Underboss Bariku Nezu

Name: Bariku Nezu. Known Aliases: Underboss Bariku, Underboss Bari, Bari. Rank: B-4. Bounty: 10,000 ryo. XP: 7,500.   Wanted by: Kusagakure. Crime: ???. Specialty: AOE. Nationality: Kusagakure. Last seen: Kusagakure.   Description: 30's, short dark hair, confident, headstrong, prideful, aggressive. Wears expensive suits, shaded glasses and dark gloves at all times.   Companions: Don Mikei Nezu, Nezu Boss Kazuya Kusuke, Underboss Lio Hokoro, Underboss Reiko Zera.   Known Allies: Nezu Mafia.   Known Enemies: Yakuza, Kusagakure.   Weapons: B, knuckles, melee, + 13, 5d6+13 bludgeoning. Armor: B, light armor, +5 AC. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: Animal combat. kinjutsu, taijutsu. Chakra nature: Earth. AC: 27. (22.)   Max HP: 257. (329.) Hit die: 18d8+185. Chakra die: 17d10+185. Max chakra capacity: 270. (355.) Speed: 50ft. Initiative: 2 + dex mod.   Actions: 4 Major, 4 minor, 4 reaction, 4 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 36.   Power: 20, +5. Dexterity: 16, +3. Charisma: 18, +4. Wisdom: 16, +3. Intelligence: 16, +3.   Fighting style: Close combat. Save DC: 14 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Piercing, bludgeoning, slashing. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 3.   Critical Targeting: You may lower the die requirement for critical hits by 1. (if it was 20, 19's on the die now count as crits) Those who are struck by one of your critical hits lose 10ft of movement.   First Impact: When you make an unarmed strike, you can choose to instead deal thunder damage. When you do this, you deal double damage to objects and structures.   Greedy Strikes: When the user makes a melee attack against an enemy, siphon chakra equal to 1/10th the total damage done (minimum of 1).   Techniques known: 46.   E: 10. 3 hit combo, Beast fury strikes, Dynamic action, Eye jab, Night Shade, Payback, Repulsion jutsu, Tail Whip, Road House, Tunneling fang,   D: 12. 5 hit combo, Beast combo strike, Dark Pulse, Double impact wolf fang, Dynamic marking, Hidden Power, Low Kick, Pimp slap jutsu, Repeated beast strike, Rhythm Echo, Seismic Toss, Shattering Palm,   C: 14. 10 hit combo, Bear claw strike, Claw Blitz, Darkness Wave, Fang over fang, Flying claw, Fox Hunt, Heaven Collapse, Heaven Twin Fang, Infernal Parade, Iron Tail, Leech slip, Low blow, Slobber knocker,   B: 10. 20 hit combo, Absolute fang over fang, Dropkick, Fang Missile, Gonzui, Nutbreaker Rising Bomber, Spear, Spirit Shackle,   A: ???.   S: ???.


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