling ball of burning hot chakra in his hand as he drove it into her. Rengetsu was dead. His master had been killed before his very eyes and his best friend had been the one to kill her. It didn’t take Hanzo long to process this, though that had been hastened by watching Sabishi pluck her thunder fangs out of the ocean as Rengetsu’s daughter screamed out at the sight. Hanzo yelled at his team to flee as he began contemplating what had happened.   Rengetsu was cold, cruel and was the Mizukage's puppet, but she could be kind, she was loyal, she saved Hanzo more times than he could count. She didn't have to die, she didn't have to be an enemy. He could have talked to her, he could have tried, he could have saved her but his weakness, his lack of action had led to her death and he wasn't sure he could forgive himself for that. He wouldn't cry for her, not like this but he mourned her loss, he grieved her quietly as he ran towards the ship praying that there would be no enemies in their path, he couldn't bear the thought of taking more lives today.   When they got back to the ship Hanzo tried to keep his composure but when approached by Sabishi he launched into a torrent of insults   "You don't understand what you did! Those swords aren't toys! They're sacred! You didn't just kill someone Sabishi, you killed one of the swordsmen and stole their blades! You're going to be hunted for the rest of your life and you will be killed for those swords. You just killed one of the most beloved figures in Kirigakure and stole their artifact. There's no excuse for what you did." He snapped at the boy.   Sabishi's plea of self defense fell on deaf ears as Hanzo let out another wave of insults. "You didn't take the blades because of self defense, you took them because you thought they were cool and it'd make you some kind of hero for taking them and that they would make up for your lack of skills in swordplay. They won't, you'll be as pathetic of a swordsmen with those blades as you are with your own and each moment you hold those blades is an insult not just to their legacy but to my entire nation. If you have any respect for my traditions you'll pierce your own heart and fall in the sea with Rengetsu." He told Sabishi before walking across the ship.   Shortly after his argument with Sabishi, Hanzo would be approached by Kiyoko. He sighed as she approached. "I'm not looking for a lecture or a pep talk, Blue." He told her as he turned away, facing the sea.   "I'm not here for that, either." She said simply as she approached, standing nearby.   The two were quiet for a minute before Hanzo let out a sigh. "I know I shouldn't have said what I did, bu-"   "Hanzo." Kiyoko cut him off and he sighed again. "What Sabishi did was wrong, but we can't change what's happened, all we can do is move forward. You don't have to forgive him, you don't have to apologize, but you have to keep going. Take your time, and please, talk to me if you need anything." Her words comforted him more than she knew, the pain wasn't lessened, nor was his rage, but he had gotten a level of comfort from her he hadn't expected.   By the time he could manage to speak again he realized two things, Kiyoko was gone, and he was crying. He didn't know when they began to fall and quickly dried his eyes. Though he tried not to linger on it he found himself blaming himself for Rengetsu's death, there was so much he could have done, so much he hadn't done. It was his fault for being weak, so weak that another precious person had been taken from him, one who's value he didn't even understand until she was already gone. It was ridiculous, some girl had just lost her mother and here he was crying about losing a woman he hated, it was pathetic.   Before returning to HQ Hanzo would speak with Aki. He requested Aki teach him the basics of puppetry and began taking lessons with him during his spare time, and he was gifted a set of puppets from Aki, puppets that had once belonged to his mother, Aki's teacher. Though Hanzo was grateful for the gifts he had no intention to use his mother's puppets, and he simply sealed them in a scroll for the time being. Hanzo wouldn't speak with Sabishi until they returned to HQ.   Upon returning to HQ Aki would implement a new rule, as long as an official Shinobi United Team Member was on the Shinobi United grounds they were available to be challenged to battle or attacked by other squad members at any point. They cited the hidden mist's tactics of attacking foes when most vulnerable or least expecting it. Though it was difficult to convince the council, they did eventually relent to sign the motion into place since the alliance was prepared to face Kirigakure in war. Hanzo celebrated by near constantly attacking Sabishi.   Hanzo made a game of launching attacks against him whenever he was most vulnerable, forcing Sabishi into close combat duels and molding him into a better swordsman. It would be tough, but by constantly forcing him to use the blades and defend himself, Hanzo intended to make Sabishi a better fighter, forcing the experience of as many battles as he could into Sabishi, giving him a swordsman's experience, focus and ability.   With time Sabishi's swordplay grew to higher levels, and Hanzo felt satisfied. He still had plenty of room to improve but even if he wasn't a mist ninja, if Sabishi could become a decent swordsman that would help cleanse the stain on Rengetsu's legacy. Yoro would often help with these random battles and the group often spent their time fighting one another when they weren't going on missions.   It didn't take long before Saiyuri, Kiyoko and Hanzo were all chunin and, though he tried to delay Sabishi's promotion as long as he could, both Sabishi and Yoro would gain their promotions as well. For his promotion Kiyoko gifted him a cloak made from a white stag she had once slain before meeting him. This had led to a great laugh between the two who talked about their various experiences with the creatures.   At some point Meiko Roshi had been enlisted as the leader of team 3, this displeased Hanzo. He hated the woman, she was a criminal who took advantage of her situation to earn freedom and she was the one most responsible for Rengetsu's death. Sabishi may have landed the final blow, but it was only because of Meiko's magma that it was even possible. He understood why the alliance wanted her help, she was strong, but he would never respect her, he would never care for her and he hoped for the opportunity to take her life, but not until after the war was over. Her strength, her abilities were far too useful for Hanzo to waste on getting some petty revenge, no she would serve as one of his tools in his goal of ending another senseless war and only after that would he take her life.   One of the next missions they took as a team involved heading to Yukigakure for a series of missions for the war. First they were expected to help attack a ship full of mist ninja, hijack the boat and steer it into a Yukigakure facility where they would store and begin working on the ship. That was fun, the battle was pretty easy and they managed to get away before reinforcements arrived. The next mission seemed just as simple, defending a village from a Kirigakure attack. Though Hanzo didn't like attacking old allies, he liked watching civilians die less.   During the attack Tenzemaro, the wielder of the executioner's blade, appeared and nearly cut Sabishi in half with a vicious throw of his blade. The wound was dangerous and if it hadn't been for a battalion of samurai from the land of Iron arriving, it was possible that Sabishi would die. Hanzo used his sewing needle to stitch the wounds on Sabishi's chest as Kiyoko and Aki provided medical jutsu, with their combined efforts Sabishi would live but forever bare the scar. This mission would prove deadlier, though not less troublesome than their next mission where they would head to the Land of Iron, while there they would find monstrous mounds of flesh that reminded hanzo of the flesh golem that Daitan had once summoned, though when Sabishi incinerated the cave they were coming from with a full powered fire style technique, he also destroyed any evidence they might've been able to find.   After dealing with the monsters in the land of Iron the team went on a mission to a Kirigakure fortress where they would be in charge of stealing a scroll with vital intelligence and sabotaging any supplies they could find. The fort they were going after was the closest one to Yukigakure territory so it was vital for them to do what they could. Ijiri was joining them and it was hoped that with the group present they would be able to take down any foes they came across, though Hanzo had a bad feeling about the mission, Kirigakure was sure to have either a large amount of troops there, or a small elite unit, neither one was preferable. Either the numbers would overwhelm them or they would be facing superior forces, in that case higher numbers would be preferable, they could dispatch groups at once if they had to, but going up against stronger enemies would certainly be more problematic.   When they arrived at the island they set up a camp and began searching for patrols routes and gauging their situation, when a nearby patrol wandered too close to camp the team attacked and a fight broke out, the enemies were captured before the battle could draw any attention and it was decided that Ijiri would attempt to intimidate them. This was a bad decision, almost immediately Ijiri slayed the leader of the enemy team in an effort to scare his students into submission, and though it was clear the students were in no position to resist or fight back, they refused to turn their back on their village and declared that they wouldn’t rest until they avenged their sensei. This would lead to the death of the entire squad.   Hanzo left during this exchange, he hadn’t known the victims, and he was no stranger to taking a life, but Ijiri’s method had been cruel and unnecessary, Hanzo couldn’t stand it and left the area hoping to find a chance to think to himself. Unfortunately he was ambushed by another squad of shinobi, and Hanzo had no choice but to fight back, slaying his targets in battle before retreating further from his allies. He had some injuries, nothing too problematic but there was a trail of blood following him from the site of his battle, if he could keep any further patrols from reaching his team all the better.   As he looked for a place to rest Hanzo came upon a cave, within he could sense a malicious chakra that he didn’t dare contend with. Someone dangerous was inside but he wasn’t sure who, he couldn’t recognize their chakra signature but it felt incredibly dark. He was thinking about his options when he realized Kiyoko had joined him. Apparently he had worried the team and they were looking for him. Ijiri would be staying at the campsite with Yoro while the rest of the team moved forward with the mission. Hanzo nodded, and the two spoke shortly, it was clear that Kiyoko had also been disturbed by Ijiri’s actions though Hanzo couldn’t find the words to comfort her. When she took her leave she went straight to the fort and Hanzo stuck by the cave, whoever was here needed to be observed.   As Hanzo watched the cave he noticed a high ranking official from Kirigakure, likely the one in charge of the fort itself, wandered into the cave by himself. This intrigued Hanzo even more, he had expected someone might be meeting here, but why would the leader of the fort need to meet someone so dark, so privately. Were they betraying Kirigakure? Did they have a private affair to deal with? Was Kirigakure making secret alliances with more people? It was too hard to tell, he had to find out, he had to get inside and gather more intelligence, it was the only thing that made sense. He took a deep breath and moved forward, rushing into the cave and hiding immediately. He couldn’t hear anything and began moving further inside only to hear a melodic voice echo off the walls, greeting him before 3 gigantic centipedes shot forward from different paths within the cave.   Hanzo tried to fight the creatures but found himself unable to move, they began relentlessly attacking him and he could tell that they were attempting to capture him alive rather than kill him outright, they slashed at his legs with their pincers, fleeing would be difficult but first he had to break free from whatever technique was paralyzing him. Was it genjutsu? No, there was no illusion to it, it had to be some kind of ninjutsu, it was dark in the cave, was this the work of a Nara? No it couldn’t be that either, the Nara made you copy movements, he was completely restricted in his movements. Sonic waves then? It was possible but he hadn’t heard of anyone using them like this. He groaned in frustration and tried his best to fight the ability binding him but found it useless   It wouldn’t take long before the insects left and the one restraining him appeared. A woman with a torn purple dress, blonde hair and a devious smirk. The woman would go on to torture Hanzo with various genjutsu and try to extract information from him about his purpose there, though he refused to give in even after numerous lashings, a broken arm, bruised ribs and experimental medical techniques being performed that made his organs feel as if they were going to burst. His torture would only be halted when his allies began entering the cave one by one. Watching his allies get trapped one at a time was frustrating beyond belief. Sabishi and Saiyuri had both gotten trapped and Kiyoko was next.   When Kiyoko entered the cave it was clear that there was a purpose in their meeting, Eriku, the woman in purple, was one of Daitan’s subordinates and they were looking to recruit Kiyoko into their group. By leveraging the lives of her team against her Eriku managed to get Kiyoko to accept her terms, and the two departed together. Once again Hanzo had lost someone precious to him due to his own weakness. Curses and swears did nothing to ease his frustration, nor did lashing out at Sabishi and the others. He did swear to get his teammate back, doing so was more vital than anything to him, more important than his pain, than the war, than killing the swordsmen, he would get Kiyoko back.   Aki was alerted by the group and came to assist them quickly, he had allowed them the opportunity to go on a mission without his supervision and they had failed him by dealing with things far beyond their ability. When the shinobi from the mist overheard Aki’s lectures and attempted to attack him, he used it as an opportunity to vent his own frustrations and destroyed the fort with a powerful fire style technique. Hanzo didn’t bother joining the fight, not because of his injuries, he’d fight even if every bone in his body was broken, but Hanzo was experiencing a pain like no other, like acid pumping through his veins and a migraine worse than any he had before. His spirit was breaking, his mental state on the verge of breaking, he found himself standing on the cliffside looking over the waves of the sea, part of him wanted to jump and plunge into the ocean itself.   They returned to HQ shortly afterwards and Hanzo pledged his duties to eliminating Daitan and his entire empire. It was a massive, global empire that wasn’t tied to any singular nation. It was too big to destroy entirely so he had to go after the figureheads, the rest of the low tier scumbags would flock to some other criminals but they’d be dealt with eventually. Eriku had been someone of importance, acting on his behalf, using his name in conversation, she had to be familiar with him. She would die for taking Kiyoko, but he would make sure to extract some intel from her first. Could he infiltrate Daitan’s organization? He could disguise himself and use different abilities but it would take time to make any headway, and Daitan likely had no interest in his abilities, infiltration would be difficult and he wasn’t sure where to begin.   Shortly after returning to HQ the team was surprised with a visit from Ryochi, Kiyoko’s father. He pledged to help take care of Daitan and that he would help end the war between Yukigakure and Kirigakure. Before leaving he would even break the dojutsu seal that was restricting Sabishi’s sharingan, a problem he had been struggling with since they were imprisoned by Kirigakure.   With all of the information Otogakure was making available to the alliance Hanzo began investigating everything he could. Ryochi and Daitan had been allies once, a long time ago and they had conducted many experiments on him to try to unlock his kekkei genkai. Both sides had a history of human experimentation and Ryochi had extensive files on Daitan’s operation, even details on his children. Hanzo poured over as much of the info as he could, investigating Daitan and all of his records, his patterns, his history, every step he made and why he made it. When he ran out of information on Daitan he went to his underlings, notably Eriku. She was his primary target, he would take Daitan out afterwards.   It wasn’t lost on Hanzo that Ryochi was also guilty of crimes, though most of the incriminating information was from long ago and produced good results in the end, Hanzo knew there was much more beneath the surface. Ryochi was just as much of a criminal as Daitan and Hanzo was certain that he was running secret experiments on his people, and likely Kiyoko herself. He wanted a chance to prove it, and hoped for a chance to do so, but Ryochi made for a very valuable ally and he could trust that Ryochi wanted her safe. That made him trustworthy, for now.   Not long after this they would be sent on a mission to Kumogakure, a noble was looking to have some security for a private event in which many other nobles would be present. Once there they would meet with an older orange haired woman named Shirobu Oso, she seemed to be a competent ninja but was obviously crushing on Aki. The mission wasn’t particularly difficult, there were a few small bumps but it ended on decent terms as far as Hanzo was concerned, when they returned to HQ Hanzo was surprised to hear that Shirobu was officially joining the alliance to help them find Kiyoko, she was an expert tracker and though Hanzo disliked the idea of someone joining the team in Kiyoko’s place, he wouldn’t complain about help finding her.   Shortly after Shirobu joined the alliance the team was informed of an attack at a Yukigakure base. Otogakure was being blamed for defective technology and being accused of attacking them directly. This would lead to most of Otogakure’s trade being cut off and a sense of unease, Hanzo noticed this. In one move most of Otogakures aid to the war had been cut off, Kirigakure would benefit heavily from this, were some of the nobles and councilmen being used by Yugaray or Kirigakure. Hanzo had found that Daitan was a member of the mysterious faction and he was well known for manipulating nobles and village leaders. It was possible the council was no different, though proving it would be near impossible.   Hanzo and the rest of team 1 investigated the ruins of the base but found little of use besides a symbol carved into the ground in blood. A circle with an upside down triangle inside it. A symbol of Jashinism according to Sabishi. This made their next discovery even darker. Among the casualties there was a team that had been heading to the base, team Hakura Bokkai, a group they had fought alongside while defending a Yukigakure village from attack, they never arrived and were assumed either captured or killed. This led to the team making a plan with Yukigakure to individually trap and execute the seven swordsmen while stealing their blades and sealing them away, when the swordsmen were dealt with they would take out the mizukage and find someone suitable as a replacement when the time came.   Upon returning to HQ the team would learn two things, Saiuri’s family was coming by on a trip to go make a large sale to a noble in Kumogakure, and that Ijiri had attempted to free the nine tails from its bindings while on guard duty. He was immediately arrested for his crimes, meanwhile Saiyuri had a great visit with her parents along with getting a parting gift as well. Unfortunately they would be attacked on their travels and Hibiki was taken prisoner, with Saiyuri’s parents missing and the only signs around being the jashinist blood symbols on the ground. Hanzo didn’t know a lot about Jashinists except that he hated them, immortal, murderous psychopaths and freaks summed up to epitome of his knowledge on them and though he wasn’t sure how to kill an immortal, he was certain that he would figure it out.   He would get his chance much sooner than expected. Team 1 was requested by Nadeshiko village to provide security and recon their new years festival, many influential people such as nobles, clan heads and even criminal bosses and elites from the various nations. It was determined that Team 1 would provide security during this event, and do their best to keep the peace, with the nation's diminutive military they could not withstand a war against an enemy nation or a major criminal empire, and with many figures in the village they would have no choice but to treat any violence as illegal and punish the perpetrators. They were no to engage with anyone unless absolutely necessary, the celebration is a time of peace, not violence and all are welcome to enjoy it.   During their time here Hanzo found an opportunity to meet with Kiyoko, she had sent him coordinates along with a time for the meeting, she had to be nearby. Upon going to the designated area alone Hanzo would meet with a masked stranger with black hair. It wasn’t enough to fool Hanzo, not the mask, her dyed hair, the new clothes or even the fake voice she used when she talked. He could tell it was Kiyoko immediately. The two talked for as long as they could, Kiyoko claimed to be working on a way out from Daitan but also mentioned having unfinished business with him, she had to keep working for him but she would escape, Hanzo offered his services but instead all that was requested was that he keep team 1 away for the time being, he reluctantly accepted, certain that she had her reasons for requesting such a thing..   When Kiyoko left Hanzo returned to his team and found that some of Daitan’s underlings had been spotted hiding in a warehouse. If they could go in, take down the enemies and kidnap the leader they could probably find where Kiyoko was being kept. As they discussed their situation Hanzo recalled his conversation with Kiyoko just minutes before. He was certain that she would be angry if they interfered, but she could be angry with him all she wanted back at HQ if it meant that she got away from that monster and came back where things were safe. Ultimately he couldn’t pass up the opportunity.   As they prepared for battle one of the enemies appeared behind them but was swiftly captured. He claimed his name was Katsu and that he had no issues with the alliance, though nobody in the team took him seriously. Quickly the battle began as Hanzo found himself face to face with Atem, the jashinist who killed his allies. The two fought an even paced battle with Atem gaining the advantage as the battle wore on, dark, evil chakra enveloped him as he shifted from man to demon. Hanzo was knocked unconscious by one of the blasts from the beast and when he awoke several hours later he was informed that Eriku and most of her team had escaped, but that one of them had been caught along with Katsu.   The downside was that the leader of Nadeshiko Village was very angry with them for creating such a public fight during a peaceful time. It was determined that team 1 would offer up two people in exchange for the captured prisoners. Hanzo and Yoro were the two chosen, Hanzo would be sent to Daitan as an offering while Yoro was sent to the Nezu Mafia in exchange for Katsu. This didn’t matter much to Hanzo, in fact it fit his plan perfectly, he had gotten his way to Daitan’s empire, and now all he had to do was kill all those who got in his way. He gave Sabishi a scroll he had sealed Nuibari into as he prepared for his roll. He was certain he would see Sabishi again and that he would rescue Kiyoko.   He was fully aware of what he was heading into, this move would start a game of strategy, it wasn’t checkers or shogi but 3 dimensional chess with each turn being a high risk move. He was confident in his skills, he could best some grunts, he could show some skill, and he could tell Daitan what he wanted to hear. He knew what Daitan wanted more than anything else, information, intelligence, Daitan was searching for something and Hanzo knew he had intel Daitan would want, so to him, even this high risk game of life or death was simple, it held no fear in his heart. Daitan was smart, but Hanzo was stubborn, even if he made a mistake he would rebound from it and continue moving forward, and if he had to he would kill whoever got in his way, but he wouldn’t be going forward as Hanzo Rigeki, Swordsman of the mist, no he would need a new identity and he already had plans in mind.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Youngest member of the seven swordsmen of the mist in history.   Graduated as top of class B in the last blood mist exam.   Participated in Rengetsu Hozuki's last battle.

Mental Trauma

Hanzo is deeply scarred by the memory of his parents' murder and his time ever since he graduated from the academy. During his time with the seven swordsmen he would often have to partake in terrible missions or gruesome training far above his abilities and would spend great lengths of time injured or recovering, though despite being only a child there would still be shinobi pursuing the blade, looking to take it from the child and join the swordsmen before someone stronger came along to claim it, so even when injured or training Hanzo would have to flee from battles to survive or find new tricks to survive.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hanzo is intelligent and has a keen awareness of traps and finding weaknesses in enemies or strongholds. Hanzo hides his intelligence, not intentionally but he believes little of it and only believes himself to be a simple strategist.

Morality & Philosophy

Hanzo believes that none should suffer simply for being alive, that status, wealth and nobility should not determine a person's quality of life. Unforunately the world does not operate on beliefs.   Hanzo has killed and knows that one day he will be killed in turn, while he has no qualms with this he also believes its a shame for the young to die, those that die young never get to see their full potential.   Hanzo would kill an innocent in cold blood if it meant achieving his goal, this is not because he enjoys such acts but believes that sacrifice is needed to achieve one's goals. This is something the mist has brought their students to believe.




Kiyoko Akemi

Crush (Important)

Towards Hanzo Rigeki



Hanzo Rigeki

Crush (Important)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi




Kiyoko Akemi first met Hanzo Rigeki during a mission to find a group of rogues from the mist who had taken to the animal sanctuary within Otogakure. Because of this, many of the wild life had been slowly hunted down, including the sacred white stags. Team 1 had made themselves hidden for a prolonged stake out until Hanzo, the youngest swordsman of the mist, came across them, leading the group of rogues who turned out to be civilians. The civilians dispersed in different directions fearfully, while Hanzo battled Team 1. Eventually, he was apprehended and returned to HQ with the team. It was there that he was told he could be forced back to Kiri or stay and work for the Alliance, to which he reluctantly accepted the latter option. At first, Hanzo was tense and aggressive towards everyone else, insulting and trying to find ways of harming them. It took some time before he and Kiyoko would stop arguing as often and begin finding common interests and spoke on more friendly terms. As time continued forward, the Kiyoko found herself feeling an odd sensation in her face and stomach when around him, which eventually turned into her heart racing while talking with him, and somehow keeping a straight face. Whenever Kiyoko left the team, she worried the most about Hanzo, seeing how harmed his body had already been made by Daitan's underling.

Relationship Reasoning

Team mates

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both enjoy hiking   both spend time doing hobbies together that they enjoy   They both have water style chakra.   They both smoke giggle bush.   The two of them like to mess with the rest of the team in minorly annoying ways.   Both like pulling pranks.

Shared Secrets

Shared Acquaintances

Sabishi Uchiha, Saiyuri Shima, Yoro Hatake, Hibiki Shima, Aki Hiro, Ijiri, Meiji Nii.

Hanzo Rigeki

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Sabishi Uchiha



Sabishi Uchiha

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Hanzo Rigeki




Hanzo was leading a small group of rogue civilians from Kirigakure into a hidden animal sanctuary within Otogakure. The group made their presence known after they began killing the local wildlife. Because of this Team 1 was sent in to investigate where the eventually found Hanzo and his group. The alliance launched an attack on them in an attempt to apprehend the poachers and rogue swordsmen. Hanzo, however didn't go down so easily, fighting the members of team 1 on his own until defeated. With his failure set in stone, the alliance took the young man to their base, where they gave him one of two options: one- return to Kirigakure with an escort and continue to serve as a swordsman should you not face a fate worse than death. Two- Join the Shinobi Alliance and serve their cause, spreading peace amongst all nations and lands. Hanzo was reluctant, but accepted the invitation to join the alliance. As he adjusted to his new living arrangements, Sabishi was the first of the team to extend kindness towards Hanzo Rigeki, doubting that anger was all that could be of his personality. Hanzo reacted aggressively to Sabishi's attempts at first, turning away his offer of friendship and claiming that he was only there for a short time. However, as Hanzo stayed longer, Sabishi eventually found a way of bonding with the swordsman: combat and training. Sabishi has since then endured torturous and constant training forced onto him from Hanzo on a day to day basis. Through these means, Hanzo became close with Sabishi as comrades. Hanzo now also trains Sabishi to wield his fallen swordsman's blades, which leaves Hanzo feeling an odd mix of emotions, though their bond seems to stay strong.

Nicknames & Petnames


Relationship Reasoning

Hanzo was made to join the alliance or return to kiri.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

swordsmanship   swords   nature   walks   training   combat

Shared Acquaintances

Aki Hiro, Kiyoko Akemi, Saiyuri Shima, Yoro Hatake, Meiji Nii, Ijiri, Shirobu Oso

Hanzo Rigeki

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Ijiri




Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Hanzo Rigeki




Ijiri and Hanzo first met at the chunin exams after Ijiri had been speaking with Sabishi Uchiha regarding his capabilities in combat. Hanzo immediately felt that Ijiri was too childish and idiotic to be classified even as a genin. This opinion shortly sparked the flame of hatred for Hanzo. The two have always had small competitions between missions, talking down on each other's combat abilities and other miniscule things. After some time, Hanzo declared Ijiri a personal rival who needed some sense knocked into him. For now, Ijiri will have to wait for that beating as he is imprisoned for trying to remove the seals from the nine-tails prison.

Relationship Reasoning

team mates

Shared Acquaintances

Sabishi Uchiha, Kiyoko Akemi, Saiyuri Shima, Yoro Hatake, Aki Hiro, Meiji Nii.

Hanzo Rigeki

rival (Trivial)

Towards Kaigen Kaguya



Kaigen Kaguya

rival (Trivial)

Towards Hanzo Rigeki




Hanzo and Kaigen first met back in the academy days before splitting into separate classes. Kaigen was the top of his class, and the same applies to Hanzo. This resulted in the two becoming natural enemies. The academy students would do their best to out maneuver one another in combat, carelessly launching dangerous attacks unto each other. Often times these conflicts resulted in ties, only further infuriating themselves as well as their counterpart. As time passed Hanzo left Kiri and joined the Shinobi Alliance. The next time he would see His rival, Kaigen, would be during the chunin exams where a brutal assault took place between both parties and their teams. The combat left most of Team 1 in a state of rough condition, however managing to make their way through the exams anyways. Since then, whenever Hanzo has seen Kaigen, the two have viciously attacked each other in an attempt to overpower the other.

Relationship Reasoning

Both were top students in the academy

Hanzo Rigeki

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Saiyuri Shima



Saiyuri Shima

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Hanzo Rigeki




Hanzo has known Saiyuri just as long as he's known the other members of Team 1. The two of them work together on the same team, however, neither really seem to get along with the other. The pair is often found arguing about random things.

Relationship Reasoning

Team members

Shared Acquaintances

Kiyoko Akemi, Sabishi Uchiha, Aki Hiro, Yoro Hatake, Meiji Nii, Meiko Roshi, Asami Yuki, Naomi Yuki, Ijiri

Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Fighting in war with Kirigakure.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
The son of Tonzo Rigeki of the seven swordsmen, hanzo's birth was celebrated by the people of the mist.
Current Residence
Room 8, hall A of Alliance HQ residential floor 1
Sharp, blue
Long, spiky, sandy brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, minor scars,
Will of water.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Plots

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