Underboss Reiko Zera

Name: Reiko Zera. Known Aliases: Underboss Reiko. Rank: B-5. Bounty: 7,500. XP: 5,000.   Wanted by: Kusagakure. Crime: ???. Specialty: Crowd control. Nationality: Kusagakure. Last seen: Kusagakure.   Description: A tall woman with short, black hair, blue eyes and a muscular body. She is typically seen wearing battle skirts and matching tops.   Companions: Don Mikei Nezu, Nezu Boss Kazuya Kusuke, Underboss Lio Hokoro, Underboss Bariku Nezu.   Known Allies: Nezu Mafia.   Known Enemies: Yakuza, Kusagakure.   Weapons: B, tanto, melee, +20, 3d6+20 slashing. Armor: B, light armor, +5 AC. Equipment: 5 B rank puppets, 3 C rank, 4 D rank, 3 E rank.   Known Abilities: Space-time, Puppetry. Chakra nature: Fire. AC: 27. (22.)   Max HP: 250. (335.) Hit die: 17d10+165. Chakra die: 16d8+165. Max chakra capacity: 229. (293.) Speed: 50ft. Initiative: +12.   Actions: 4 Major, 4 minor, 4 reaction, 4 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 34.   Power: 10. Dexterity: 20, +5. Charisma: 14, +2. Wisdom: 18, +4. Intelligence: 22, +6.   Fighting style: AOE. Save DC: 14 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Toxic, poisoned, charmed. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 3.   Always Ready: The user gains advantage on initiative checks and may take a full turn in combat when surprised by enemies.   Twin Cast: When using a technique that targets a single foe or uses a line range the user can select a second target that is also hit.   Ricochet Rounds: When you make an attack roll with a ranged or thrown weapon, you can choose to reroll the attack roll against a different target within 30 feet of the original target.   Techniques known: 42.   E: 10. Air raid, Chakra string technique, Gravity Push, Manipulating assault blades, Puppet chakra shield, Puppet Scatter Shot, Reflex Dilution technique, Weak portal creation, Weapons Left, Zone of Death   D: 12. Air raid shot, Gravity Increase, Life Revitalization Technique, Poison Dust Cloud, Poison Senbon Stream, Puppet Flame Burst, Puppet Inexhaustible Explosive Blades, Puppet Master Jutsu, Sticky Chakra Threads, Time pause, Time skip, Weapons Right,   C: 12. Acid Downpour, Aging Touch, Crushing weight Technique, Gravity Removal, Human-puppet Master Jutsu, Pair of Puppets Explosive Combo, Poison Mist Hell, Puppet May Rain, Revolving Blade Puppet Drill, Time stasis, Weapons Center, Zero Gravity,   B: 8. Aging Sphere, Breath of The Damned, Greater puppet master jutsu, Higa Zekko, Mass gravity increase, Puppet Blade Box, Puppet Razor Slice, Time stop,   A: ???.   S: ???.


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